Need some help integrating with mybb

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Jan 29, 2013
Where I live? I live home.
Mysidian Dollar
So I've been struggling with integrating mybb in the new version (Of all the things...).
I've checked the config file for the mybb and took the info from there and put it into config_forums but when I make a test account I get "failed to create forum account". I know I haven't misspelled anything, because when I did I got a message that told me that access was denied for me to do that, so I don't know what is up.

I was trying to work on making my forums and site's inventories integrated and I don't know why it isn't working... (have to make the user id's match on both so I needed the auto sign-up)

I'm probably going to make myself a cup of noodles and try to fiddle around with this more to see what I can do to fix it on my own...
I had the same error, I'm going to leave this to HoF because I was never able to resolve it myself ---

I will be anxious to see what the issue is, I really would love to use the Mybb with the Pet site!
I was using it to try and sync up forum achievements/items with site ones and currency to kind of add a bit of connectivity but this error is really frustration. Glad to know I'm not the only one XD
I know this sounds too simple to be true but, did you assign the Database account to the new database for the forum and give it full access?

I set up MyBB forums with Mysidia's v1.3.3 script this morning and it seems to be working fine for me.
I know this sounds too simple to be true but, did you assign the Database account to the new database for the forum and give it full access?

I set up MyBB forums with Mysidia's v1.3.3 script this morning and it seems to be working fine for me.

I did, it was the same account I had used for the previous version that I simply just reassigned to this one, and it isn't working for me... it seems to be a common error though, from the looks of it....
I did, it was the same account I had used for the previous version that I simply just reassigned to this one, and it isn't working for me... it seems to be a common error though, from the looks of it....

Isn't working for me too :ohnoes:
So I've been struggling with integrating mybb in the new version (Of all the things...).
I've checked the config file for the mybb and took the info from there and put it into config_forums but when I make a test account I get "failed to create forum account". I know I haven't misspelled anything, because when I did I got a message that told me that access was denied for me to do that, so I don't know what is up.

I was trying to work on making my forums and site's inventories integrated and I don't know why it isn't working... (have to make the user id's match on both so I needed the auto sign-up)

I'm probably going to make myself a cup of noodles and try to fiddle around with this more to see what I can do to fix it on my own...

I found that it doesn't work with MyBB 1.6.10, I had problems with it for almost a week Installing and uninstalling more than 30 times :(

I tried it with MyBB 1.6.8 today and it worked :happycbig:
I found that it doesn't work with MyBB 1.6.10, I had problems with it for almost a week Installing and uninstalling more than 30 times :(

I tried it with MyBB 1.6.8 today and it worked :happycbig:

That's great!

I hope though it can be fixed work with 1.6.10, cause I modded my forums a bit and I do not want to lose my stuff....
umm so you are implying that the script works with MyBB 1.6.8 but not MyBB 1.6.10? I believe it is compatible with MyBB 1.6.9 too as I tested it myself with Mys v1.3.3's demo site. There is a chance that MyBB 1.6.10 has a different database table structure for users and other users related fields. I will take a look at it after finishing off new features for Mys v1.3.4.
umm so you are implying that the script works with MyBB 1.6.8 but not MyBB 1.6.10? I believe it is compatible with MyBB 1.6.9 too as I tested it myself with Mys v1.3.3's demo site. There is a chance that MyBB 1.6.10 has a different database table structure for users and other users related fields. I will take a look at it after finishing off new features for Mys v1.3.4.

Hope you make MyBB 1.6.10 compatible In the next release of Mys v1.3.4, or else if your planning to release Mys 1.3.4 after MyBB 1.8 is released I would suggest making it compatible with MyBB 1.8 instead.
Sorry to dig this up, but I found out what was causing the error! ouo The field 'failedlogin' in the column 'users' no longer exists in the latest MyBB version. To make the newest version compatible, simply replace your functions/functions_forums.php with the following:

// File ID: functions_forums.php
// Purpose: Provides specific functions for forum integration, for now it is MyBB only.

function mybbregister(){ 
    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    $forums = new Database($mybbdbname, $mybbhost, $mybbuser, $mybbpass, $mybbprefix) or die("Cannot connect to forum database, please contact an admin immediately.");

    //Now the database has been switched to mybb forum's. Before inserting user info, lets generate the password and salt in Mybb format.
    $salty = codegen(8, 0);
    $loginkey = codegen(50, 0);
    $md5pass = md5($mysidia->input->post("pass1"));
    $fpass = md5(md5($salty).$md5pass); 
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $altip = ipgen($ip);  
    $username = $mysidia->input->post("username");
    $email = $mysidia->input->post("email");
    $avatar = (strpos($imageurl, "http://") !== false)?$avatar:"http://www.".DOMAIN.SCRIPTPATH."/".$mysidia->input->post("avatar");
    $birthday = $mysidia->input->post("birthday");
    $query = "INSERT INTO {$mybbprefix}users (uid, username, password, salt, loginkey, email, postnum, avatar, avatardimensions, avatartype, usergroup, additionalgroups, displaygroup, usertitle, regdate, lastactive, lastvisit, lastpost, website, icq, aim, yahoo, msn, birthday, birthdayprivacy, signature, allownotices, hideemail, subscriptionmethod, invisible, receivepms, receivefrombuddy, pmnotice, pmnotify, threadmode, showsigs, showavatars, showquickreply, showredirect, ppp, tpp, daysprune, dateformat, timeformat, timezone, dst, dstcorrection, buddylist, ignorelist, style, away, awaydate, returndate, awayreason, pmfolders, notepad, referrer, referrals, reputation, regip, lastip, longregip, longlastip, language, timeonline, showcodebuttons, totalpms, unreadpms, warningpoints, moderateposts, moderationtime, suspendposting, suspensiontime, suspendsignature, suspendsigtime, coppauser, classicpostbit, loginattempts, usernotes)
                                       VALUES ('', '$username', '$fpass','$salty','$loginkey', '$email', '0', '$avatar', '', '0', '2', '', '0', '', 'time()', 'time()', 'time()', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '$birthday', 'all', '', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0','0','0','$ip', '$ip','$altip','$altip','','0','1', '0', '0', '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','')";
    $forums->query($query) or die("Failed to create forum account");

    // Now set the cookie for user on MyBB        
    $mybbuser = $forums->select("users", array("uid", "loginkey"), "username = '{$username}'")->fetchObject();
    $cookiesettings = array();
    $cookiesettings['cookiedomain'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookiedomain'")->fetchColumn();
    $cookiesettings['cookiepath'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookiepath'")->fetchColumn();
    $cookiesettings['cookieprefix'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookieprefix'")->fetchColumn();
    mybbsetcookie("mybbuser", $mybbuser->uid."_".$mybbuser->loginkey, NULL, true, $cookiesettings);

    $mybbsid = mybb_random_str(32); 
    mybbsetcookie("sid", $mybbsid, -1, true); 

function mybblogin(){
    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    $forums = new Database($mybbdbname, $mybbhost, $mybbuser, $mybbpass, $mybbprefix) or die("Cannot connect to forum database, please contact an admin immediately.");
    $mybbuser = $forums->select("users", array("uid", "loginkey"), "username = '{$mysidia->input->post("username")}'")->fetchObject();
    $cookiesettings = array();
    $cookiesettings['cookiedomain'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookiedomain'")->fetchColumn();
    $cookiesettings['cookiepath'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookiepath'")->fetchColumn();
    $cookiesettings['cookieprefix'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookieprefix'")->fetchColumn();
    mybbsetcookie("mybbuser", $mybbuser->uid."_".$mybbuser->loginkey, NULL, true, $cookiesettings);

    $mybbsid = mybb_random_str(32); 
    mybbsetcookie("sid", $mybbsid, -1, true); 

function mybblogout(){
    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    $forums = new Database($mybbdbname, $mybbhost, $mybbuser, $mybbpass, $mybbprefix) or die("Cannot connect to forum database, please contact an admin immediately.");
    $loginkey = codegen(50, 0);
    $lastvisit = time() - 900;
    $lastactive = time();
    $forums->update("users", array("loginkey" => $loginkey, "lastvisit" => $lastvisit, "lastactive" => $lastactive), "uid = '{$mysidia->user->uid}'");
    $forums->delete("sessions", "uid = '{$mysidia->user->uid}'");

function mybbsetcookie($name, $value="", $expires="", $httponly=false, $cookiesettings = array()){
    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
	if(!$cookiesettings['cookiepath']) $cookiesettings['cookiepath'] = "/";

	if($expires == -1) $expires = 0;
	elseif($expires == "" || $expires == null) $expires = time() + (60*60*24*365); // Make the cookie expire in a years time
	else $expires = time() + intval($expires);

	$cookiesettings['cookiepath'] = str_replace(array("\n","\r"), "", $cookiesettings['cookiepath']);
	$cookiesettings['cookiedomain'] = str_replace(array("\n","\r"), "", $cookiesettings['cookiedomain']);
	$cookiesettings['cookieprefix'] = str_replace(array("\n","\r", " "), "", $cookiesettings['cookieprefix']);

	// Versions of PHP prior to 5.2 do not support HttpOnly cookies and IE is buggy when specifying a blank domain so set the cookie manually
	$cookie = "Set-Cookie: {$cookiesettings['cookieprefix']}{$name}=".urlencode($value);

	if($expires > 0) $cookie .= "; expires=".@gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $expires);
	if(!empty($cookiesettings['cookiepath'])) $cookie .= "; path={$cookiesettings['cookiepath']}";
	if(!empty($cookiesettings['cookiedomain'])) $cookie .= "; domain={$cookiesettings['cookiedomain']}";
	if($httponly == true) $cookie .= "; HttpOnly";
	$cookiesettings[$name] = $value;
	header($cookie, false);

function mybbunsetcookie($name){	
	$expires = -3600;
	mybbsetcookie($name, "", $expires);		

function mybb_seed_rng($count=8){
	$output = '';
	// Try the unix/linux method
	if(@is_readable('/dev/urandom') && ($handle = @fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb'))){
		$output = @fread($handle, $count);
	// Didn't work? Do we still not have enough bytes? Use our own (less secure) rng generator
	if(strlen($output) < $count){
		$output = '';
		// Close to what PHP basically uses internally to seed, but not quite.
		$unique_state = microtime().@getmypid();
		for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i += 16){
			$unique_state = md5(microtime().$unique_state);
			$output .= pack('H*', md5($unique_state));
	// /dev/urandom and openssl will always be twice as long as $count. base64_encode will roughly take up 33% more space but crc32 will put it to 32 characters
	$output = hexdec(substr(dechex(crc32(base64_encode($output))), 0, $count));
	return $output;

function mybb_rand($min=null, $max=null, $force_seed=false){
	static $seeded = false;
	static $obfuscator = 0;

	if($seeded == false || $force_seed == true){
		$seeded = true;

		$obfuscator = abs((int) mybb_seed_rng());
		// Ensure that $obfuscator is <= mt_getrandmax() for 64 bit systems.
		if($obfuscator > mt_getrandmax()) $obfuscator -= mt_getrandmax();

	if($min !== null && $max !== null){
		$distance = $max - $min;
		if ($distance > 0) return $min + (int)((float)($distance + 1) * (float)(mt_rand() ^ $obfuscator) / (mt_getrandmax() + 1));
		else return mt_rand($min, $max);
		$val = mt_rand() ^ $obfuscator;
		return $val;

function mybb_random_str($length="8"){
	$set = array("a","A","b","B","c","C","d","D","e","E","f","F","g","G","h","H","i","I","j","J","k","K","l","L","m","M","n","N","o","O","p","P","q","Q","r","R","s","S","t","T","u","U","v","V","w","W","x","X","y","Y","z","Z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9");
	$str = '';

	for($i = 1; $i <= $length; ++$i){
		$ch = mybb_rand(0, count($set)-1);
		$str .= $set[$ch];

	return $str;

function mybbrebuildstats(){
    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    if(!$mysidia->input->post("username")) return FALSE;
    $forums = new Database($mybbdbname, $mybbhost, $mybbuser, $mybbpass, $mybbprefix) or die("Cannot connect to forum database, please contact an admin immediately.");
    $oldstats = $forums->select("datacache", array("cache"), "title = 'stats'")->fetchColumn();
    $stats = unserialize($oldstats); 
    $uid = $forums->select("users", array("uid"), "username = '{$mysidia->input->post("username")}'")->fetchColumn();
    if($stats['lastuid'] == $uid) return FALSE;
    $stats['lastuid'] = $uid;
    $stats['lastusername'] = $mysidia->input->post("username");
    $newstats = serialize($stats);
    $forums->update("datacache", array("cache" => $newstats), "title = 'stats'");
    $forums->insert("stats", array("dateline" => time(), "numusers" => $stats['numusers'], "numthreads" => $stats['numthreads'], "numposts" => $stats['numposts']));
    return TRUE;

Interesting, I never thought about that, but well MyBB's users table has like 50+ fields so its difficult to track each column down. This is why I've divided Mysidia's users table into several smaller pieces so each one gets no more than 15 columns, and ideally less than 10.

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