Mys 1.3.x Stat/SKill System

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I have to put back the good code now, though, I am opening my sites in a few days and I am crunched for time to get this all ready :)

I am really hoping HOF can possibly swing in here and help, I think this would be a really great mod !!
^Okay, I still have to wrap up the v.1.3.3 tutorial and my own site. XP
The error is probably because in the file it's supposed to throw an exception if the adoptable has already been clicked. In 1.3.4 all pages are separated into two files: One manages the controller (database accesses and verifications) and the other (in the folder view) manages what is shown to the user. The exchange of variables between these files is done through a hashmap. What's happening is that, when the user has already clicked an adoptable, this should throw an exception:

elseif($this->adopt->hasVoter($mysidia->user, $date)){
$message = ($mysidia->user instanceof Member)?"already_leveled_member":"already_leveled_guest";
throw new LevelupException($message);

And it stops the levelupview.php page from generating text.

If you don't throw an exception there, the view file will try to access two variables called Reward and Adopt, which are set by the controller only in the case they pass all conditions:

(from levelup.php)
$this->setField("adopt", $this->adopt);
$this->setField("reward", new Integer($reward));

So it's basically trying to use two variables it can't find in the hashmap:

(from levelupview.php)
$adopt = $this->getField("adopt");
$reward = $this->getField("reward")->getValue();


Maybe try setting both variables at the beginning instead of being inside the else clause?
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I'm going to try and figure out how to do this with v.1.3.4 now... :L
This is really great! Please do get it working with the latest version, I love what I'm seeing here!
^Oh thank you! Actually, I think everything is compaticle with v.1.3.4(at least the assigning stats to new adopts part). The only part I'm stuck on is displaying information on the levelup page... :3
I updated the guide! Promocode adopts can now be assigned stats!(Sorry for forgetting!) Just go to step 4 of the "assigning stats" post and update your code. :3
Some of the photos on the first, third, and fourth post no longer are up, would you be able to replace them?

Looks like a super cool mod, at any rate!
I'd also love to use this mod, but I'm not sure what to enter into the database at the start. ^v^;
Since the images are gone, here's supplementary instructions:

Post 1: Assigning Stats to Created Adoptables

Open the owned_adoptables table in your database, go to the second tab at the top, which is Structure, at the bottom right of the page there is a Go button that will, by default, add 1 column at the end of the table. Press it, and on the next page it will ask for field data.

For stats that will have number values, intergers, that is, Type INT will suffice:

Name: statname, Type: INT, Length/Values: 11​

(If you want a default value, then select 'As defined' in the Default dropdown and supply a value in the new text box provided below it. This will ensure this default value to all pre-existing adoptables.)

Reminder: Whatever statname you choose, you will need to change it in ALL files we're changing, so search for 'statname' in the material this mod is adding and replace it with your own stat's name.

Continue following the steps on Post 1, starting with Step 2.

Post 2: Display Stats on an Adoptable's Click Page
For Mysidia v1.3.3, follow instructions in the original Post 2.
For Mysidia v.1.3.4, the line numbers are wrong, and some things may be difficult to find. If there are questions on the instructions here, let me know and I'll add a write up.

Post 3: Creating Items to Raise Stats
Open up your database. In the items_functions table, make note of how many rows there are (check out the ifid column for help), hit the word Copy on the row holding the Level1 function. Fill in the first blank with the next number. If you had 13 item functions, this will be 14. Since this is a copy of Level1, rename it. The original instructions imply naming it Statname. The description you can fill in here is mostly for your sake on the admin side of things, and won't be seen by your users.

Continue following the steps on Post 3, starting with Step 2.

Post 4: Rewards Through Training
Open the owned_adoptables table in your database, go to the second tab at the top, which is Structure, at the bottom right of the page there is a Go button that will, by default, add 1 column at the end of the table. Press it, and on the next page it will ask for field data.

I'm not exactly sure on the data being inserted here, but I think this will do it???
Name: statnamemedalstatus, Type: VARCHAR, Length/Values: 11​

Continue on starting at Step 2, however, Wallie's Step 3 is just an example with a statname of Obedience, yours should be:
public function getAdoptStatNameMedalStatus(){
return $this->statnamemedalstatus;​

Best of luck!
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I'd still like to see an example image of the stats since the original images no longer work.
Wallie's site is still up and running, you can find a link to it her signature. Pick a random pet to view, then click the first link (or refresh the page) and you'll see a live example.
Looks awesome!
If nobody minds, I've added a screenshot of what I see on the little fuzzies page
For users who want to use this with Mys 1.3.4 there are some adjustments you'll need to make. Firstly, in the first post step 3:
Instead of shop.php, you'll want to go into the file .../classes/class_stockadopt.php, and around line 66 you should see some variables being defined;
 $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$this->owner = (!empty($owner))?$owner:$this->owner;
$alts = $this->getaltstatus(0);
$code = codegen(10, 0);
$genders = array('f', 'm');

Below gender add this;
	$statname = rand(min,max) ;
(replace "statname" with the name of your stat, and min with the minimum possible level for the stat, and max with the maximum value)
And then in the string that starts with
$mysidia->db->insert("owned_adoptables", array("aid" => NULL
Add this in somewhere in the array;
"statname" => $statname


I will edit this post as I continue adapting it to 1.3.4 :)
In v1.3.4, adoptables are created in five places - adopt.php, admincp/ownedadopt.php, classes/class_breeding.php, classes/class_promocode.php and classes/class_stockadopt.php. You'll want to add stats in all these places.

Otherwise, everyone should be sure to reference this post from a few up (in it, the post numbers are links to the original versions of posts). I installed on v1.3.4 and really the only thing that changed were line numbers. It's better to search for exact contents than rely on line numbers!!

Oh, and in addition to just number stats, you can also give a pet a random personality, for example --
    $personality_array = array('brave','honest','loyal');
    $personality = $personality[0];

A reminder that when adding this mod, be sure to add a default value while creating a column, that way any existing pets will have that value. It won't be random, but hey, they'll have something.
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