Felkyo creatures

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Hi guys, just warning you a little in advance theres a pet coming out for the date 11/11/11! Just like the one from last year on the 10/10/10 day. :) If you want to check it out theres details in the time keeper book in the library, or you can wait and be surprised tomorrow. ;)

hey, nice sprite work! I appreciate the animation too~
I'm very sorry about all the downtime I had due to a serious lack of working laptops, but through some christmas miracle the loreuna has a new location! Its nice and cold and has a new huge kind of pet waiting for a warm hug! I'd put more presentation into this, but its 5am on christmas eve! So I hope you all have a great christmas later! ^_^

Hi! I know I've been off a lot lately, and I'm sorry about that, January is apparently a busy time for me. >.<' But I still had some time to celebrate the Chinese new year, and I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the food and fireworks in one way or another! Though you can also enjoy it with a new pet, the Weilong, a lucky dragon for any zodiac sign. :) And for anyone wondering I am still planning to come back and hit the site hard later on maybe next month. I'm also desperately trying to find good coders or good artists to help me out and tidy up the site! PLEASE let me know if anyone knows any of those that may want to help. >.<

Hi guys, sorry I appear to have gotten sucked into warcraft a bit recently. >.>' I knew I shouldnt have renewed my account... anyway I need help! Firstly I need a good programmer I can work with on some little problems and large challenges! But I dont know where to ask for one, and I have a feeling most would like to be paid instead of doing it for the fun or practice. >.>' So does anyone know somewhere to post to try and find a nice programmer?

And secondly I'm working on some puzzles and need some input on them. :D One is based on tarot cards and spotting little details, so you may need a magnifying glass for this one... though one of my testers suggested blowing up the cards so people could actually have a chance of seeing details... but I love my tiny cards. D: So what do you all think?

Can you spot the wolf, the tigers and the turtle? The empress and the turtle world card still need shading.

And theres also going to be a sort of crossword, I've faded the words into the background a bit to help though. ^_^ I've thought of just leaving the partly faded letters and see if people can figure them out, or maybe I should put clues underneath as well, I dont know. I was also thinking of having a hard and easy option for those that wanted a bit more of a challenge on these, maybe the easy one had clues and the hard one was just the picture? Or if their easy enough to read and guess maybe I should just have the easy one less faded and the hard one very faded? What does anyone think about that? all the crosswords have different themes by the way, and theres a lot more than these two...

coastal crossword

hard to see star crossword

easier star crossword

I also have some cypher and symbol translating puzzles with pretty pictures and themes, but their pretty straight forward so I think I'll just put them up when its all ready. ^_^ Please give me some tips and help! I'll take anything! XD
And in a random spur of missing this site I decided to update it all to be in the right season, which mean the header changed and the Vieren in Gywnren forest have changed over to their spring version. ^_^ If anyone would prefer to have their Vieren in the order of the seasons you'll have to pm me for a winter one, I havent had time to sort out the shop stock yet... and I'm pleased to have been able to figure out how to get the same website icon/favicon that was next to the web address in the forum on all the site pages! Now you can tell the Felkyo pages apart from all other sites with the exclusive little butterfly cat symbol. ;P Maybe I can try tackling some other things later...
And finally I managed to get another guild pet finished! I struggled with the coding on the guild quest, but thanks to a helpful person we got it done. :) The newest pet is a Psimau, you can read about it in the library guild book, or you can try and get one here; http://felkyo.darkbb.com/h84-recreation-centre-foyer This one isnt as easy as just clicking links though, but have fun! ^_^ Its a taster of what I have planned from some fun on the side and it'll expand a bit when I have time later.

On the spur of the moment the location of the town has changed again! Go to the library and check out the Loreuna update paper to see what new place and pet are out there. ;) And dont forget the Easter pet is out in the Felkyo shop too!

The site looks really great, you are armed with such amazing artistic skills and I hope your project will get ever successful.
Alright its been a long time since I gave an update, but thats because I've been busy working on things. ;P I've got various ideas, most of which I hope to finish or put into action in the upcoming week. This isnt just pets either! The map has also been finished (finally), so you can click on any of the areas and be taken to its page, though I havent added the new pets just yet... But I do have a new pet, this one has been popular for some reason even while it was being made! XD Which is odd since it promotes unluckiness... Yep this is a friday the 13th pet! Its both cute, beautiful and evil, which makes a fun combo... Its only out on this Friday in the main Felkyo shop, then it'll be back some Fridays next year. However the shop stock will be taking some in if anyone wants to buy it before that, but remember the stocks limited!

(The sites server is currently down, if its not back up later I will extend the event. Maybe this is the result of making an unlucky pet on Friday the 13th. ;P )

And I have an interesting new update! I've created a special type of bottled pet that you have to hunt to find throughout the Loreuna map. Theres 13 altogether so you'll have to get hunting if you want to find them all! ;)

The Felkyo has finally hit summer! (We never have summer where I live so its a bit late here lol) The banners changed, the summer Vieren is out in the woodland portal, and theres a new feature in your pets manage page. If you check out the explore option now available to all pets you can choose to take that pet to the beach! Theres not any stat change involved with this at the minute, (though pets happily purr and shiver when you mouse over them here so they must like it!) but there is a new little pet on the beach you might want to pick up. ;) The Loreuna location will hopefully change tomorrow if everything goes smoothly so there'll be a new pet there too... When I rain down updates and new pets I make it pour. >:) Also I might be absent for most of August, so I'm getting it all done now. o.o'

The entrance page has gotten a bit more high tech too making it easier to Follow or Like the site, so lets see how many people there are out there. :)

Also I hope these updates arent spam, let me know if I should push all these into one post!
The updates aint spams at all, I enjoy witnessing Mysidia Sites taking off. Good luck with your progress Ruinily.
Thanks Hall of Famer! :D

Now the Loreuna town has finally moved again, to the nice beach available in the pets explore option. This new pet is one of my favourites that I've been planning for a while, so I hope everyone else loves it too! Just go to the Update newspaper in the library and follow the links as usual. ;)

Also if anyone is really struggling with finding the bottles hidden in the map private message me know so I can check on them, or at least tell you which area they are in. ^_^

Click me!​
Wow I took too long a break... But I'm back again with a new pet! Hopefully closely followed by a couple more. I'm sorry about the big break I took, things kept getting in the way. >.< This pet was meant to be a halloween pet, but since it took me longer to make than I thought, and most people would have missed it anyway, I'm making it permanent. ^_^ Its available in the rubbish hole on the map, the same place where you can get the killer toilet. Its also in the same library book about animated objects, this one was a lot of fun to make. :) And I also finally added a library book for the hermit shrimps, and any other pets I add to backgrounds to come in the future. So now I'll get on with the other new things I was working on, they should be added soon hopefully!

Just letting you all know although I am working from various half broken laptops and computers while mines still waiting to be fixed I still managed to make the 12/12/12 day pet! Its release will automatically be only on that wednesday in two days time. Since this is the last triple number day pet as we dont have a 13th month I put some extra work into this one, I hope you all enjoy it!

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