Okay, I haven't changed anything in the files regarding the alts1 item function, but when I try to level up my level 5 Ferratross (my critter) with the Telescope I added, I just get a white screen. It's like I crash the site anytime I try to use it. I just want my starry boi DX
If you need any more information, please let me know. I just want my starry boi
protected function applyAlt1(OwnedItem $item, OwnedAdoptable $adopt){
$alid = $item->getValue();
$alternate = new AdoptAlternate($alid);
if($adopt->getID() != $alternate->getAdopt() || $adopt->getCurrentLevel() < $alternate->getLevel()){
throw new ItemException("The item can only be used for adoptable {$alternate->getAdopt('model')->getType()} at level {$alternate->getLevel()} or above...<br><br><a href='https://ashenblade.click/inventory'>Use another item?</a>");
$adopt->setAlternate($alternate, "update");
return "Your adoptable {$adopt->getName()} has gotten a new alternate form.<br><a href='https://ashenblade.click/inventory'>Use another item?</a>";
If you need any more information, please let me know. I just want my starry boi