Need help fixing a bug?

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Feb 11, 2014
Mysidian Dollar
Okay, so something weird is happening.

This is my levelup page's code. Frozen creatures of any level have certain stats that won't display because they're frozen. They also have a little comment saying "This creature's frozen"

So oddly enough, certain frozen creatures are just like, bypassing this and displaying like normal, even though they are definitely frozen.

Someone help? ;-; It was working fine before. I did make some changes to other pages and added a db column under owned_adopts. I just don't understand why some of the frozen adopts' stats are displaying correctly, and others aren't. If anything else is needed let me know!

EDIT: It seems like maybe it's something to do with newly frozen creatures... I think... All my creatures that I froze days and weeks ago are fine. The new ones are the ones that kind of just ignore the whole function.


use Resource\Native\Integer;
use Resource\Collection\ArrayList;
use Resource\Utility\Curl;

class LevelupController extends AppController{

    const PARAM = "aid";
	private $adopt;
    private $settings;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->settings = new LevelSetting;
		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");

		if($mysidia->input->action() == "click" or $mysidia->input->action() == "siggy") $this->adopt = new OwnedAdoptable($mysidia->input->get("aid"));
		if($mysidia->user instanceof Member){
		    $status = $mysidia->user->getstatus();   
			if($status->canlevel == "no") throw new InvalidActionException("banned");
	public function index(){
		throw new InvalidActionException("global_action");
public function click(){
    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    $date = new DateTime;
    $ip = secure($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

    /*... First check if the system to levelup pets is enabled ...*/
    if($this->settings->system != "enabled") { throw new NoPermissionException("disabled"); }

    /*... Then check if the user has already visited the pet today ...*/
    elseif($this->adopt->hasVoter($mysidia->user, $date)){
            $nextLevel = $this->adopt->getNextLevel();
            $requiredClicks = $nextLevel->getRequiredClicks();

        $gender_lookup = $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("gender"), "aid = '{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
        if ($gender_lookup == "m") { $gender = "Male"; $pronoun = "him"; } else { $gender = "Female"; $pronoun = "her"; } 
        $alternates_lookup = $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("usealternates"), "aid = '{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
        if ($alternates_lookup == "yes") { $usealternates = "Variant"; } else { $usealternates = "Normal"; }

        if ($mysidia->user->username == $this->adopt->getOwner()){ $manage_btn = "<i><a class='btn btn-sm btn-info' href='../../myadopts/manage/{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'> Manage {$this->adopt->getName()}</a></i><br /><br />"; } else { $manage_btn = ""; }

            $level = $this->adopt->getNextLevel();
            $levelupClicks = $this->adopt->getLevelupClicks();
            $toNext = "(LVL ".$level->getLevel()." in ".$levelupClicks." more EXP)"; 
        else { $toNext = "(MAX)"; }

        if($this->adopt->getTradeStatus() == "fortrade") { $tradestatus = "For Trade"; } 
        else { $tradestatus = "Not For Trade"; }

        $message = "<div class='adopt_profile'>    <h2>{$this->adopt->getName()} (#{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()})</h2>    ";
        // If you've already seen the pet today:
        if ($this->adopt->hasVoter($mysidia->user, $date)){
            $message .= "<div class='already-seen-msg'><b>Thanks!</b>  You already visited this creature today!</div>";
        // If you haven't seen the pet today:
        if (!$this->adopt->hasVoter($mysidia->user, $date)){
            $message .= "<div style='display: inline;'><span class='button'>Play</span></div>";
        if ($this->adopt->getCurrentLevel() == 0){
        /*if current level is less than three do this*/
            $message .= "<div class='pet-img'>{$manage_btn}
            <img src='{$this->adopt->getImage()}'/><br /><br />
            <img src='/picuploads/{$this->adopt->getRarity()}.png' title='{$this->adopt->getRarity()} Species, ???' style='margin-right: -3px;' /><br /><br />
            <hr id='pethr'>
            <p style='text-align: left;'><b>{$this->adopt->getName()}'s Bio:</b> Not available until hatched.</p>
            <div class='pet-stats'>
                        <ul class='profile-list'>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Owner</b>: <a href='/profile/view/{$this->adopt->getOwner()}'>{$this->adopt->getOwner()}</a></li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Species</b>: {$this->adopt->getType()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained From</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedFrom()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Total Points</b>: {$this->adopt->getTotalClicks()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained On</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedOn()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Level</b>: {$this->adopt->getCurrentLevel()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Trade Status</b>: {$tradestatus}</li> 

                        <b>Description</b>: {$this->adopt->getDescription()}<br /><br />

        throw new LevelupException($message);
                if ($this->adopt->getCurrentLevel() == 1){
        /*if current level is less than three do this*/
            $message .= "<div class='pet-img'>{$manage_btn}
            <img src='{$this->adopt->getImage()}'/><br /><br />
            <img src='/picuploads/{$this->adopt->getRarity()}.png' title='{$this->adopt->getRarity()} Species, ???' style='margin-right: -3px;' /><br /><br />
            <hr id='pethr'>
            <p style='text-align: left;'><b>{$this->adopt->getName()}'s Bio:</b> Not available until hatched.</p>
            <div class='pet-stats'>
                        <ul class='profile-list'>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Owner</b>: <a href='/profile/view/{$this->adopt->getOwner()}'>{$this->adopt->getOwner()}</a></li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Species</b>: {$this->adopt->getType()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained From</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedFrom()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Total Points</b>: {$this->adopt->getTotalClicks()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained On</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedOn()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Level</b>: {$this->adopt->getCurrentLevel()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Trade Status</b>: {$tradestatus}</li> 

                        <b>Description</b>: {$this->adopt->getDescription()} It has started to shake! It must be very close to hatching.<br /><br />

        throw new LevelupException($message);
         if ($this->adopt->getCurrentLevel() == 2){
        /*if current level is less than three do this*/ 
            $message .= "<div class='pet-img'>{$manage_btn}
            <img src='{$this->adopt->getImage()}'/><br /><br />
            <img src='/picuploads/{$this->adopt->getRarity()}.png' title='{$this->adopt->getRarity()} Species, {$usealternates}' style='margin-right: -3px;' /> <img src='/picuploads/{$usealternates}.png' title='{$this->adopt->getRarity()} Species, {$usealternates}' /><br /><br />
            <hr id='pethr'>
            <p style='text-align: left;'><b>{$this->adopt->getName()}'s Bio:</b> {$this->adopt->getPetBio()}</p>
            <p style='text-align: right; margin: 0; padding: 0;'><a href='' class='reportexclam'><img src='/picuploads/reportimg.png' title='Report this bio' /></a></p>
            <div class='pet-stats'>
                        <ul class='profile-list'>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Owner</b>: <a href='/profile/view/{$this->adopt->getOwner()}'>{$this->adopt->getOwner()}</a></li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Personality</b>: {$this->adopt->getAdoptPersonality()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Species</b>: {$this->adopt->getType()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Magic Skill</b>: {$this->adopt->getMagic()}/100</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Gender</b>: {$gender}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained From</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedFrom()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Total Points</b>: {$this->adopt->getTotalClicks()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained On</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedOn()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Level</b>: {$this->adopt->getCurrentLevel()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Trade Status</b>: {$tradestatus}</li> 

                        <b>Description</b>: Oh look! Your egg has hatched into a little creature. {$this->adopt->getHatchyDescription()}<br /><br />
        throw new LevelupException($message);
        }else {
/*well else it must be three or greater, so do this*/
            $message .= "<div class='pet-img'>{$manage_btn}
            <img src='{$this->adopt->getImage()}'/><br /><br />
            <img src='/picuploads/{$this->adopt->getRarity()}.png' title='{$this->adopt->getRarity()} Species, {$usealternates}' style='margin-right: -3px;' /> <img src='/picuploads/{$usealternates}.png' title='{$this->adopt->getRarity()} Species, {$usealternates}' /><br /><br />
            <hr id='pethr'>
            <p style='text-align: left;'><b>{$this->adopt->getName()}'s Bio:</b> {$this->adopt->getPetBio()}</p>
            <p style='text-align: right; margin: 0; padding: 0;'><a href='' class='reportexclam'><img src='/picuploads/reportimg.png' title='Report this bio' /></a></p>
            <div class='pet-stats'>
                        <ul class='profile-list'>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Owner</b>: <a href='/profile/view/{$this->adopt->getOwner()}'>{$this->adopt->getOwner()}</a></li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Personality</b>: {$this->adopt->getAdoptPersonality()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Species</b>: {$this->adopt->getType()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Magic Skill</b>: {$this->adopt->getMagic()}/100</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Gender</b>: {$gender}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained From</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedFrom()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Total Points</b>: {$this->adopt->getTotalClicks()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained On</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedOn()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Level</b>: {$this->adopt->getCurrentLevel()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Trade Status</b>: {$tradestatus}</li> 

                        <b>Description</b>: {$this->adopt->getAdultDescription()}<br /><br />
        throw new LevelupException($message); 

    /*... But do this if the pet is frozen! ...*/
    elseif($this->adopt->isFrozen() == "yes") {  $gender_lookup = $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("gender"), "aid = '{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
        if ($gender_lookup == "m") { $gender = "Male"; $pronoun = "him"; } else { $gender = "Female"; $pronoun = "her"; } 
        $alternates_lookup = $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array("usealternates"), "aid = '{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
        if ($alternates_lookup == "yes") { $usealternates = "Variant"; } else { $usealternates = "Normal"; }
        if ($mysidia->user->username == $this->adopt->getOwner()){ $manage_btn = "<i><a class='btn btn-sm btn-info' href='../../myadopts/manage/{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'> Manage {$this->adopt->getName()}</a></i><br /><br />"; } else { $manage_btn = ""; }
        if($this->adopt->getTradeStatus() == "fortrade") { $tradestatus = "For Trade"; } 
        else { $tradestatus = "Not For Trade"; }
        $message = "<div class='adopt_profile'>    <h2>{$this->adopt->getName()} (#{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()})</h2>    ";
        $message .= "<div class='already-seen-msg'><img src='/picuploads/yes.png' /> This creature is frozen, your click has not been counted.</div>";
        $message .= "<div class='pet-img'>{$manage_btn}
            <img src='{$this->adopt->getImage()}'/><br /><br />
            <img src='/picuploads/{$this->adopt->getRarity()}.png' title='{$this->adopt->getRarity()} Species, {$usealternates}' style='margin-right: -3px;' /> <img src='/picuploads/{$usealternates}.png' title='{$this->adopt->getRarity()} Species, {$usealternates}' /><br /><br />
            <hr id='pethr'>
            <p style='text-align: left;'><b>{$this->adopt->getName()}'s Bio:</b> Not available when frozen.</p>
            <div class='pet-stats'>
                        <ul class='profile-list'>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Owner</b>: <a href='/profile/view/{$this->adopt->getOwner()}'>{$this->adopt->getOwner()}</a></li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Species</b>: {$this->adopt->getType()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Gender</b>: {$gender}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained From</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedFrom()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Total Points</b>: {$this->adopt->getTotalClicks()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Obtained On</b>: {$this->adopt->getObtainedOn()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Level</b>: {$this->adopt->getCurrentLevel()}</li>
                        <li class='statsFloat'><b>Trade Status</b>: {$tradestatus}</li> 


                        throw new LevelupException($message);

    /*... This one, if enabled, would prevent users from visiting a pet too much a day ...*/
    # elseif($mysidia->user->getVotes() > $this->settings->number) { throw new LevelupException("number"); }

    /*... If this setting were on in the backend, it would prevent the users from visiting their own pets ...*/
    # elseif($this->settings->owner == "disabled" and $this->adopt->getOwner() == $mysidia->user->username){ throw new LevelupException("owner");}
    /*... If the visitor has not seen the pet today, this will be displayed and the pet will level up! ...*/
        $newClicks = $this->adopt->getTotalClicks() + 1;
        $this->adopt->setTotalClicks($newClicks, "update");
        $mysidia->db->insert("vote_voters", array("void" => NULL, "date" => $date->format('Y-m-d'), "username" => $mysidia->user->username, "ip" => $ip, "adoptableid" => $mysidia->input->get("aid")));         
        $ago = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-40 days'));
        $mysidia->db->delete("vote_voters", "date < '{$ago}'");    

            $nextLevel = $this->adopt->getNextLevel();
            $requiredClicks = $nextLevel->getRequiredClicks();
            if($requiredClicks and $newClicks >= $requiredClicks) { $this->adopt->setCurrentLevel($nextLevel->getLevel(), "update"); }
        $reward = $mysidia->user->clickreward($this->settings->reward);
        $this->setField("adopt", $this->adopt);
        $this->setField("reward", new Integer($reward));            

	public function siggy(){
	    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        // The adoptable is available, let's collect its info
	    $usingimage = "no";
	    $image = $this->adopt->getImage(); 
	    $usegd = $mysidia->settings->gdimages;
	    $imageinfo = @getimagesize($image);
	    $imagemime = $imageinfo["mime"]; // Mime type of the image file, should be a .gif file...

	    if(function_exists('imagegif') and $usegd == "yes" and $imagemime == "image/gif"){
	        $usingimage = "yes"; //Turn the template system off
            $type = $this->adopt->getType();
            list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image); // The size of the original adoptable image

	        // Lets create the new target image, with a size big enough for the text for the adoptable
	        $newheight = $height + 72;
            $newwidth = ($newwidth < 250)?250:$width;
            $img_temp = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); 
            $alphablending = true;  
    	    // Lets create the image and save its transparency  
            $img_old = @imagecreatefromgif($image);  
            imagealphablending($img_old, true);  
            imagesavealpha($img_old, true);
            // Lets copy the old image into the new image with  
            ImageCopyResampled($img_temp, $img_old, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);    
	        $textheight = $width + 2;
	        $image = $img_temp;
            $bgi = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);
            $color = imagecolorallocate($bgi, 51, 51, 51);
		    // Build text for siggy
            $str1 = "Name: ".$this->adopt->getName();
            $str2 = "Owner: ".$this->adopt->getOwner();
	        $str3 = "Click Here to Feed Me!";
	        $str4 = "More Adopts at:";
	        $str5 = "www.".constant("DOMAIN");

            // Renger Image
	        imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight,  $str1, $color);
	        imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 13,  $str2, $color);
	        imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 26,  $str3, $color);
	        imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 42,  $str4, $color);
	        imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 55,  $str5, $color);
	        $background = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);  
            ImageColorTransparent($image, $background);  
            // At the very last, let's clean up temporary files
	        header("Content-Type: image/GIF");
	        ImageGif ($image);

	            // We are going to try and get this image the old fashioned way...
            $extList = array();
	        $extList['gif'] = 'image/gif';
	        $extList['jpg'] = 'image/jpeg';
	        $extList['jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg';
	        $extList['png'] = 'image/png';

	        //Define the output file type
	        $contentType = 'Content-type: '.$extList[ $imageinfo['extension'] ];

	        if($imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/gif" and $imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/jpeg" and $imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/png"){	         
	            throw new InvalidIDException("The file Extension is not allowed!");
                // File type is allowed, so proceed
	            $status = "";
                $curl = new Curl($image);
	public function daycare(){		
		$daycare = new Daycare;
		$adopts = $daycare->getAdopts();
		$this->setField("daycare", $daycare);
Last edited:
Can you link a few examples of frozen pets that aren't displaying properly versus ones that are? Do they appear any different in the database?
Not that I can see. :c The database has them as frozen. They even show the little frozen icon I've added when viewing from the user's profile page.

After clicking, refresh them to see the actual profile.
Frozen without stats (correct):
Frozen with stats (wut r u doin):

Now that I think of it, I'd actually like to have the stats displayed, but only for creatures that are level 2 and higher. Pretty sure I can do this, but I still need to fix the present issue though before I can or it won't even work.

So confused...

Could it be something to do with cookies? Or guests vs members viewing?
This is what I get ;-;

EDIT: Maybe it's just me. One of my members said they can't see the stats. Why can I? Ohhh it's gonna drive me crazy lol

Last edited:
Ok... it's not doing it anymore... so maybe just some weird thing with cookies or browser/site settings or... idk, but okay haha!

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