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Milly Money
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  • Hello, I was hoping you might could help me with an error I've been getting with the merge mod please. I posted in your thread the error.
    Milly Money
    Milly Money
    I'm so sorry I was off from here a really long time.

    Check the forum and you'll see I posted an entire new setup :)
    Okay :D thanks! I'll take a lot, haha.
    Milly Money
    Milly Money
    I think it will work well for you, just be sure to start from scratch!
    Hello! I was just curious about something about that "trinket" mod you made! Is it possible to assign a certain item to any slot selected? I've been working on adding a a set of radio buttons and a submit button for a user to select what slot to put a trinket in, but I don't know how to display the form and get it to send the information to the rest of the code at the same time. :3
    Sorry to pester you again! Would you mind deleting your first two posts on the stat mod thread? Sorry, I ran out of posts. XP
    Hello! I caught some issues with the code I posted for the second part of the guide! I have another problem now though... I need more reserved posts. o_O
    In that case, would you mind deleting some of your posts for me? Thanks so much! :D
    I see, this seems rather strange. You are lucky that I happen to be online right now, so if you are available on YIM I am ready for a chat. ^^
    it's happening on some threads, and not on others! I was trying to reply to some of the questions and got that error kick up! Tried three different browsers and same deal! I'll go try again, though, if you checked it then I don't know. I can access reading everything fine, it's when I try to post!

    Thanks for looking into it, and btw I am on YIM right now again, I haven't seen you on at all but I'll keep trying! :)
    umm does this happen to you everytime you try to make a post? Its strange though, I checked your forum permission and it did not appear to have anything wrong with the settings. Can you post a screenshot of the error message when you get a chance?

    Umm I am sure I've been online for the past few days, anyway hope to speak to you soon. ^^
    I see, I am sorry I am a bit busy since yesterday. I will see what I can do to help you, but it may take some time.
    I see, and yeah I think I understand how the breeding system of yours work out. And sure you can send me the files if you are struggling with something, but keep in mind that I will be busy until Thursday night.

    I will PM you my YIM account later, hope to talk to you soon Anna.
    it's the_shezoo yeahhh -- whats your name and I will add you too! I don't think I'm invisible but I'll double check!! Thanks, I will get to work on this again! :)
    Yes it can be blank if it does not have any lang vars, although Id say its better to place lang vars in array format in these lang files since this way you decouple the content of presentation layer away from your business logic.

    You definitely can, its up to you. ^^

    No worries, and btw are you sure the YIM contact you gave me was correct? I dont see you online lol.
    I see, I will add you now. ^^

    Thats cool, you are quicker than I thought Anna, cant wait to see more.

    Well you need to create a lang file called lang_filename.php in the folder lang, the filename should be identical to the file you are creating.
    Again thank you so much for such awesome words. ^^ I try to make this script as useful and customizable as possible. It makes me feel accomplished seeing people use Mysidia Adoptables to build their site. Not mentioning this is also a good learning experience for me, I've gotten way way better as a programmer.

    Okay sure, enjoy dinner Anna. There are definitely a lot of things to look at. XD

    And if you dont mind me asking, do you have an IM contact? I can use AIM, MSN, Skype and YIM all fine, so lemme know whatever you get. ^^
    Thanks for saying this Anna, glad you like what I've been doing lately. Hopefully your computer will work out for ya, it can be frustrating at times. XD

    Thats cool, it will definitely help with someone who can code. ^^ Considering most users here now are noncoders, I am sure they will all appreciate every little thing you do.

    Yeah, you are right, things are getting better for us. And again thanks you for saying these, you kinda make me blush already. XD
    Yeah, those old days. XD Back in 2009 I was just a beginner coder, I used to spend money on my site too for customization, there was a programmer who helped me out a lot. I became much better in 2010 after playing around with the script, and in 2011 I was able to code most things after taking this over from BMR. Id say this script made me a better programmer, the best way to learn is to have a real-world example to practice. XD

    And thanks for saying this, I appreciate it very much. ^^ Yeah I do realize this script does not look much like Rusnak Adoptables any longer, and in Mys v1.3.3 the difference will be even greater. I think you can upgrade so long as you have not touched the core script, you may want to work on pet design for now. If you want to know more about the future plans, you may look up the thread in dev staff zone to see what will happen to Mys v1.3.4 and v1.4.0, the two future versions currently in planning. XD
    Thats great. XD Yeah, there havent been new mods released here lately, most of the members here nowadays aint coders. When you think about it, the old rusnak adoptables script was really bad. It was almost unusable without mods, but for this reason most people who were using the script were able to code lots of things. Nowadays a noncoder can use this script just fine, so Id say it signifies an improvement of the script's quality? XD

    Yeah its gonna be spring break, even for graduate students. ^^ My big plans? Well there aint gonna be much HW, so I will concentrate more on team projects. Of course my biggest plans are all for this script, you will see Mys v1.3.3 being released, and if I have more time I may release a few mods too. I've had a couple in mind, such as Evolution and Alchemy script.
    Ah I see, thats good to know. Glad you have upgraded your computer and get a chance to visit this place. ^^

    Well if you are starting up a new site, Id recommend you to look at silverdragontear's two adoptables sites. They have been quite successful, so yeah with this script its totally possible to build popular adoptables sites. XD

    I'm fine, spring break begins next Friday and I plan to release the next version of this script in about a week. You can read my blogs to find out whats going on lately.
    Hi there Anna, are you still struggling with your site's popularity. Id recommend you to get to know Silverdragontears and discuss with her on how to popularize an adoptables site. Adding features is part of it, but not all.
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