The official itemshop thread

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Hall of Famer

Staff member
Dec 15, 2008
United States
Mysidian Dollar
Well as many of you have expected, the itemshop feature is planned for Mys v1.3.0 or v1.4.0 release depending on my own schedule(since I plan to work on this project all on my own). The purpose of this thread is to collect thoughts and suggestions from all of you. A very good topic is, what do you expect the itemshop to look like. To be more specific, you can help answer questions like what types of items(level/clicks based items, healing items, status ailment items, equipment items, trade items, decoration items and else?) should be available in the initial release. Post in this thread so that I will know what you guys/gals want a public itemshop system to be. Thanks.

The wishlist:
(To be updated)
I just made up a spreadsheet to share with a section dedicated to items, the full .ODS is at

Here's what I had down:
Item List - Perhaps not needed right away, but will be coming in future releases.
Track the items you plan to have added into your game here. Include price and type
of item as well as effect and other options.
Add more rows as needed.

Item Name Price Effect Type Buy Back Tradeable
Well, basically like this;

[Image of NPC]
[Description = ~Hi, I'm Bobita! I will sell you pie!~]

[Items will basically go here.]

The admin can have the option of having only a certain amount of items stocked, or for some items to be forever there. Obviously what the price of the item is, for one. Then be able to manually restock the items or have a certain time in which they will restock.
Item shop items

Here's what i would be interested in... different items bought and used will shift a creatures evolution path. (also downgrades or quick upgrades could be useful). But think of the pokemon evee, evee needs a certain stone to evolve into one of its many forms. My site is based on chaos and those of you that know they evolve differently depending on their skills obtained from certain items (rods). so to restate i think items that effect evolution would be interesting.

2nd id if stats or health or mana or anything sort of extra stuff, maybe battles? then booster items or potions would be good, but that would include a lot more work.

hmmm more items..
Double xp?
xp share?
food? unfed pets won't level?
decorative items like collars? bows?
lottery tickets? (i know of a scratch card script too)

well thats all for now:pleased:
and thanks for continuing to make the script more awesome!
Well first of all if we have items, there obviously needs to be something inside the admin cp to categorize them, and which shop they should go in.

Categories Ideas:

Decoration Items - Furniture like items that would go onto your "pet spotlight" it could have like specific things like wall paper, plants, couches, tables, e.c.t

Food Items - I think it would be a very neat idea if you feed your pet food, it would raise the level count by one.

Food Ingredients - Basically food ingredients where you use two or more of them and they make another food item [ ex. peanut butter, jelly, and bread make a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich]. These food items could raise your adoptables level count by five or so.

Promo Code Items - Items where you use it and it gives you a promo code when you use it.

Shop Keeper Ideas:

Basically it would have an image of the shop keeper, a description [ex. "ted the cook says 'Howdy!' "], the name of the shop, and of course all of he items.

I was thinking of something like this:

Also, when you click on the image of what you wanna buy, a pop up will say "Are you sure you wanna buy [food item] for [this much coins] ?"
with the options of yes or no.

I dunno all of my ideas. :happycbig:
Was this thread hidden or something because I was looking for it a while ago and could never find it:hmmm: Anyway I don't remember what ideas I had at the time but second my original post:meow: and I think items that influence an evolution path would be amazing, think about the stones used in pokemon such item will make eevee evolve into electric type or water type. I also think food is a good thing to have. Good luck and thanks!
Well the thread died after I made it, since no one seemed to have any ideas to share atm. Its good to see it back to life though, since the development of Mys v1.3.0 will begin very soon.
I honestly cannot wait for this to come out!

I am very excited for this. :smile:

Another thing you can add is a collectible item, which would be an item for the sole purpose of collecting them [i.e plushies, books, e.c.t] and users could add them to their collection.

And I REALLY love the evolution items idea.

And what about user shops?
The Itemshop is almost completed, preview is available through my latest blog. I will post another thread asking for members opinions on default item functions.

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