Mysidia Adoptables v1.3.0 Beta is available now...

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Hall of Famer

Staff member
Dec 15, 2008
United States
Mysidian Dollar
Well it is been a long time everyone, I apologize for the slowness of progress for the past few months. The work of Mys staff team lately is somewhat oriented towards re-organizing the files, codes and any other aspects of the script in order for it to further expand into a bigger project. It turns out to be quite time-consuming, when it comes down to re-structuring the database, admin.php/functions.php files. But anyway, the beta version of Mys v1.3.0 is available now and all of you are encouraged to download it and try on your site. Please report any glitches you find, we try to fix them before the security release at next weekend.

New Features:
1. Items and Itemshops: I bet lots of you have been waiting to see this for a long while now, and yes the itemshop is working as good as it can be. Admins can create/edit items and shops and have your members buy, sell, use, toss or even trade items. The item functions will come in handy, the beta release has six default functions(Key, Valuable, Level1, Click1, Breed1 and Alt1), and the number will increase to 13-14 by the security release.

2. User Profile Redesign with Tabs: Have to say I spent quite a bit of time on this, but fortunately it works out nicely. The new profile design definitely gives a better look, and its importance will be more noticeable in future as user profile field expands. A long profile page will not suffice, and thus tabbed profile will prove its worth.

3. CK Editor for Custom Pages/Articles and Shoutbox: Thanks to Fadilzzz's hard work, the CK Editor is integrating nicely with Mysidia Adoptables. For now admins can create pages with CK Editor, and members can also get a feel of how amazing it is through the usage of shoutbox. I wanted to use it for PM too, but it does not work for some reason.

4. Dropdown Navtabs: Thanks to Nyxi's spectacular design, the drop down menu is present on Mysidia Adoptables now. Again the usefulness of Dropdown menu will be more evident with more and more features are added to this script. If you find one long navtab unable to display everything you want for your site, this dropdown navtabs will do.

5. Security Improvements: Starting from Mys v1.2.3 we've been attempting to make this script more secure. The introduction of new password encryption approach with a combination of md5, sha1 and sha512 prove to be fruitful. The cookie setting was also modified in a way that unencrypted password is no longer stored in cookies. Mys v1.3.0 takes one step further by introducing user-dependent 'salt' and hard-coded 'pepper' into the encryption approach. Form validation further eliminates risks of SQL injection and inspect element/firebug's cheating.

6. New ACP interface and features: Nyxi re-designed the new interface of ACP, and I personally like it a lot. Though have to say it is not finalized yet, as the dev staff have new plans for the ACP overhaul that will be available in Mys v1.4.x. The integration of ACP with itemshop is completed, and it is possible to ban an individual user's permission to trade, shop or send messages.

*7. MyBB forum integration(not available in Beta): The dev staff team decides to give a try on MyBB integration with Mysidia Adoptables, since Bloodrun's simple forum engine is gone for good(megaupload...). The progress has been rather satisfactory and the integration is almost completed. It will be available in the security release, but not in this beta release.

8. Further Script Improvement/Optimization and Bug fixes: Well this is not news any longer, we improve old scripts everytime a new version is about to be released. We also focus on reorganizing the script and script files since the old way it was turned out to be difficult or even impossible for further development to continue. This did take a while, but hopefully we've done the right thing.

Installation Guide:
1. Use ftp to Upload the entire folder Mysidia Adoptables v1.3.0 Beta to your preferred directory, and change the name to whatever you like.
2. Change the CMD of folder "picuploads" to 777, together with its subfolders, this is required to enable user uploading images.
3. Access the installer script at "", follow the instructions and proceed.
4. Congrats, you've successfully installed Mys v1.3.0. There is no need to manually encrypt your password in Mys v1.3.0, so cheers!

Note: The value pepper code can be generated from a website called:, it can be of any length and may contain symbols. Make sure to delete the file install.php after running this script, or your site is potentially at danger if this file is accessed by someone else.

Note: An upgrader from mys v1.2.x is not yet available, and there is no way to update user passwords even if it will be available someday. For members currently using Mys v1.2.x, you will have to force all of your users to update their passwords manually when the day comes.

Download Links(both .rar and .zip are provided):



Again I appreciate all of you who stayed with me and Mysidia Adoptables when we've made little promises like we did before. Life as a senior is difficult but I try to survive. I can say the same to the other dev staff such as Nyxi and Fadillzzz. This script is nothing without supporters and users, so I owe you all big thanks here.

Hall of Famer
Awesome, just downloaded it, I'll set it up and let you know if I come across any bugs ;D
Amazing :)
But I not gone use it already, I'll wait for the full version ;P
My thoughts right now: OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG.

I love you all so much. *goes to download*

Wait, just read the part with the upgrader - does this mean we'll have to reconstruct our sites from scratch? I'm fine with that, since there is a lot of junk on the old one, but it is a pity to have to move so much data. seems that, for some reason, there is no "admuploadpic.php" file within the directory "admincp". Anyone else encounter this, or should I just try re-uploading the .zip file..?
@Gloometh: There will be an upgrader, just that it will not be able to update your users passwords in any ways. So if you upgrade in future once I release an upgrader, tell all of your users to change passwords.

@Iris-Spider: Oh my mistake, forgot to include that admuploadpic.php to /admincp directory. The old admuploadpic.php should still work, just move it to the new directory that contains ACP files. Lemme know if it doesnt, so I will fix it for the security release.
@HOF is there a projected date for the upgrader? I am fine redoing my site, but if it's within the month, I won't bother and I'll just wait.

The site seems wonderful so far! I came across a few small things, but nothing major so far - it appears to work perfectly.

During my test drive, I did come across a few things though;

> There is no link back to your site from the ACP (on the stats it has some links, but it was always nice going directly to my homepage from anywhere in the acp)

> While testing an item (which works fine), I came across this: "By using Plushie, the adoptable's total number of clicks has raised by 25
And moreover, it has gained a new level!0 1" <-- Not sure what the 0 1 means.

> When attempting to change the theme to the "green" one, I was presented with a white page - elements was fine, however.

> Changing the default theme in the ACP still doesn't work.

> The editor in the ACP create a new page is partially hidden under the sidebar. (but it still works fine)

Otherwise, I can't see any problems. I only just uploaded a test site though, since my normal host is glitching on me. I may come across some more things later.
Well the upgrader will be available about 2-3 weeks later. It is possible to manually upgrade if you have the right knowledge though, since the trick usually is involved with updating database tables and columns.

Thanks for bringing them up, Gloometh. The ACP is designed in a way not to link back to the site, but sure I know what you are saying and will consider the suggestion for security release.

The CKEditor indeed has a small part of it hidden behind the sidebar, unfortunate, and I will talk to Nyxi for a possible solution about this.

About items... lol my apologies, forgot to remove these dummy variables for debugging purposes. XD Here 0 means the previous level and 1 means the next level. I will be sure to remove them for the security release, but if they bother you so much I will upload a new inventory.php later tonight.

Regarding the themes... Only the theme 'main' is supposed to work with the drop down menu at this point. Havent tried to integrate the theme 'green' with dropdown navtabs yet but I have it included since I may end up doing this.

About changing themes, I will see if I can resolve that one too. Again thx for bringing things up so I know what need to be fixed and improved for the security release.
Oh, none of them bother me really. xD I just brought them up. I can probably worm my way through and delete them - and I'm otherwise fine about waiting for later. I can change them if they bug me later.

I can have a go at manually upgrading, which is probably what I'll do. I mean, I just need to reinsert all of the user and pet data into the site, right? Everything else is easy enough to recreate. Members won't notice the difference. xD

EDIT: also - default text for the editor. Can that be removed?
Last edited:
Viewing profile.php?user=whatever causes:
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

Adding new themes via AdminCP still bugged. Says the destination is wrong even though it is correct.

Just a slight nitpick but the templates folder is full of junk and unused themes. Needs to be cleaned.

Other then then those everything seems to be in order.
Okay then, it is your call. I usually get rid of these debug variables before releasing a new version, guess lack of sleep was the cause of me not doing it this time. XD

To manually upgrade this time is somewhat tricky. I have split the table prefix.adoptables into two and prefix.users into five. You may download a copy of your old database table backup for these two tables, then open them with notepad++. Find and edit the lines prefix.adoptables into prefix.adoptables_conditions, and prefix.users into prefix.users_contacts, prefix_users_options, prefix_users_profile and prefix_users_status(save them in each separate file to import). This way you have multiple identical database tables under different names after you import them. The very last thing to do is to add new columns and get rid of old columns that do not make sense in each table. I know it sounds complicated, but hopefully you get what I am saying.

I've never had problems with user profiles. Are you sure this is not an issue on your side? I tried it on Firefox, GoogleChrome and IE(64bit), and nothing went wrong.
I think I understand what needs to be done there - I was thinking over how to do it, and that was how I was going to anyway - I'll give it a try once my host is back up and running.

I tried that and didn't get an issue either - but I only had one user on my site, maybe it needs more.
Well I never got a HTTP error 500 with however many users on my site. I guess the script works fine, perhaps Infernal's webhost has a problem?

And btw, I like to check out suggestion threads on MA to see what other features an adoptables script can possibly offer. The only problem is that the ideas are scattered into several threads/posts and is therefore difficult to navigate. If anyone of you want to make any suggestions, feel free doing so.
Would you like me to go through and collect a bunch of ideas in one main suggestion thread? I love organizing - and I have a pretty good idea of what is in scripts and what isn't, so I can go pretty far back, see what people wanted. Would that help?
Would you like me to go through and collect a bunch of ideas in one main suggestion thread? I love organizing - and I have a pretty good idea of what is in scripts and what isn't, so I can go pretty far back, see what people wanted. Would that help?

Sure thing, Id appreciate this. Some will help for an official release, others may be too specific/customized and thus will be better off as addons/mods. But either way it will be beneficial to this script, Id like to see what an adoptables script can possibly offer.
HOF, I posted this in Gloometh's suggestion thread...but would it be possible to add this by the security release..?:
Make it so there can be multiple adoptable pet stores, and then, when creating a new pet, users can assign the pet to one of the currently existing Pet shops. I believe you already have this available for the Items, so hopefully it wouldn't be hard for the pets..? Or at least a mod..?

Well, thanks for reading ;D
As Iris already mentioned, I finished the thread. It's probably slightly obsessive... heehee.

Oh, got a question - when will there be a v3 mod forum? I have a mod I'd like to release once I test it with v3.
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