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  • Oh I see. Joomla and Drupal are among the most popular CMS available, but they can be quite difficult to use. Nemesis' sounds promising, hopefully it will be a great alternative to those available open source CMS.

    And have you heard of javascript 2.0? It seems that the new version was abandoned for some reason.
    I see, that would be a very good way to make people see how amazing RSS can potentially be. I am not quite familiar with Nemesis' content manager, is it somewhat like Joomla and Drupal?

    Well it definitely deserves attention, can be a quite good alternative for programmers used to javascript syntax. The lack of classes and abstract/interfaces can be a problem, but there should be a way to overcome it.
    I see, so it is a campus you are somewhat familiar with, how nice! It can be quite different in a large university if you are used to studying in smaller schools. There are pros and cons with large universities, hopefully you find it more enjoyable than annoying. XD

    Yeah, I believe it is. It would be nicer if there is a way to make people realize how RSS can help their sites. Some do not see the potential though.

    Sure thing, you are more than welcomed to post javascript tutorials at anytime you want. The program is called node.js, which can pretty much do what PHP can. The problem is, well, it is still not very well developed. On the other hand many coders prefer class-based object oriented programming language, while javascript by itself is prototype based(it does not use classes).
    Oh great, first choice! Glad you get into your desired college, hopefully it will be a wonderful experience.

    RSS feeds. XD I saw your thread already, I wonder if most people here understand what it does to your site but Id say its quite interesting.

    Yeah a Javascript tutorial, I believe it will help people out. In fact, a server side Javascript program is slowly gaining popularity nowadays, it may not be surprising to see it finally taking over PHP, Python and Ruby as server-side programming language. The advantage? Well, its syntax is the same as javascript so easy to learn. The disadvantage? You have to redesign the script if you used to code in PHP. XD
    Oh cool, glad to know you are excited at going to college. Is this your desired university? I dreamed big when I was at your age, and of course it disappointed me when I was rejected by Ivy league universities.

    Well AJAX is indeed a powerful tool to integrate javascript with a server-side programming language such as PHP, Python and Ruby. I am quite comfortable with Javascript nowadays, although its difficult to use two programming languages together. I am considering using a PHP Ajax framework, like this one:

    Isnt it interesting? For a PHP programmer you cant ask more than this. XD I plan to post more PHP tutorials after releasing Mys v1.3.2,and I was wondering if you dont mind posting some javascript tutorials here. I know its a PHP script, but its still possible to use javascript in it. Dont you think so?
    Thats good to know, mind revealing the name of your college to me? Dont worry about it if you believe this should be a secret. XD

    I see, so a remake for MM2+, sounds intriguing. An alternative site for random short stories is not a bad idea, if you have a hosting account of course.

    In fact I've decided to discontinue the development of my pokemansion site until I am able to create a battle system for Mys v1.5.0. I'm learning some advanced javascript now since it seems that AJAX is necessary for battle systems. I usually have trouble using two programming languages interchangeably, so its gonna be a challenge for me. XD

    Its fine, dont worry about it now. I've found a slightly modified demo script on my old hosting account, its not exactly the same as RA but definitely not much different. Thanks for concerning btw. ^^
    You are close to graduating too? Congrats, I bet you already decided which college you want to go and it will be a brand new experience. You said you were going to major in game design/programming? If so, good luck and you will soon be the best programmer around those you know of.

    I see, looks like you are in good shape now. A different site, is it still about Pokemon? I am sure it will be amazing anyway. XD

    Oh btw, do you happen to have a copy of the old Rusnak Adoptables? I dont have one in my computer although my pokemansion site script is pretty much a slightly modified version of it. The old download link was on megaupload so it was done for good. Lemme know if you can send me a copy of RA.
    Umm did I? But it's nice to know if you can code in OOP nowadays. It is one first step to distinguish yourself from a beginner to an intermediate coder. If you are comfortable with OOP, chances are you are improving closer to advanced programmer level. XD

    It seems that I cannot fulfill my words on the release date of Mys v1.3.2, Id like to apologize for this. I've been moving since graduation commencement, there aint a stable location and internet access for me until I settle down. It sucks, but perhaps thats life...

    And if you dont mind me asking, hows everything been to you and your site?
    I see, so you are doing Flash then. Have you looked into Object-Oriented Programming in PHP? I am quite used to it now, although still trying to improve my skills at design. Since objects will be used more and more frequently in this script in future, its a good idea to be familiar with them dont you think so? XD
    Oh yeah I forgot classes aint over yet for highschoolers, good luck on that.

    I see, so you couldnt find the right word to describe your feelings. Looks like you indeed had such a huge plan for MM2+, it wont hurt to be ambitious but again like I said before a proper planB and planC will be helpful. Umm explore areas? That will work out nicely with a battle system. It may be hard, but doable. Incorporating some flash will make your site more interesting, and of course you can use javascript too since you are good at it.
    Yeah there is a MyBB mod that does the trick, although it works a bit differently.

    umm it isnt really particular a feature, but glad you like it. Wonder what you are gonna say in your blogs tomorrow though.

    It is not a bad idea to over-plan your site, you just need some kind of planB and planC incase you cant get one particular thing done correctly. The script is indeed quite different from Rusnak Script now, with Mys v1.4.0 it will be pretty much a completely new script. Dont quite understand why it depresses you though.

    umm a few definitely is not a lot, but its definition is surely somewhat ambiguous. No need to worry too much about this gal.
    So are you telling me you like this VM feature? Then ask BMR to buy a vbulletin license and migrate the forum from MyBB to Vbulletin. XD

    I see, so being a VA is more of a recognition of your contribution to MA. Anyway I can see how proud you are as a higher-up staff on a community you've been dedicated to. And I wont be offering you anything more than a Premium Member here, so theres no need to worry. XD

    Oh thats interesting. Actually you can write blogs too here as a premium member, but its up to you.

    Ah MM2+, it was a quite amazing site Id say. XD Rusnak script being behind aint a big problem, but that it was filled with programming flaws and errors. Nowadays I strongly recommend against using it unless you have a very good reason.

    Oh okay, nvm then. I thought a few means 4-6. XD
    Well thats only because you aint used to Vbulletin forums yet. I am not surprised seeing how you are mostly active on MA's support forum, which uses MyBB and does not have visitor messaging feature.

    And in fact I believe you are a good coder. If you aint MA staff Id probably offer you a position as Dev staff here already. Perhaps someday BMR will come to realize this and hire you as a developer for MA. XD

    Oh thanks, I post a blog entry whenever a new feature is ready for preview. I may end up writing another soon when the adoptables shop script is completed.

    Iris does seem to have this problem, but it's actually not that bad considering the script will be much more advanced by the time she finally realizes what she wants for an adoptables site. Ruinly apparently knew what a site she wished to build from the very beginning, but now shes stuck with Mys v1.2.2. XD

    I wouldnt say a few weeks, 1-2 weeks at most.
    Looks like you posted that reply on your own profile... Forgot to click 'view conversion' then? XD

    Well the new promo code system was inspired by suggestions made on MA support forum, you may want to read that blog I wrote a month ago to see the details. I am not quite sure what BMR plans to add though, it seems to me that it will have breeding, CKEditor and perhaps enhanced Cpanel. He does not seem to mention anything like itemshop though.

    Yeah its always better if you can learn programming by taking legitimate class. Sure you can always learn from books and internet articles, but there are some things that can only be taught by a teacher/professor. These things may seem minor at the very beginning but once you are an intermediate programmer trying to further improve yourself, they will come back and bite you. You will see what I mean soon.

    umm sticking to one idea... Seems that you are not the only one having that kind of problem. I am sure its the same deal with Kaeliah as she keeps giving up old sites and working on new sties. Sometimes its because you really do not quite know what you want, but I believe it can be overcome sooner or later. ^^

    It should be available within a week or two. I do need to finish it off soon so that I can officially start the new ACP project.
    Aha XD But it's a good theft of ideas :p Oddly, while he says it's at 6% the screenshots make it seem like he's much farther along O: I guess there's a lot he's planning to put in :3

    I've yet to take a legitimate class on programming (I took a 1 week summer class on Python OTL), but I'm really excited to be able to learn more at college 8D I feel like the way I go about coding now is effective, but not efficient XD

    The main problem with me is I can't stick to one idea D: Once I get a solid idea though I'll go with something :p Might try to incorporate some Flash in too ;) I have some nice ideas for that :3 About how long do you think until v1.3.2 comes out? I'm a patient, but curious person XD
    I see, this sounds somewhat interesting. I heard that the progress of new MA is now 6%, compared to 2% last time I checked. Guess it will be available early next year if he keeps this up? Anyway I do check out MA's suggestions threads at times, which makes me somewhat of a 'thief of ideas'.

    Well this you never know, especially if you receive professional trainings on programming. I so envy those who can take PHP/MySQL/AJAX courses in college, my school offers C++ and Java only in its computer science/programming courses...

    Sure you can work on a site if you want to. At this point Id recommend you to wait for Mys v1.3.2, which will be released soon. This script is now using lots of objects and OOP, a move made after Mys v1.3.0's initial release.
    Oh thats too bad, I understand how much you want to help him. Ya know, it is difficult to work on a software all by yourself, even for this project we have at least three active developers(2 coders and 1 artist). More importantly, I believe you are good enough to help with coding, so perhaps you should make an offer to BMR. XD

    Thats good to know, video game design. It has a lot to do with programming but more than just programming. I can envision that in about 2-3 years you will be a way better programming than me, or perhaps you already are.

    Me? Well life sucks but I try to stay alive.
    Hi there Gigi, hows life been to you? I heard you were hired as a coder for new MA's development, not sure if thats true or not.
    Aha so you are worrying about your position? Actually Nemesis has been negotiating with him lately, I am also keeping a close watch over this entire event since it may affect Mys somehow. I can tel you some details in a PM if you want.
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