Yeah, those old days. XD Back in 2009 I was just a beginner coder, I used to spend money on my site too for customization, there was a programmer who helped me out a lot. I became much better in 2010 after playing around with the script, and in 2011 I was able to code most things after taking this over from BMR. Id say this script made me a better programmer, the best way to learn is to have a real-world example to practice. XD
And thanks for saying this, I appreciate it very much. ^^ Yeah I do realize this script does not look much like Rusnak Adoptables any longer, and in Mys v1.3.3 the difference will be even greater. I think you can upgrade so long as you have not touched the core script, you may want to work on pet design for now. If you want to know more about the future plans, you may look up the thread in dev staff zone to see what will happen to Mys v1.3.4 and v1.4.0, the two future versions currently in planning. XD