Currency for leveling up / Adoptable shop (Fixed again)

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RE: [In Development] Currency for leveling up

mattalien said:
Ashje said:
This doesn't work. It shows this error: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in /home/--------/public_html/index.php on line 160"

It won't show it when you go there now because I reversed Step 3 but if I were to put it in then that error would appear.

I followed everything exactly. This is my index.php file:


// Easy Adoptables Script by Brandon Rusnak
// Get our includes out of the way

include("inc/nbbc.php");  // BBCODE Parser
$bbcode = new BBCode;

// Connect to our database

$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql database!');

//Set up our login info...
$username = "";
$password = "";

//Check for cookie

if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu']) and isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){

$username = $_COOKIE['adoptu'];
$password = $_COOKIE['adoptp'];

$username = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $username);
$password = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $password);

//Run login operation
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {



	if($username == $luser and $password == $lpass){
		$isloggedin = "yes";
	if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu'])){
	$past = time() - 10; 

	if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){
	$past = time() - 10; 
	$isloggedin = "no";

//User is not logged in
$isloggedin = "no";


// Define our Template File

$file = $current_theme;

// Get our content for the index page

$query = "SELECT * FROM article_content WHERE page = 'index'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {



$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);

$article_content = $bbcode->Parse($article_content);

// Run the BBCODE parser on the content

// Should we show the extra pages in the nav bar?

$link1 = "";
if($show_extra_page1 == "yes"){
$link1 = "<li><a href='$extra_page1_link'>$extra_page1_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>"; 

$link2 = "";
if($show_extra_page2 == "yes"){
$link2 = "<li><a href='$extra_page2_link'>$extra_page2_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>"; 

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template

$template = file_get_contents($file);
$template = replace(':SITETITLE:',$site_title,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$site_name,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK1:',$link1,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK2:',$link2,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK3:',$link3,$template);

//Get the featured adoptable...
$featured = getfeatured();
$template = replace(':FEATURED:',$featured,$template);

//Ad Management
$header = @file_get_contents("ads/header.txt");
$footer = @file_get_contents("ads/footer.txt");
$tower = @file_get_contents("ads/tower.txt");

$header = stripslashes($header);
$footer = stripslashes($footer);
$tower = stripslashes($tower);

$template = replace(':HEADERAD:',$header,$template);
$template = replace(':FOOTERAD:',$footer,$template);
$template = replace(':TOWERAD:',$tower,$template);

//Is the user logged in?
//$isloggedin = "no";
if ($isloggedin == "yes"){
$query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '".$luser."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);
    while ($i < 1) {
    $money =@mysql_result($result,$i,"money");
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','',$template);
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', '<p>Hi, '.$username.'
<p>Currency name: '.$money.'
<p><a href="logout.php">Log out</a>' ,$template); 

//User is not logged in
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','<u>Member Login:</u>',$template);
$loginform = "<form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>
    <input name='username' type='text' id='username'>
    <input name='password' type='password' id='password'>
    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'>
  <p>Don't have an account?<br>
  <a href='register.php'>Register Free</a>  </p>
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', $loginform ,$template);

echo $template;

Please help. Thanks =)

With yours, you were missing one of these: "}"

This is the correct code :)


// Easy Adoptables Script by Brandon Rusnak
// Get our includes out of the way

include("inc/nbbc.php");  // BBCODE Parser
$bbcode = new BBCode;

// Connect to our database

$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql database!');

//Set up our login info...
$username = "";
$password = "";

//Check for cookie

if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu']) and isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){

$username = $_COOKIE['adoptu'];
$password = $_COOKIE['adoptp'];

$username = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $username);
$password = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $password);

//Run login operation
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {



    if($username == $luser and $password == $lpass){
        $isloggedin = "yes";
    if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu'])){
    $past = time() - 10;

    if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){
    $past = time() - 10;
    $isloggedin = "no";

//User is not logged in
$isloggedin = "no";


// Define our Template File

$file = $current_theme;

// Get our content for the index page

$query = "SELECT * FROM article_content WHERE page = 'index'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {



$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);

$article_content = $bbcode->Parse($article_content);

// Run the BBCODE parser on the content

// Should we show the extra pages in the nav bar?

$link1 = "";
if($show_extra_page1 == "yes"){
$link1 = "<li><a href='$extra_page1_link'>$extra_page1_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>";

$link2 = "";
if($show_extra_page2 == "yes"){
$link2 = "<li><a href='$extra_page2_link'>$extra_page2_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>";

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template

$template = file_get_contents($file);
$template = replace(':SITETITLE:',$site_title,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$site_name,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK1:',$link1,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK2:',$link2,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK3:',$link3,$template);

//Get the featured adoptable...
$featured = getfeatured();
$template = replace(':FEATURED:',$featured,$template);

//Ad Management
$header = @file_get_contents("ads/header.txt");
$footer = @file_get_contents("ads/footer.txt");
$tower = @file_get_contents("ads/tower.txt");

$header = stripslashes($header);
$footer = stripslashes($footer);
$tower = stripslashes($tower);

$template = replace(':HEADERAD:',$header,$template);
$template = replace(':FOOTERAD:',$footer,$template);
$template = replace(':TOWERAD:',$tower,$template);

//Is the user logged in?
//$isloggedin = "no";
if ($isloggedin == "yes"){
$query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '".$luser."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);
    while ($i < 1) {
    $money =@mysql_result($result,$i,"money");
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','',$template);
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', '<p>Hi, '.$username.'
<p>Currency name: '.$money.'
<p><a href="logout.php">Log out</a>' ,$template);


//User is not logged in
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','<u>Member Login:</u>',$template);
$loginform = "<form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>
    <input name='username' type='text' id='username'>
    <input name='password' type='password' id='password'>
    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'>
  <p>Don't have an account?<br>
  <a href='register.php'>Register Free</a>  </p>
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', $loginform ,$template);

echo $template;


Thanks, it all works now =).

But if I were to put an image code here:

<p>Currency name: '.$money.'

<p><img src='' alt='Twilight Crystal'></a> '.$money.'

It gives that error again.

I want it to say something like:



"You have 2
Twilight Crystal(s)."
RE: [In Development] Currency for leveling up

well, this may fix it, but on your code, it says:

<p><img src='' alt='Twilight Crystal'>[b]</a>[/b] '.$money.'

the bolded bit should be </img>

RE: [In Development] Currency for leveling up

It still comes up with the same error. Thanks though. =)
RE: [In Development] Currency for leveling up

hmmmmm.......strange. I'll keep looking though
RE: [In Development] Currency for leveling up

Try this!

<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Twilight Crystal\" /> '.$money.'

Also, do you want me to untag this as In Development?
RE: [In Development] Currency for leveling up


That appears as "\"Twilight 18" (18 being the number of crystals). Thanks though =)


Figured it out, it's:

<p><img src=""/> '.$money.'

Thanks Rsmiley! XD
RE: [In Development] Currency for leveling up

I put the code in, and am getting errors. Could I be missing anything?
Edit to add code

// Easy Adoptables Script by Brandon Rusnak
// Get our includes out of the way

include("inc/nbbc.php");  // BBCODE Parser
$bbcode = new BBCode;

$stop = 0;

// Connect to our database

$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql database!');

//Set up our login info...
$username = "";
$password = "";

//Check for cookie

if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu']) and isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){

$username = $_COOKIE['adoptu'];
$password = $_COOKIE['adoptp'];

$username = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $username);
$password = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $password);

//Run login operation
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {



	if($username == $luser and $password == $lpass){
		$isloggedin = "yes";
	if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu'])){
	$past = time() - 10; 

	if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){
	$past = time() - 10; 
	$isloggedin = "no";

//User is not logged in
$isloggedin = "no";


$aID = $_GET["aID"];
$aID = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $aID);
$cname = $_GET["cname"];
$cname = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $cname);
$flag = $_GET["flag"];
$flag = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $flag);

// Define our Template File

$file = $current_theme;

// Get our content for the adoptables page
if($isloggedin == "yes" and $aID == ""){

$article_title = "Available Adoptables";
$article_date = date('Y-m-d');
$article_content = "Below are all the available adoptables.  To adopt a creature simply click on the creature's name.<center>";

$query = "SELECT * FROM adoptables";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < $num) {


//Begin our content output...
$article_content=$article_content."<p align='center'><b><a href='adopt.php?aID=".$aID."'>".$name.":</a></b></p>
<p align='center'><a href='adopt.php?aID=".$aID."'><img src='".$imageurl."' border='0'></a> </p>
<p align='center'><a href='adopt.php?aID=".$aID."'>Adopt ".$name."</a></p>";


$article_content = $article_content."</center><br>";

$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);

else if ($isloggedin == "no" and $aID == ""){
// Guest is viewing the available adoptables

$article_title = "Available Adoptables (Viewing as Guest)";
$article_date = date('Y-m-d');
$article_content = "Below are all the available adoptables.  To adopt a creature you must be a member of this site.  Please <a href='login.php'>login</a> or <a href='register.php'>register</a> to get your very own free adoptable.  
You can also browse the available adoptables as a guest.<center>";

$query = "SELECT * FROM adoptables";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < $num) {


//Begin our content output...
$article_content=$article_content."<p align='center'><b><u>".$name.":</u></b></p>
<p align='center'><img src='".$imageurl."' border='0'></p>
<p align='center'><a href='login.php'>Please Login to Adopt ".$name."</a></p>";


$article_content = $article_content."</center><br>";

$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);

else if ($isloggedin == "no" and $aID != ""){
// Guest is trying to adopt an adoptable -- not allowed for tracking purposes

$article_title = "Permission Denied";
$article_date = date('Y-m-d');
$article_content = "We're sorry, but guests cannot adopt creatures.  Please <a href='login.php'>login</a> or <a href='register.php'>register</a> to get your very own free adoptable.";

$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);

else if ($isloggedin == "yes" and $aID != ""){
//A Logged In user is adopting a new creature

//Check first that the creature does in fact exist...
$query = "SELECT * FROM adoptables WHERE uid = '$aID'";
$result = @mysql_query($query);
$num = @mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {



if($newID != $aID){
$stop = 1;
$article_title = "Creature does not exist!";
$article_date = date('Y-m-d');
$article_content = "We're sorry, but the creature you're looking for can't be found.  Please go to the <a href='adopt.php'>main adoptables page</a> to choose a valid creature.";
//Creature is valid, let's adopt the sucker...
//Procedure for giving the user's adoptable a name
	if($cname == "" and $flag !=12){
	$article_title = "Adopting ".$name;
	$article_date = date('Y-m-d');
	$article_content = "<p align='left'>You are about to adopt ".$name.". </p>
<p align='left'><img src='".$imageurl."' border='0'></a> </p>
<p align='left'>You may rename your creature if you wish. Your creature's name can contain letters, numbers and spaces only, and can be up to 20 characters long.</p>
<form name='form1' method='get' action='adopt.php'>
    <input name='aID' type='hidden' id='aID' value = '".$aID."'>
    Creature Name: 
    <input name='cname' type='text' id='cname' maxlength='20'>
    <input name='flag' type='hidden' id='flag' value = '12'>
    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Adopt this Creature'>

	//We are adopting the creature for real finally

	$query = "SELECT * FROM adoptables WHERE uid = '$aID'";
	$result = @mysql_query($query);
	$num = @mysql_numrows($result);

	//Loop out code
	while ($i < 1) {


	$type = $name;
	if($cname != ""){
	$name = $cname;
	$code = rand(1, 10000);

	mysql_query("INSERT INTO owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$name','$imageurl','0','0','$username','$type','$code')");
	$article_title = "You have adopted ".$name.".";
	$article_date = date('Y-m-d');
	$article_content = "You have just adopted ".$name.".<br><br><img src='".$imageurl."' border='0'><br>
	Below are codes you can use to level your creature up.  Other site members must click on your creature's link to level them up.

	//We are adopting the creature for real finally

	$query = "SELECT * FROM owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '$username' AND code = '$code'";
	$result = @mysql_query($query);
	$num = @mysql_numrows($result);

	//Loop out code
	while ($i < 1) {



	$article_content = $article_content."<b>HTML:</b><br><textarea name=\"textarea\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"4\"><img src=\"http://www.".$dname."".$spath."/get.php?id=".$cid."\"><br>Creature Name: ".$name."<br>
	<a href=\"http://www.".$dname."".$spath."/levelup.php?id=".$cid."\">Level this creature up!  Click Here!</a><br></textarea>";

	$article_content = $article_content."<b><br><br>BBCODE:</b><br><textarea name=\"textarea\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"4\">[img]http://www.".$dname."".$spath."/get.php?id=".$cid."[/img]
	Creature Name: ".$name."
	[url=http://www.".$dname."".$spath."/levelup.php?id=".$cid."]Level this creature up!  Click Here![/url]</textarea><br><br>You can now manage ".$name." on the <a href='myadoptables.php'>My Adoptables Page</a>.";



// Should we show the extra pages in the nav bar?

$link1 = "";
if($show_extra_page1 == "yes"){
$link1 = "<li><a href='$extra_page1_link'>$extra_page1_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>"; 

$link2 = "";
if($show_extra_page2 == "yes"){
$link2 = "<li><a href='$extra_page2_link'>$extra_page2_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>"; 

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template

$template = file_get_contents($file);
$template = replace(':SITETITLE:',$site_title,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$site_name,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK1:',$link1,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK2:',$link2,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK3:',$link3,$template);

//Get the featured adoptable...
$featured = getfeatured();
$template = replace(':FEATURED:',$featured,$template);

//Ad Management
$header = @file_get_contents("ads/header.txt");
$footer = @file_get_contents("ads/footer.txt");
$tower = @file_get_contents("ads/tower.txt");

$header = stripslashes($header);
$footer = stripslashes($footer);
$tower = stripslashes($tower);

$template = replace(':HEADERAD:',$header,$template);
$template = replace(':FOOTERAD:',$footer,$template);
$template = replace(':TOWERAD:',$tower,$template);

//Is the user logged in?
//$isloggedin = "no";
$query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '".$luser."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);
    while ($i < 1) {
    $money =@mysql_result($result,$i,"money");
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','',$template);
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', '<p>Welcome, '.$username.'
<p><img src="/: '.$money.'
<p><a href="logout.php">Log out</a>' ,$template);

//User is not logged in
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','<u>Member Login:</u>',$template);
$loginform = "<form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>
    <input name='username' type='text' id='username'>
    <input name='password' type='password' id='password'>
    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'>
  <p>Don't have an account?<br>
  <a href='register.php'>Register Free</a>  </p>
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', $loginform ,$template);

echo $template;
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

You forgot the ">" at the end of the image code. You also forgot the Quote Marks at the start of the address. It should be:
<p><img src=""/>: '.$money.'

BTW: Shop looks awesome *first to download - does dance* XD Thanks.

The shop works fine but I ran the query and the adoptable won't appear. Also, in the first query, what is that first field? It's blank... And at the top of the screen I get "
PHP Error Message

Warning: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/---------/public_html/shop.php on line 89

Free Web Hosting

Help please... XD
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

Looks great, I'll install this tonight ><
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

Hm, I need to build an items table instead of an adoptables table.

What would I need to change to run the SQL?
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

I have followed the instructions, i added a shop adoptable but it doesnt appear in the appears on the main adopt page and is free to adopt by anyone, but on the shop.php page i get these errors :

Warning: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/pfusions/public_html/shop.php on line 89

Warning: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/pfusions/public_html/shop.php on line 111

Warning: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/pfusions/public_html/shop.php on line 133

please help :(
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

What pages do you add the script to? "etc" is a little vague.
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

Is the problem not that there is no extra row added to the created adoptables table ??

I mean, there is a new one added to the users, to say how much they have earned, but there is no extra row to set how much an adoptables costs....

It still only has these tables, but no "cost" row

uid name imageurl memberlevel description
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

I have run into a new error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/enddayne/public_html/tos.php on line 159
So just in case here is the file in question:

// Easy Adoptables Script by Brandon Rusnak
// Get our includes out of the way

include("inc/nbbc.php");  // BBCODE Parser
$bbcode = new BBCode;

// Connect to our database

$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql database!');

//Set up our login info...
$username = "";
$password = "";

//Check for cookie

if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu']) and isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){

$username = $_COOKIE['adoptu'];
$password = $_COOKIE['adoptp'];

$username = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $username);
$password = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $password);

//Run login operation
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {



	if($username == $luser and $password == $lpass){
		$isloggedin = "yes";
	if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu'])){
	$past = time() - 10; 

	if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){
	$past = time() - 10; 
	$isloggedin = "no";

//User is not logged in
$isloggedin = "no";


// Define our Template File

$file = $current_theme;

// Get our content for the index page

$query = "SELECT * FROM article_content WHERE page = 'tos'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {



$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);

$article_content = $bbcode->Parse($article_content);

// Run the BBCODE parser on the content

// Should we show the extra pages in the nav bar?

$link1 = "";
if($show_extra_page1 == "yes"){
$link1 = "<li><a href='$extra_page1_link'>$extra_page1_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>"; 

$link2 = "";
if($show_extra_page2 == "yes"){
$link2 = "<li><a href='$extra_page2_link'>$extra_page2_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>"; 

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template

$template = file_get_contents($file);
$template = replace(':SITETITLE:',$site_title,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$site_name,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK1:',$link1,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK2:',$link2,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK3:',$link3,$template);

//Get the featured adoptable...
$featured = getfeatured();
$template = replace(':FEATURED:',$featured,$template);

//Ad Management
$header = @file_get_contents("ads/header.txt");
$footer = @file_get_contents("ads/footer.txt");
$tower = @file_get_contents("ads/tower.txt");

$header = stripslashes($header);
$footer = stripslashes($footer);
$tower = stripslashes($tower);

$template = replace(':HEADERAD:',$header,$template);
$template = replace(':FOOTERAD:',$footer,$template);
$template = replace(':TOWERAD:',$tower,$template);

//Is the user logged in?
//$isloggedin = "no";
$query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '".$luser."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);
    while ($i < 1) {
    $money =@mysql_result($result,$i,"money");
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','',$template);
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', '<p>Welcome, '.$username.'
<p><img src=""/> '.$money.'
<p><a href="logout.php">Log out</a>' ,$template);

//User is not logged in
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','<u>Member Login:</u>',$template);
$loginform = "<form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>
    <input name='username' type='text' id='username'>
    <input name='password' type='password' id='password'>
    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'>
  <p>Don't have an account?<br>
  <a href='register.php'>Register Free</a>  </p>
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', $loginform ,$template);

echo $template;
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

enddayne, have you managed to get the currency adoptables to appear in the shop and available only to those with enough credits ??
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

gjac1 said:
enddayne, have you managed to get the currency adoptables to appear in the shop and available only to those with enough credits ??

Not yet. I'm getting errors on site. My tos page is one of them.
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

Ok thanks :)

I too am getting errors, i listed them just above your post..... :(
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

how do you insert the adoptables into the shop? I mean like..where do I put the lines of code for it? XD I don't wanna screw anything up. I know how to make a custom adoptable, i just don't know how to add it to the shop.

And I'm also one of those getting the SQL queries at the top of the page, and i haven't edited anything other than the text in your shop code :p
RE: Currency for leveling up and adoptable shop [Beta]

This is the part of the shop.php file that seems to be creating the errors :

$query = "SELECT * FROM adoptables WHERE kind = 'egg' LIMIT 0,5";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < $num) {

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