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  1. tahbikat

    Hi guys! An update!

    Hello everyone! Some of you may remember me and some may not. I've made plenty friends and acquaintances through Mysidia so I wanted to pop in after all this time and give an update on my endeavors and possibly reconnect. (: Now let me say, HoF you are great and I love that you provided...
  2. tahbikat

    Beast Summoners

    - redoing info here -
  3. tahbikat

    Hire Me!

    Hello everyone! Many of you know me as the (former) owner of Mysgardia. Unfortunately I had to give the site up as I have a full time job now and no longer have the proper amount of time to devote to it. I still enjoy coding and making art on my spare time, so I figured I would offer my...
  4. tahbikat

    Farewell... ish?

    Hi guys! I fell a bit inactive on here. My PC decided to die on me, but on the plus and all thanks to my family, I have a really good job now! Unfortunately this means I've had to abandon my site, Mysgardia, as even once my PC is fixed I'll have no time for it. Luckily the admins of Tales of...
  5. tahbikat

    PM bug after the downtime?

    I'm not sure how this really happened so if anyone has any ideas please let me know so I'll know if I need to worry about this or if it was a one time fluke in the system. After my site was back up from the downtime, and I switched my nameserver IP for the second time, one of my artists on the...
  6. tahbikat

    Sudden Errors with Usergroup

    This error is popping up on my site suddenly, and it won't let me log in. Any help? :/ I have been tinkering with some things, namely adding a pet sorting mod, but I'm not sure how/if it's conflicting with this. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in...
  7. tahbikat

    PM Alert when getting a visitor message?

    Has anyone done this yet? :x Basically whenever someone posts a comment on your profile, an automatic PM would be sent notifying you that you received a comment.
  8. tahbikat

    Held Items & Pet Companions

    Hello everyone! Figured I'd post this little mod here today that I recently completed. Preview: Again as with my other mod (Species Rarity w/ Images!), you'll want a public pet profile mod in place. See this post: Clicky This mod can work elsewhere, like the creature's manage page and...
  9. tahbikat

    Link to adopts in trade?

    So in public, private, and partial trades, does anyone know how I could link to the adopt(s) being offered? Or at least supply an ID below it? It all looks so confusing. I'm not sure how to do it. :c
  10. tahbikat

    Allow users to delete an adoptable

    I'm attempting to make a feature where users can release a pet to the wild, which basically just means permanently deleting it. I've just copied and modified my pets' bio functions in their myadopts.php and myadoptsview.php to look like below. In class_ownedadoptables.php, I just have a blank...
  11. tahbikat

    Banned when shopping?

    I'm wondering what would cause a member to be banned when shopping? One of my members was banned while using the shops. I'd like to be able to warn my members not to do whatever action is causing the bans.
  12. tahbikat

    Renaming a member?

    How can I easily rename a member? I saw there's a name item, but I'm not sure if it even works since I saw in the items function file it's kinda blank. I'll go ahead and test it out anyway though. But wouldn't it just be replacing the member's current name for the one they choose? Could I...
  13. tahbikat

    Allowing access of site to coder?

    I have a programmer interested in building a feature for my site, but I need advice on how to go about this. Do I give them a backup copy of my site to build features on, then just get them to give me the files to upload on my actual site? Would that work? Or should I give them FTP access...
  14. tahbikat

    Text symbols not working?

    This problem started yesterday and though it's definitely not a serious issue, it's something that I noticed. Things like the copyright symbol and the arrows for the next and previous page links have turned into this: � How do I fix? :< They show fine in the php code, but when rendered on the...
  15. tahbikat

    GIF images don't display

    I haven't been using the built-in hosted images feature on my site because for some reason gif images aren't displaying. It gives me this error: Warning: getimagesize( failed to open stream: HTTP request...
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