Making Guests Have to Register before using Shoutbox

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Jul 26, 2011
Mysidian Dollar
Why is it so you can post shouts when you are a guest?
Can some one make an script making it so when you are an guest, the thing says: "You have to register to use this" or so?

I just want it so guests cannot use this, because it has been creating issues.
you simply have to check if the user is logged on or not, it's probably one or two lines of code, are willing to pay anything for this function?
I never planned to pay :<
I would only pay for software, not something modified to get something to work.
I think that is wrong (Look at Minecraft, Devs are wanting money for mods to the game, and now the owner is making an API for Modding)

And if it is just 2 lines of code, couldn't you simply just help me? :cfrown:
open up the shoutbox.php

    if ($isloggedin!="yes") {
        $user = "Guest";
    $comment = $comment;
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."shoutbox VALUES ('', '$user', '$date', '$comment')");
    $article_content = $article_content."<p>Your comment has been posted. Click <a href='shoutbox.php'>here</a> to view it.</p>";

I would suggest

    //if a user is logged in then allow them to post and let them know
    if ($isloggedin=="yes") {
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."shoutbox VALUES ('', '$user', '$date', '$comment')");
    $article_content = $article_content."<p>Your comment has been posted. Click <a href='shoutbox.php'>here</a> to view it.</p>";
    $article_content = $article_content."<p>You can not post with out logging in.</p>";

And why does $comment = $comment; is just beyond me.....

oh, not that i am super concerned by this; This type of questions would better fit the Questions and Supports forum as it more of a technical issue.
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:angrygrin: If all you plan to do in life is make money by doing modifications, you might need a secondary job too; yaknow

:wiii:Thank You Chibi, I was super confused on where to put this, so I tried to place it where I thought it would go best. :happycbig:
well programming is a craft and like most digital things people don't see or understand the amount of work that goes into it.

The difference here too is chibi is more experienced and knows the script, and would prolly help you for free, as he did. For me it would of been harder and I would of had to study that part of the script to make sure i did it right. I'd say same applied to tony, would of taken us more effort.
Lucas I hope you test it to make sure that it works the way that you want it to. I only made that as a suggestion, I did not test it (not on my development computer.) So if it starts to give you errors make sure you have a back up.

Programing is a craft and it takes time; time has value, and depending on the person is going to cost differently. I have lots of time and like spending it looking at problems since sometimes I can fix them. :pleased:
I am aware how hard scripting is, Believe me, I used to program for a game called Sherwood Dungeon (A game where you explore) which was a diffrent programing language, mind me; but I dear say:

I never asked for money for my programming.
You need to ""get a secondary job"" if all you plan to do in life is make programs and such.
Not calling you lazy, or being an complete jerk telling you to get a job.
I'm just saying: :exexex:
Not necessarily. I know quite a few people who only do coding for a living, make more in a month than I do running my websites, some with ads, and working a full time job at $13/hr.

All depends on your skill and how much of yourself you want to put into your work.
Always remember there will always be a demand for coders and graphic design people, as there are more people that can't do those things than there are that can.
One of my friends earned $20/hr as a developer right out of college. Its a very good field to go into right now.

But for simple mods on a community like this, its silly to hire a developer for one little thing. Better to work on it as a community.
Sorry for necroposting. I've decided to add this feature to Mys v1.2.4 and future releases(including Mys v1.3.0 of course), you will notice this change soon.

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