Held Items & Pet Companions

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Feb 11, 2014
Mysidian Dollar
Hello everyone!

Figured I'd post this little mod here today that I recently completed.



Again as with my other mod (Species Rarity w/ Images!), you'll want a public pet profile mod in place. See this post: Clicky
This mod can work elsewhere, like the creature's manage page and such. You'll just need to make your own edits for that!

Alrighty, so we'll be modifying a few files as well as adding new item functions in the database. First go to your class_privateitem.php file in your classes folder.

Go to around line 50 where you see a list of item functions, and under them add this:
         case "Companion":
            $message = items_companion($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "HeldItem":
            $message = items_helditem($this, $owned_adoptable);

Next, go to your database table adopts_items_functions. Look for the Level1 item function and click the "Copy" link. Change the Level1 text to Companion, and change the description to something else like "This item function gives a pet a companion!". Press "Go". Now do this same thing again except change Level1 to "HeldItem". Press Go.

After that go to your database table adopts_owned_adoptables. We'll be adding two new columns called "companion" and "item". VARCHAR 60, latin1_swedish_ci. For default, put "noitem" for the item column, and "nocompanion" for the companion column. Press Go to save. You're done in the database now.

Now go to your functions folder, and to the functions_items.php file. Add this code to the file, preferably at the bottom, to get your new companion and held item functions added.
function items_companion($item, $adopt){ 
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia"); 
  if ($adopt->companion != "nocompanion") {   
    $itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->companion);   
    $itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);   
  $companion = $item->itemname; 
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => $companion), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'"); 
  $note = "You have given your pet a <b>{$item->itemname}</b>! It will now show up in your pet's profile. <br /><br /> <a href='http://mysgardia.com/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>"; 
  //Update item quantity... 
  $delitem = $item->remove();  
  return $note; 

function items_helditem($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  if ($adopt->item != "noitem") {  
    $itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->item);  
    $itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);  
  $helditem = $item->itemname;
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("item" => $helditem), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "You have given your pet a <b>{$item->itemname}</b>! It will now show up in your pet's profile. <br /><br /> <a href='http://mysgardia.com/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

Now in your picuploads folder, you'll need to create a new folder called "items" (for the sake of organization). In this folder you will need to upload the companion and held item images each time you create them. So if you create an item called Rubber Ball, go to this folder and upload the image as "Rubber Ball.png". It MUST have the same exact name as the existing item, along with .png as the extension.

ALMOST finished! Go to your classes folder again, and in class_ownedadoptable.php at the bottom, add this code:
 public function getCompanion(){
        return $this->companion;
        public function getItem(){
        return $this->item;

Also add these to the top of the file:
public $companion;
	public $item;

Finally, wherever you want to display the item and companions for your pets, go there and add this bit of code:

            <img src='/picuploads/items/{$this->adopt->getCompanion()}.png' title='Oh look! A {$this->adopt->getCompanion()} is following this creature.'/>
            <img src='/picuploads/items/{$this->adopt->getItem()}.png' title='Oh look! This creature is holding a {$this->adopt->getItem()}'/>

EDIT: Oops! Forgot an important part! Remember when we defined the default values in the database columns as "noitem" and "nocompanion"? In your picuploads/items folder, upload two images named "noitem.png" and "nocompanion.png". These two images will display whenever a pet doesn't have an item/companion. So for example, you might want to upload the image of a red X or question mark or something!

EDIT2: If you want two item functions that completely remove companions and held items from pets and put them back into the player's inventory, see this post: Removal Functions

Phew, all done! Hope you guys enjoy!
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if ($adopt->getCompanion() != "nocompanion") { 
    $item = new StockItem($adopt->getCompanion()); 
    $item->append(1, $mysidia->user->username); 

How's that?

Personally, rather than creating getWhatever() functions I'd rather just set the values to public variables at the top of the owned adoptables class file, and then just use $adopt->companion instead of $adopt->getCompanion() but that's just my preference. That way I don't have to write a function and it looks less clunky.
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I've tried that but it gives me this every time:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::getCompanion() in /home/mysgardia/public_html/functions/functions_items.php on line 194

If I substitute the getCompanion for adopt->companion instead, it gives me the companion the adoptable already has, but doesn't update the companion column or delete the used item. So I started with 0 Magic Wisps and 1 Fire Wisp. Now I have 3 Magic Wisps and 1 Fire Wisp. It also throws up this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method StockItem::remove() in /home/mysgardia/public_html/functions/functions_items.php on line 202

And thanks! I didn't know I could just use adopt->companion. :x <3
Don't you already update the companion and delete the item in your existing functions???? The error has nothing to do with my code. I'm starting to think you removed your function and replaced with just my if statement -- all my code does is transform an old companion, if such a thing exists, into an item again.
function items_companion($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");

if ($adopt->getCompanion() != "nocompanion") { 
    $item = new StockItem($adopt->getCompanion()); 
    $item->append(1, $mysidia->user->username); 

  $companion = $item->itemname;
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => $companion), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "You have given your pet a <b>{$item->itemname}</b>! It will now show up in your pet's profile. ";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

Try that?
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Ahhh noo that's exactly what I did. Simply added your code to my code right where you've put it and I get those errors. I've tried doing this before but written a little differently and I always get the weird stdClass error line.
Mnn... it might be because the $adopt is a direct reference to the database but not to the class file. getCompanion() is in two places - try it like this, maybe?
function items_companion($item, $adopt){ 
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia"); 

if ($adopt->companion != "nocompanion") {  
    $item = new StockItem($adopt->companion);  
    $item->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);  

  $companion = $item->itemname; 
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => $companion), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'"); 
  $note = "You have given your pet a <b>{$item->itemname}</b>! It will now show up in your pet's profile. "; 
  //Update item quantity... 
  $delitem = $item->remove();  
  return $note; 
See post #3, lol.. :x

When I use $adopt->companion, it gives a different error, doesn't remove the used item, doesn't update the database column with the new item, but it does give back the item currently in the companion column.
OK WOW I figured out what the issue is after taking a break and coming back to this. I'm so dumb lol

Here's the modified code:

function items_companion($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  if ($adopt->companion != "nocompanion") {  
    $itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->companion);  
    $itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);  
  $companion = $item->itemname;
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => $companion), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "You have given your pet a <b>{$item->itemname}</b>! It will now show up in your pet's profile. <br /><br /> <a href='http://mysgardia.com/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

Just had to change $item to $itemgive, because doi, it was conflicting with the already set $item variable.

I also made two new item functions that remove the companion/held item and replaces it with the default text. So if a user just wants to remove the item without giving a new one they can do so. Will get first post edited soon.
Okidokes, here's the two other item functions to remove companions and items without giving new ones. I named the functions "unbindingcompanion"/"unbindingitem", so if you want to name it something else just change that and be sure to match up everything else.

Add in functions_items.php:
function items_unbindingcompanion($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  if ($adopt->companion != "nocompanion") {  
    $itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->companion);  
    $itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);  

  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => 'nocompanion'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "You use the <b>{$item->itemname}</b> on your pet, breaking the bond between it and its companion. The companion has been returned to your inventory!<br /><br /> <a href='/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

function items_unbindingitem($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  if ($adopt->item != "noitem") {  
    $itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->item);  
    $itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);  

  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("item" => 'noitem'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "You use the <b>{$item->itemname}</b> on your pet, breaking the bond between it and its held item. The held item has been returned to your inventory!<br /><br /> <a href='/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

Add in class_privateitem.php:
         case "UnbindingCompanion":
            $message = items_unbindingcompanion($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "UnbindingItem":
            $message = items_unbindingitem($this, $owned_adoptable);

Then add the new functions to your database prefix_items_functions like you did for the companion and held item functions. That's it! Then just create the items and select the new functions.
Actually, this can be used for backgrounds and foregrounds/decors for pets using a background and foreground layer using div.
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Can someone explain to me a bit more of how I use this? I followed the tutorial, but I'm confused about what you put in the item image field in the adminCP when making the item, and once I get the item in my inventory I can't use it, it just says N/A. Also, where would I put the "img src" codes? In class_ownedadoptable?
Hi there Im trying to get them to appear below something but it keeps giving me an error-

This is my petview.php
but Im trying to get it to appear below the pet- and right above the play, manage, freeze, etc links.

class PetView extends View{ 

    public function profile(){ 
        $mysidia = Registry::get('mysidia'); 
        $d = $this->document; 
        $adopt = $this->getField('adopt'); 
        $isdead = $adopt->isdead; 
        $name = $adopt->getName(); 
        $title = 'Viewing '; 
        if ($isdead) { 
            $title = '<img src="/picuploads/dead.png"> Here Lies '; 
            $name .= ' <img src="/picuploads/dead.png">'; 
            if ($adopt->getOwner() == 'SYSTEM') { 
                $title = '<img src="/picuploads/shackle.png"> ' . $title; 
                $name .= '<img src="/picuploads/shackle.png">'; 
        if ($adopt->getOwner() == $mysidia->user->username) $title = 'Managing '; 
        $d->setTitle(' '); 
        $d->addLangVar('<table border=1px><tr><td valign="top">'); 
        if ($isdead == false) { 
            if ($adopt->getOwner() == 'SYSTEM') { 
                $d->addLangVar("Owned by <a href='/profile/view/POUND'>The Pound</a><br><br>"); 
                $d->addLangVar("Owned by <a href='/profile/view/{$adopt->getOwner()}'>{$adopt->getOwner()}</a><br><br>"); 
        if ($isdead) { 
            $d->addLangvar("<div style='background:url({$mysidia->path->getAbsolute()}picuploads/paw.png); position:relative; height:248px; width:268px;'><div style='background:url({$mysidia->path->getAbsolute()}picuploads/wreath.png);height:248px; width:268px;position:absolute;z-index:30;'></div><div style='position:absolute;z-index:2;left:50px;bottom:10px'>".$adopt->getImage("gui") .'</div></div>'); 
            if ($adopt->class == 'Colorful'){ 
        if ($isdead){ 
        if ($adopt->isdead == false){ 
            if($adopt->isfrozen() == 'no'){ 
                $d->addLangvar("<br><a href='/levelup/click/{$adopt->aid}'>Play</a>"); 
        $freeze = 'Freeze'; 
        if ($adopt->isFrozen() == 'yes') $freeze = 'Unfreeze'; 
        if ($mysidia->user->username == $adopt->getOwner()){ 
            $d->addLangVar(" | <a href='/myadopts/manage/{$adopt->aid}'>Manage</a> | <a href='/myadopts/bbcode/{$adopt->aid}'>Codes</a> | <a href='/myadopts/freeze/{$adopt->aid}'>$freeze</a><br><a href='/pound/pound/{$adopt->aid}'>Pound $name</a><br> <a href='/pet/release/{$adopt->aid}'>Release $name</a>"); 
        $d->addLangVar('</td><td valign="top">'); 

        $d->add(new Comment('<div id="tabs" class="c-tabs no-js"><div class="c-tabs-nav">',false)); 

        if ($adopt->class != 'Colorful') { 
            $d->addLangVar("<a href='#' class='c-tabs-nav__link'>Bio</a><a href='#' class='c-tabs-nav__link'>About</a>"); 
            $d->addLangVar("</div><div class='c-tab is-active'><div class='c-tab__content'>{$adopt->getBio()}</div></div><div class='c-tab'> 
                <div class='c-tab__content'>{$adopt->getDescription()}</div></div>"); 
            $d->addLangVar("<a href='#' class='c-tabs-nav__link'>Bio</a><a href='#' class='c-tabs-nav__link'>Skills</a><a href='#' class='c-tabs-nav__link'>Lineage</a><a href='#' class='c-tabs-nav__link'>Offspring</a><a href='#' class='c-tabs-nav__link'>Stats</a>"); 
            $d->addLangVar("</div><div class='c-tab is-active'> 
                <div class='c-tab__content'>"); 
            if ($mysidia->user->username == $adopt->getOwner()){ 
                $d->addLangvar('<a href="/myadopts/updatebio/'.$adopt->aid.'">Click Here to Update Bio</a><br><br>'); 
                <div class='c-tab'><div class='c-tab__content'><b>Trophies:</b> {$adopt->trophies}<br><br>
                    <b>Sense:</b> {$adopt->sense}<br> 
                    <b>Speed:</b> {$adopt->speed}<br> 
                    <b>Strength:</b> {$adopt->strength}<br> 
                    <b>Stamina:</b> {$adopt->stamina}<br></div></div>"); 

            // Lineage 

            $offspring = []; $parent = 'sire_id'; 
            if ($adopt->getGender() == 'f') $parent = 'dam_id'; 
            $offspring = $mysidia->db->select('owned_adoptables', [], "$parent = {$adopt->aid}")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS,'OwnedAdoptable'); 

            $d->addLangVar("<div class='c-tab'><div class='c-tab__content'><b>Offspring</b>"); 
            if (count($offspring) == 0) $d->addLangVar('<hr>None.'); 
            foreach ($offspring as $baby) { 
                $d->addLangVar("<hr><a href='/pet/profile/{$baby->aid}'>{$baby->name}<br><img src='{$baby->getImage()}'></a>"); 

            $d->addLangVar("<div class='c-tab'><div class='c-tab__content'>"); 
            $d->addLangvar("<b>Personality:</b> {$adopt->personality()}<br> 
                <b>Happiness:</b> {$adopt->happiness}/50<br> 
                <b>Hunger:</b> {$adopt->hunger}/50<br> 
                <b>Thirst:</b> {$adopt->thirst}/50<br> 
                <b>Closeness:</b> {$adopt->closeness}/50<br> 
            if ($adopt->breeder != null) { 
                $d->addLangvar("<br><br><b>Breeder:</b> <a href='/profile/view/{$adopt->breeder}'>{$adopt->breeder}</a>"); 


        $d->add(new Comment( 
            "<script src='/js/otherTabs.js'></script> 
                var myTabs = tabs({ 
                    el: '#tabs', 
                    tabNavigationLinks: '.c-tabs-nav__link', 
                    tabContentContainers: '.c-tab' 

            </script>", FALSE)); 

    public function release(){ 
        $d = $this->document; 
        $adopt = $this->getField('adopt'); 
        $d->addLangvar('<br><br><form method="post" action="/myadopts/release/'.$adopt->aid.'"><label for="password">Type your password below to confirm:</label><br><input type="password" name="password"><br><input type="submit" value="Release Pet?"></form>'); 

    public function bio(){ 
        $d = $this->document; 
        $adopt = $this->getField('adopt'); 
        $d->setTitle('Update Bio'); 
        $d->addLangvar('<form method="post"><textarea name="bio">'.$adopt->bio.'</textarea><br><input type="submit" value="Update Bio" name="submit"></form>'); 


Thanks in advance ^^;

Edit: Another question- how exactly do you set the companions and items to a pet?

EDIT 2-:

After installing this I also seem to be having a problem with "key" items working..
It gives me this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function items_key() in /home/atrocity/public_html/classes/class_privateitem.php on line 109

Heres my items functions.php


// File ID: functions_items.php
// Purpose: Provides specific functions defined for items

function items_valuable($item, $adopt){
  if (check_stats() == true){
    $note = "{$item->itemname} has been used on {$adopt->name}.";
    return $note;
  return "The item {$item->itemname} is a valuable item, which cannot be used on any adoptable but may sell for a good deal of money.";
function items_chiku1($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("type" => 'Chiku-Banzai'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "The item has been successfully used on your adoptable, it is now a {$adopt->type}!<br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;
function items_luv1($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("type" => 'Luv-Bug'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "The item has been successfully used on your adoptable, it is now a {$adopt->type}!<br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;
function items_zoey1($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("type" => 'Zoey'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "The item has been successfully used on your adoptable, it is now a {$adopt->type}!<br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;
function items_smoke1($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("type" => 'Smoke'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "The item has been successfully used on your adoptable, it is now a {$adopt->type}!<br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

function items_level1($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $newlevel = $adopt->currentlevel + $item->value;
  $lev = $mysidia->db->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$adopt->type}' and thisislevel ='{$newlevel}'")->fetchObject();
    //Check if the adoptable's level is already at maximum.    
    // object not created, the level is already at maximum.
    $note = "Unfortunately, your selected adoptable's level cannot be raised by using item {$item->itemname}.";
    //Update item quantity...
    $delitem = $item->remove();
    //Execute the script to update adoptable's level and clicks.
    $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $newlevel, "totalclicks" => $lev->requiredclicks), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
    $note = "Congratulations, the item {$item->itemname} raised your adoptable's level by {$item->value}";
  return $note;

function items_level2($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $newlevel = $item->value;
  $lev = $mysidia->db->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$adopt->type}' and thisislevel ='{$newlevel}'")->fetchObject();

    //Check if the adoptable's level is already at maximum.    
    // object not created, the level is already at maximum.
    $note = "Unfortunately, your selected adoptable's level cannot be raised by using item {$item->itemname}.";
    //Update item quantity...
    $delitem = $item->remove(); 
    //Execute the script to update adoptable's level and clicks.
	$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $newlevel, "totalclicks" => $lev->requiredclicks), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
    $note = "Congratulations, the item {$item->itemname} increases your adoptable's level to {$item->value}";
  return $note;

function items_level3($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove();
    //Execute the script to update adoptable's level and clicks.
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => 0, "totalclicks" => 0), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "Congratulations, the item {$item->itemname} has reset the level and clicks of your adoptable.";
  return $note;

function items_click1($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $newclicks = $adopt->totalclicks + $item->value;
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("totalclicks" => $newclicks), "aid='{$adopt->aid}'and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "By using {$item->itemname}, the adoptable's total number of clicks has raised by {$item->value}<br>";
  //Now lets check if the adoptable has reached a new level.
  $ownedAdopt = new OwnedAdoptable($adopt->aid);
      //new level exists, time to check if the total clicks have reached required minimum clicks for next level.
	 $nextLevel = $ownedAdopt->getNextLevel();
	 $requiredClicks = $nextLevel->getRequiredClicks();
     if($newclicks >= $requiredClicks and $requiredClicks != 0 and $requiredClicks != ""){
	    // We need to level this adoptable up...
        $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $nextLevel->getLevel()), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");		     
        $note .= "And moreover, it has gained a new level!";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

function items_click2($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $newclicks = $item->value;
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("totalclicks" => $newclicks), "aid='{$adopt->aid}'and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "By using {$item->itemname}, the adoptable's total number of clicks has raised by {$item->value}<br>";
  //Now lets check if the adoptable has reached a new level.
  $ownedAdopt = new OwnedAdoptable($adopt->aid);
      //new level exists, time to check if the total clicks have reached required minimum clicks for next level.
	 $nextLevel = $ownedAdopt->getNextLevel();
	 $requiredClicks = $nextLevel->getRequiredClicks();
     if($newclicks >= $requiredClicks and $requiredClicks != 0 and $requiredClicks != ""){
	    // We need to level this adoptable up...
        $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $nextlevel), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");	  
        $note .= "And moreover, it has gained a new level!";

  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

function items_click3($item, $adopt){ 
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $date = date('Y-m-d'); 
  $mysidia->db->delete("vote_voters", "adoptableid = '{$adopt->aid}' and date='{$date}'");
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  $note = "By using item {$item->name}, you have make your adoptables eligible for clicking by everyone again!";
  return $note;

function items_breed1($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  // Update the lastbred info.
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("lastbred" => 0), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");	
  $note = "The item has been successfully used on your adoptable, it can breed again!<br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(1, $item->owner);  
  return $note;

function items_breed2($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  // Note this function exists but is not useful until Mys v1.3.2, when adoptables can carry/attach items.
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("lastbred" => 0), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "The item has been successfully used on your adoptable, it can breed again!<br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;
function items_alts1($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  // First lets check if alternative image exists for an adoptable at this level.
  $lev = $mysidia->db->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$adopt->type}' and thisislevel ='{$adopt->currentlevel}'")->fetchObject();
  if($lev->alternateimage == ""){
      // The alternate image does not exist, cannot convert adoptable into its alternate form
    $note = "It appears that your adoptable does not have an alternate image at its given level...<br>";
      // The alternate image exists, conversion between primary and alternate image is possible.
      case "yes": 
        $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("usealternates" => 'no'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");		
        $note = "Your adoptable has assume the species primary form.";
        $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("usealternates" => 'yes'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");	   
        $note = "Your adoptable {$adopt->name} has assume the species alternate form.";
    //Update item quantity...
    $delitem = $item->remove();    
    return $note;    

function items_alts2($item, $adopt){
  $note = "This feature will be available soon after we redesign the adoptable class, enjoy!";
  return $note;

function items_recipe($item, $adopt){
  if (check_stats($item) == false){
    return "The item {$item->itemname} is a recipe item, which is only useful if you are preforming alchemy.";
  $note = "The item {$item->itemname} is a recipe item, which is more useful if you are performing alchemy. However your {$adopt->name} has greedily used it up anyway!";
  return $note;

function items_name1($item, $adopt){
  $note = "umm just realized that people can change adoptables names freely, will have to think about it later.";
  return $note;

function items_name2($item, $adopt){
  $note = "For now the items can only be used on adoptables, so user-based item usage will be implemented later.";
  return $note;

/* Increase players pet storage size */
function items_space($item) {
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  $max = $mysidia->user->getStatus()->max_pets;
  $limit = $mysidia->getSettings()->maximumpets;
  if ($max >= $limit) return $mysidia->lang->global_sitewide_maximum_pets_reached;
  $newMax = $max+$item->value;
  if ($newMax > $limit) return "Sorry but you can't use {$item}, it'd increase your size beyond the site pet limits.";

  $mysidia->db->update('users_status', ['max_pets'=>$newMax], "username='{$mysidia->user->username}'");
  $delitem = $item->remove();
  return $mysidia->lang->global_size_increase_item_used;

function items_key($item) {
  if (check_stats($item) == false) {
    return "This {$item->itemname} can not be used on your pet.";
  return $item->itemname . ' has been used.';

function check_stats($item) {
  $stats = ['hunger', 'thirst', 'closeness', 'happiness'];
  foreach ($stats as $s) {
    if ($item->$s != 0) {
      return TRUE;
  function items_unbindingcompanion($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  if ($adopt->companion != "nocompanion") {  
    $itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->companion);  
    $itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);  

  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => 'nocompanion'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "You use the <b>{$item->itemname}</b> on your pet, breaking the bond between it and its companion. The companion has been returned to your inventory!<br /><br /> <a href='/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;

function items_unbindingitem($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  if ($adopt->item != "noitem") {  
    $itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->item);  
    $itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);  

  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("item" => 'noitem'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "You use the <b>{$item->itemname}</b> on your pet, breaking the bond between it and its held item. The held item has been returned to your inventory!<br /><br /> <a href='/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;
function items_companion($item, $adopt){
  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
  if ($adopt->companion != "nocompanion") {  
    $itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->companion);  
    $itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);  
  $companion = $item->itemname;
  $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => $companion), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
  $note = "You have given your pet a <b>{$item->itemname}</b>! It will now show up in your pet's profile. <br /><br /> <a href='http://mysgardia.com/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
  //Update item quantity...
  $delitem = $item->remove(); 
  return $note;
  return FALSE;

Im really sorry that I suck at this so much x.x Im trying honest.

EDIT: I was trying to make it so that there was a seperate button for "Giving items to pets" For the Held items and pet companions because I have some items that can actually be used that I'd like them o be able to hold without using them for the stats.... This is what I tried to Do in my Inventoryview.php... in the Use area..

   # Rendering items now
            $document->add(new Comment("
                <div class=\"s_panel sc_item\">
                    <img rel=\"tooltip\" title=\"{$item->description} <em>{$usage}</em>\" src=\"{$item->imageurl}\"/><br/>
                    <b>{$item->itemname}</b><br> Own ×{$item->quantity}<br/>", FALSE));

            # If item is consumable, add use button
            if ($item->consumable == "yes") {
                $useForm = new FormBuilder("useform", "inventory/uses", "post");
                $useForm->buildPasswordField("hidden", "action", "uses")
                    ->buildPasswordField("hidden", "itemname", $item->itemname)
                    ->buildButton("Use", "use", "use");
             if ($item->helditem == "yes") {
                $useForm = new FormBuilder("useform", "inventory/uses", "post");
                $useForm->buildPasswordField("hidden", "action", "uses")
                    ->buildPasswordField("hidden", "itemname", $item->itemname)
                    ->buildButton("Give to Pet", "Give to Pet", "Give to Pet");
       if ($item->companion == "yes") {
                $useForm = new FormBuilder("useform", "inventory/uses", "post");
                $useForm->buildPasswordField("hidden", "action", "uses")
                    ->buildPasswordField("hidden", "itemname", $item->itemname)
                    ->buildButton("Give to Pet", "Give to Pet", "Give to Pet");

Im really trying to figure this out.. x.x
Last edited:
I seem to be having a little issue with it. If I add the companions through the PHP myadmin bit it works perfectly, but when trying to do it through the inventory and use the item it gives me a blank page. Is there something I need to add to an inventory page, or is it something else that's wrong? (Other items still work, so I know it's only with these functions :usedusedused:)
Sorry guys, I would try to help with this but I don't have access to the mysidia script at the moment. Hopefully someone else can help.
I'm not sure if anyone will be around to help (and it's fine if not) but just in case others are getting the same error it is basically telling me that the function items_companion() is undefined and so won't let me use the item. I've put all the files onto my remote server so I can see the errors, as my online one has them turned off xD
Did you make sure to include the function in functions/functions_items.php ?
Yeah, the error is actually for class_privateitem (forgot to say lol) and I've checked both that one and functions_items o_O

  Spoiler: Code 

use Resource\Native\String;

class PrivateItem extends Item{
  // The PrivateItem class, which defines functionalities for items that belong to specific users

  public $iid;
  public $owner;
  public $quantity;
  public $status;
  public function __construct($iteminfo, $itemowner = ""){     
	  // the item is an owned item in user inventory, so retrieve database info to assign properties
	  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
	  $fetchmode = (is_numeric($iteminfo))?"iid":"itemname";
      $whereclause = ($fetchmode == "iid")?"{$fetchmode} = '{$iteminfo}'":"{$fetchmode} ='{$iteminfo}' and owner = '{$itemowner}'";		  
      $row = $mysidia->db->select("inventory", array(), $whereclause)->fetchObject();
	     // loop through the anonymous object created to assign properties
	     foreach($row as $key => $val){
            $this->$key = $val;
      else $this->iid = 0;	  
  public function getitem(){
      // This method checks if the item exists in inventory or not, not to be confused with parent class' getitem() class.
	  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
	  $stmt = $mysidia->db->select("inventory", array(), "itemname ='{$this->itemname}' and owner ='{$this->owner}'"); 
	  return $stmt->fetchObject();
  public function getvalue($quantity = 0, $discount = 0.5){
      // This method returns the cost of items.
      $value = $this->price*$quantity*$discount;
	  return $value;
  public function apply($adopt = "", $user = ""){
      // This method uses 
      $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
      if(is_numeric($adopt)) $owned_adoptable = $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "aid ='{$adopt}'")->fetchObject();
      if(!empty($user)) $theuser = $mysidia->db->select("users", array(), "username ='{$user}'")->fetchObject();
      // Now we decide which function to call...
         case "Valuable": 
            $message = items_valuable($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Level1":
            $message = items_level1($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Level2":
            $message = items_level2($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Level3":
            $message = items_level3($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Click1":
            $message = items_click1($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Click2":
            $message = items_click2($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Breed1":
            $message = items_breed1($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Breed2":
            $message = items_breed2($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Alts1":
            $message = items_alts1($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Alts2":
            $message = items_alts2($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "Name1":
            $message = items_name1($this, $theuser);
         case "Name2":
            $message = items_name2($this, $theuser);
		case "Companion":
            $message = items_companion($this, $owned_adoptable);
        case "HeldItem":
            $message = items_helditem($this, $owned_adoptable);
            throw new ItemException("The item function is invalid");		 
		case "UnbindingCompanion":
            $message = items_unbindingcompanion($this, $owned_adoptable);
         case "UnbindingItem":
            $message = items_unbindingitem($this, $owned_adoptable);
	  return new String($message);

  public function add($quantity = 1, $owner){


  public function sell($quantity = 1, $owner = ""){
      // This method sells items from user inventory
	  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
      $this->owner = (!empty($owner))?$owner:$this->owner;
      $earn = $this->getvalue($quantity);      
      $newamount = $mysidia->user->money + $earn;
         $mysidia->db->update("users", array("money" => $newamount), "username = '{$this->owner}'");
	     return TRUE;
      else return FALSE; 	 
  public function toss($owner = ""){
	  return TRUE;
  public function remove($quantity = 1, $owner = ""){
      // This method removes items from user inventory
      $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
      $this->owner = (!empty($owner))?$owner:$this->owner;
      $newquantity = $this->quantity - $quantity;
	  if(empty($this->quantity) or $newquantity < 0) return FALSE;
		    case 0:
			   $mysidia->db->delete("inventory", "itemname='{$this->itemname}' and owner='{$this->owner}'");
			   $mysidia->db->update("inventory", array("quantity" => $newquantity), "itemname ='{$this->itemname}' and owner='{$this->owner}'");
	     return TRUE;
  public function checktarget($aid){
      // This method checks if the item is usable
	  $adopt = new OwnedAdoptable($aid);
      $id = $adopt->getID();
	  $item_usable = FALSE;
         case "all":
		    $item_usable = TRUE;
         case "user":
		    $item_usable = TRUE;
		    $target = explode(",",$this->target);
            if(in_array($id, $target)) $item_usable = TRUE;			
	  return $item_usable;
  public function randomchance(){
      // This method returns the item image in standard html form
	  $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
	     case 100:
            $item_usable = TRUE;
		    $temp = mt_rand(0,99);
			$item_usable = ($temp < $this->chance)?TRUE:FALSE;
      return $item_usable;	  

Thanks ^_^

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