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  • If the script gets update more frequently, people are more likely to stay and hang around. Id say it was my fault that Mys v1.3.2 took too long, thats why many people are gone, probably for good.

    I see, sounds like you have quite a huge plan. Unfortunately it seems that you cant fulfill your dream now, but sometimes it may not be that bad to take a step back and go for the alternatives. Maybe you will find yourself in an enjoyable situation with a different experience, just stay positive and your life can still shine. ^^

    Alright, thats up to you. If you have new suggestions to make feel free doing so. Yeah, it seems to be a good idea to wait a bit longer till you know its completely meaningless to keep waiting.

    umm dressing dolls like avatar? Thats indeed interesting, actually in future we may be having a plugin that does similar thing. Not sure when though, it seems somewhat complicated. XD
    Well thats what I have to live with, after all this script isnt like MA in which all members are so much dependent on the creator of the script lol. Good to know you will be around more though. Oh you wanted to be a policewoman and politician? Well, that does hurt if it limits your career choices, hopefully you will be able to find a good alternative.

    Yeah, thats whats happening so far. I accepted some ideas, rejected a few, and others are still being considered/discussed. Its been a quite interesting process.

    umm he hasnt signed on lately, not sure what happened. Perhaps he gets stuck with upgrading PHP, it may not be that easy. Still, I dont even understand why his server was using PHP 5.2 in the very first place, since he told me his own dev site already has PHP 5.4. If he still wont come back with a positive message by Christmas, Id say it will be a good time to move host. You may do it now if you want to, its up to you after all.
    Oh no worries, you actually already are the most active mod right now. I mean, at least, you dont visit this forum only when you have questions to ask. XD I wish you the best luck irl though, it must be sad to live with unstable mental health.

    Not really, its been fine so far. People have been making suggestions to how they want the new ACP to look like, guess I need to take a bit of note lol.
    Well it want this bad at the beginning of the semester. Guess I screwed it up for being way too inactive. I have been working on the script, its just the progress may be slower than many members have been expecting.

    umm that seems to be a good idea, I think the problem right now is that I do not promise as many things as I used to. At times I was able to fulfill them, but in other occasions I let people down. I only say what I know for certain nowadays, which probably makes this place less exciting than it used to lol.

    I replied already, nice job. And if you wanna know what features may be implemented prior to Mys v1.4.0, take a look at this blog post I made and perhaps it offers some clues:
    Yeah thats kinda true, but ya know this place is not like MA. If I go on hiatus just about a quarter as long as BMR usually does to MA, it will be completely dead. XD
    Thanks for saying that. I am actually approaching the end of the term so its gonna be a busy week for me, after Dec 5th I am all done.

    Sure thing, I look forward to seeing what you can come out with.
    I see, you are really looking forward to the adoptables shop new feature arent you? Sorry for keeping you waiting for this long though I guess. XD

    Well this new thread I will be making is purely ACP oriented, but of course I can post a different thread for suggestions of Mys v1.4.0 as a whole. For now I am concentrating on Mys v1.3.3, but you can see I've already begun planning for the next major release version v1.4.0 at this point.
    Yeah, I hope he gets this done soon. But anyway if the worst came to worse I'd still provide a way to get through without PHP 5.3.x, its just not a long term solution though.

    Umm like what features do you want to add in the new ACP, what contents do you hope to be able to customize as an admin, and maybe what visual effects do you wish to see? I will make the thread later tonight or early tomorrow, so for now just brainstorm and hopefully you will already have something to say by the time the thread is up. XD
    I received a message from Nemesis already, he sounded like he would be upgrading PHP, but gave no clue when it should happen though.

    And btw, I am considering that its time to start off the Mys v1.4.0 ACP Overhaul project. Would you mind posting some ideas/suggestions by the time the thread is up?
    I've got 5.2.17 listed here on my control panel.

    Do you know how hard it would be to change the files for 5.2? Just wondering if that would take less time then him upgrading.
    I see, Nemesis told me his server was running PHP 5.3 before, no idea why it reverted back to PHP 5.2 lol.

    Indeed, that happens at times. Actually a few hosts do have PHP 5.2 set up as the default option, but its possible for clients to run PHP 5.3 by editing one server config file. Big hosting companies such as Hostgator and Bluehost do this, not sure for Nemesis though.
    Oh this... I thought Nemesis was running PHP 5.3? If not I will message him to upgrade, just as we speak PHP 5.5 Alpha is being released lol. The version 5.2 sure is out of date.

    But I can still try to offer a solution to those still using PHP 5.2, since I never really informed them of this requirement before. For Mys v1.4.0 and onwards, server running PHP 5.3 will be a strict requirement without compensation though.
    Alright then, looks like you do have a good understanding of the situation you are in. I wish you the best luck, you've been a great member here so far.

    umm the same problem Iris did with Nemesis' host? Mind elaborating a bit, sorry I dont quite get it lol. Is it a lack of bandwidth or CPU? I dont think its so server-intensive to run this script on your host unless you have a site as big as Silverdragontear's. Well thats what happens when your site grows big, ups and downs I guess.
    I see, that must be tough, I hope you will be okay. I think you are lacking confidence, but thats probably what you will have to find for yourself someday. For your rattie site, I see there are still members visiting them from days to days. If you can take care of it, go ahead and upgrade it as much as you can. After all, you've spent too much time and effort on it to give up just so easily.
    Okay, I'll PM you the rat base, you can download it, then open it up in gimp and fiddle with it. I use the ink tool to make the lines, and the shading is set to Multiply to allow for it to show through and shade any color. The color layer is locked so you can color without going out of the lines.
    Mmkay, I will see what I can do :)

    Oh, one question, just to make sure, are you able to work with digital art..? Meaning, are you experienced {enough} in using a program such as GIMP, Photoshop, etc? The lines I make are very easy for someone with a layers program to use and edit, since I have the lines, shading, and color layers all separated.
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