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  1. E

    Market research

    Hi guys! WOW it has been long time no see! what a year or so? Well I may be back more often now... I hope you dont mind me posting here, but I need to do a bit of a market research for my upcoming virtual pet site, and I was wondering if you guys could help me? I have written up a short...
  2. E


    Hi, Does the script use sessions at all? a script I am trying to intergrate requires sessions, any idea how I can create the session ID for the user if there isnt one already available? Thanks, Mark
  3. E

    XHTML Complient

    Hi, I am trying to get my site XHTML compliant however there is only 21 errors, how and where do I find these errors? My site is...
  4. E

    Uploading pets

    How do I increase the upload size of pets and how can I include uploading of PNG images?
  5. E

    Reporting and warning

    I think, for the members safety and whatnot, there should be some kind of reporting feature, where users can report thoughs whom are being abusive, or spamming and such The user would click a button, to report a PM say, the PM then goes into another table in the database, of which the...
  6. E

    Easter Eggs

    Easter Eggs, sometimes a tastey choclatey treat or a secret feature on a DVD, which one would you prefer, would you prefer both perhaps? It is Easter Sunday, where you can put in a DVD, and sit down, put your feet up and eat some Easter Eggs? Or can you, you might have such a busy busy family...
  7. E


    I think there should be an option to "employ" more staff, being able to set the staff name, such as Administrators, or Police or whatever you would like to call it, and these set users could be paid for their work in another idea "points, gold" again whatever the web master might want to call...
  8. E

    Virtual Pet Sites: Neopets & Marapets now going down?

    hey! I was shocked, looking at the image attached, that it appears Neopets and Marapets, 2 known virtual pet sites hits have taken a dramatic fall over the last year! Does this mean that small sites such as ours will be able to over take them now? Mark
  9. E

    [SEO]Increase your search rankings!

    So you want to increase your search rankings? The first thing I suggest you do is have perminantly redirected to, to prove it works, visit - you see it redirects to Attached is .htaccess file, which would appear blank on Windows...
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