Can't log out

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Aug 30, 2016
Maryland, USA
Mysidian Dollar
Now I've got a new problem: not being able to log out. Everytime I click the logout link I get these errors:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_sidebar.php:41) in /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_cookies.php on line 125

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_sidebar.php:41) in /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_cookies.php on line 126

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_sidebar.php:41) in /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_cookies.php on line 127

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_sidebar.php:41) in /home/adopttes/public_html/classes/class_cookies.php on line 128

This is my class_sidebar code:
.speechbubble { 
position: relative; 
padding: 5px; 
text-align: center; 
background: #FFFFFF; 
-webkit-border-radius: 53px; 
-moz-border-radius: 53px; 
border-radius: 13px; 
border: #7F7F7F solid 2px; 

.speechbubble:after { 
content: ''; 
position: absolute; 
border-style: solid; 
border-width:0 15px 15px; 
border-color: #FFFFFF transparent; 
display: block; 
width: 0; 
z-index: 1; 
margin-left: -15px; 
top: -15px; 
left: 50%; 

.speechbubble:before { 
content: ''; 
position: absolute; 
border-style: solid; 
border-width:0 16px 16px; 
border-color: #7F7F7F transparent; 
display: block; 
width: 0; 
z-index: 0; 
margin-left: -16px; 
top: -18px; 
left: 50%; 

 * The Sidebar Class, defines a standard HTML Sidebar component. 
 * It extends from the Widget class, while adding its own implementation. 
 * @category Resource 
 * @package Widget 
 * @author Hall of Famer  
 * @copyright Mysidia Adoptables Script 
 * @link 
 * @since 1.3.3 
 * @todo Not much at this point. 

class Sidebar extends Widget{ 

     * The moneyBar property, specifies the money/donation bar for members. 
     * @access protected 
     * @var Paragraph 
    protected $moneyBar; 
     * The linksBar property, stores all useful links for members. 
     * @access protected 
     * @var Paragraph 
    protected $linksBar; 
     * The wolBar property, determines the who's online url in the sidebar. 
     * @access protected 
     * @var Link 
    protected $wolBar; 
     * The loginBar property, specifies the loginBar for guests. 
     * @access protected 
     * @var FormBuilder 
    protected $loginBar; 

     * Constructor of Sidebar Class, it initializes basic sidebar properties      
     * @access public 
     * @return Void 
    public function __construct(){ 
        parent::__construct(4, "sidebar"); 
     * The setDivision method, setter method for property $division. 
     * It is set internally upon object instantiation, cannot be accessed in client code. 
     * @param GUIComponent  $module 
     * @access protected 
     * @return Void 
    protected function setDivision(GUIComponent $module){ 
            $this->division = new Division; 
     * The getMoneyBar method, getter method for property $moneyBar. 
     * @access public 
     * @return Paragraph 
    public function getMoneyBar(){ 
        return $this->moneyBar; 
     * The setMoneyBar method, setter method for property $moneyBar. 
     * It is set internally upon object instantiation, cannot be accessed in client code. 
     * @access protected 
     * @return Void 
    protected function setMoneyBar(){ 
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia"); 
        $this->moneyBar = new Paragraph; 
        $this->moneyBar->add(new Comment("You have <span id='cashonhand'>{$mysidia->user->money}</span> {$mysidia->settings->cost}."));   
        $donate = new Link("donate"); 
        $donate->setText("Donate Money to Friends"); 

     * The getLinksBar method, getter method for property $linksBar. 
     * @access public 
     * @return Paragraph 
    public function getLinksBar(){ 
        return $this->linksBar; 
     * The setLinksBar method, setter method for property $linksBar. 
     * It is set internally upon object instantiation, cannot be accessed in client code. 
     * @access protected 
     * @return Void 
    protected function setLinksBar(){ 
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia"); 
        $this->linksBar = new Paragraph; 
        $linkTitle = new Comment("<center>-{$mysidia->user->username}'s Links-</center>"); 
        $linksList = new LinksList("ul"); 

     * The setLinks method, append all links to the LinksBar. 
     * It is set internally upon object instantiation, cannot be accessed in client code. 
     * @access protected 
     * @return Void 
    protected function setLinks(LinksList $linksList){ 
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia"); 
        $stmt = $mysidia->db->select("links", array("id", "linktext", "linkurl"), "linktype = 'sidelink' ORDER BY linkorder"); 
        if($stmt->rowCount() == 0) Throw new Exception("There is an error with sidebar links, please contact the admin immediately for help."); 
        while($sideLink = $stmt->fetchObject()){ 
            $link = new Link($sideLink->linkurl); 
            if($sideLink->linkurl == "messages"){ 
                $num = $mysidia->db->select("messages", array("touser"), "touser='{$mysidia->user->username}' and status='unread'")->rowCount(); 
                if($num > 0) $link->setText("<b>{$link->getText()} ({$num})</b>"); 
        if($mysidia->user instanceof Admin){ 
            $adminCP = new Link("admincp/", FALSE, FALSE); 
            $adminCP->setText("Admin Control Panel"); 
     * The getWolBar method, getter method for property $wolBar. 
     * @access public 
     * @return LinksList 
    public function getWolBar(){ 
        return $this->wolBar; 
     * The setWolBar method, setter method for property $wolBar. 
     * It is set internally upon object instantiation, cannot be accessed in client code. 
     * @access protected 
     * @return Void 
    protected function setWolBar(){ 
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia"); 
        $this->wolBar = new Link("online"); 
        $online = $mysidia->db->select("online", array(), "username != 'Visitor'")->rowCount(); 
        $offline = $mysidia->db->select("online", array(), "username = 'Visitor'")->rowCount(); 
        $this->wolBar->setText("This site has {$online} members and {$offline} guests online."); 
     * The getLoginBar method, getter method for property $loginBar. 
     * @access public 
     * @return FormBuilder 
    public function getLoginBar(){ 
        return $this->loginBar; 
     * The setLoginBar method, setter method for property $loginBar. 
     * It is set internally upon object instantiation, cannot be accessed in client code. 
     * @access protected 
     * @return Void 
    protected function setLoginBar(){ 
        $this->loginBar = new FormBuilder("login", "login", "post"); 
        $loginTitle = new Comment("Member Login:"); 

        $this->loginBar->buildComment("username: ", FALSE) 
                       ->buildComment("password: ", FALSE) 
                       ->buildPasswordField("password", "password", "", TRUE)     
                       ->buildButton("Log In", "submit", "submit") 
                       ->buildComment("Don't have an account?");  
        $register = new Link("register"); 
        $register->setText("Register New Account"); 
        $forgot = new Link("forgotpass"); 
        $forgot->setText("Forgot Password?"); 
  public function getFavPetSB(){ 
        return $this->FavPetSB; 
  protected function setFavPetSB(){ 
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia"); 
        $profile = $mysidia->user->getprofile();   
        if ($profile->getFavpetID() == "0"){ 
            $this->FavPetSB = new Paragraph;  
            $this->FavPetSB->add(new Comment("<b>No Favorite Pet Set</b>")); 
        if ($profile->getFavpetID() != "0"){ 
            $favpet = new OwnedAdoptable($profile->getFavpetID()); 
            $message = "<div class='speechbubble'>";  

            $status_chance = mt_rand(1, 100);    
            if ($status_chance <= 1){ # One percent chance the pet will obtain a status effect.  

                /* We would apply a status effect here...*/  
                $message .= "<center>WHOOHOO! " . $favpet->getName() . " is having a great day!</center>";  
                #### We'll do this later!!!  

            } else { # Ninety-nine percent chance the pet will not get a status effect. Will something else happen?  
                $something_chance = mt_rand(1, 100);   
                if ($something_chance <= 30){ # Twenty-five percent chance something will happen.  
                    $gift_chance = mt_rand(1, 100);   
                    if ($gift_chance <= 5){ # Five percent chance the user will receive a gift from their pet.  
                        $item_chance = mt_rand(1, 100);  
                        if ($item_chance <= 25){ # Fifty percent chance the gift from their pet will be an item.  

                            /* The pet has found an item for you! */                              
                            $num = mt_rand(1,5); # Chooses a number between 1 and 4. See how there are four cases below? Increase this number if you add more!!  
                            switch ($num){  
                                case 1: $item = "asda"; break;  
                                case 2: $item = "asda"; break;  
                                case 3: $item = "asda"; break;  
                                case 4: $item = "asda"; break;  
                                case 5: $item = "asda"; break;  
                            $message .= "I found a {$item} for you!";  
                            $newitem = new StockItem($item);   
                            $newitem->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);   

                        } else { # Fifty percent chance the gift from their pet will be money.  

                            /* The pet has found some money for you! */  
                            $currency = $mysidia->settings->cost;  
                            $amount = mt_rand(100, 1000); # Between 100 and 1000  
                            $message .= "Found {$amount} {$tyleans}!";  

                    } else { # Twenty percent chance the pet will talk but have no gift.  
                        /* No gift will be given but a neat species-specific phrase can still be said! */  

                        $species = trim($favpet->getType());      

                        switch ($species){  
                            case "Wind Raptor": # If the species name is "Cat" it will choose one these:  
                                $num = mt_rand(1,7); # Chooses a number between 1 and 4. See how there are four cases below? Increase this number if you add more!!  
                                switch ($num){  
                                    case 1: $message .= "Who, who!"; break;  
                                    case 2: $message .= "I like to soar through the sky."; break;  
                                    case 3: $message .= "Wanna share a berry?"; break;  
                                    case 4: $message .= "Don't worry! Anything shiny and I'll get it!"; break;  
                                    case 5: $message .= "Do you feel that breeze?"; break;  
                                    case 6: $message .= "Nocturnal? Nah, I'm awake when you're awake!"; break;  
                                    case 7: $message .= "Look what I can do!"; break;  
                            case "Black Forest Dog": # If the species name is "Cat" it will choose one these:  
                                $num = mt_rand(1,7); # Chooses a number between 1 and 4. See how there are four cases below? Increase this number if you add more!!  
                                switch ($num){  
                                    case 1: $message .= "Woof!"; break;  
                                    case 2: $message .= "Bark bark!!!"; break;  
                                    case 3: $message .= "I'm the only friend you'll ever need."; break;  
                                    case 4: $message .= "I will protect you!"; break;  
                                    case 5: $message .= "Where do ya wanna to explore today?"; break;  
                                    case 6: $message .= "I always knew I was favorite material!"; break;  
                                    case 7: $message .= "Yeah, I'm pretty hot stuff."; break;  
                            case "Water Selkie": # If the species name is "Cat" it will choose one these:  
                                $num = mt_rand(1,7); # Chooses a number between 1 and 4. See how there are four cases below? Increase this number if you add more!!  
                                switch ($num){  
                                    case 1: $message .= "Ort, ort, ort!"; break;  
                                    case 2: $message .= "Let's go swimming!"; break;  
                                    case 3: $message .= "My favorite place is the Ice Flows."; break;  
                                    case 4: $message .= "OH! Something shiny! Awww, it melted."; break;  
                                    case 5: $message .= "Know what my favorite food is? Fish!"; break;  
                                    case 6: $message .= "The water is my natural element, but I'll go anywhere you go."; break;  
                                    case 7: $message .= "Cool as a cucumber, slick as a ice patch!"; break;  
                            case "Flame Bison": # If the species name is "Cat" it will choose one these:  
                                $num = mt_rand(1,7); # Chooses a number between 1 and 4. See how there are four cases below? Increase this number if you add more!!  
                                switch ($num){  
                                    case 1: $message .= "Chaaaaaaaarrrrrge!"; break;  
                                    case 2: $message .= "Don't mind me, I'm just grazing."; break;  
                                    case 3: $message .= "I'm blazing fast!"; break;  
                                    case 4: $message .= "Do you have any carrots?"; break;  
                                    case 5: $message .= "My favorite place is the Hills."; break;  
                                    case 6: $message .= "No need to fear when I'm around!"; break;  
                                    case 7: $message .= "Yeah, I'm pretty hot stuff."; break;  

                            default: # If the species isn't defined above, it'll choose one of these default phrases instead.  
                                $num = mt_rand(1,6);                  
                                switch ($num){  
                                    case 1: $message .= "It's a beautiful day! I love to explore!"; break;  
                                    case 2: $message .= "I always knew I was favorite material!"; break;  
                                    case 3: $message .= "I'm a little hungry. Think we could get a bite to eat?"; break;  
                                    case 4: $message .= "You're the only friend I'll ever need."; break;  
                                    case 5: $message .= "I found something! I foun- Oh, no. False alarm."; break;  
                                    case 6: $message .= "Don't worry! I'm on the look out for anything shine"; break;  

                } else { # Seventy-five percent chance nothing will happen whatsoever.  
                    /* Nothing will happen with the pet at all. */  
                    $message = "";  

                  if ($message == "") { $message = ""; } else { $message .= "</div>"; } 
            $this->FavPetSB = new Paragraph;  
            $this->FavPetSB->add(new Comment("<center><b>-Active Pet-</b></center>")); 
            $this->FavPetSB->add(new Comment("<img src='{$favpet->getImage()}'></a>")); 
            $this->FavPetSB->add(new Comment("<p>" . $message . "</p>")); 
            $this->FavPetSB->add(new Comment("<center>{$favpet->getName()}</center>")); 
What happens when you try to log out? What does the page look like?

Those particular errors, while really annoying, should not be interfering with actual functionality of your website.
It says "Successfully Logged Out", but it keeps me logged in. When I click on the log back in button, it says only guests can visit that page.
It seems that you added custom style for sidebar inside PHP script file, this is not recommended practice. Instead, make it as a standalone css file and include it in your main template file, and the error will go away.

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