ACP Error : Fatal error: Class 'AppController' not found in...

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Jun 16, 2011
Mysidian Dollar
I tried the script on a new host today. Everything worked so far expect the admincp. I can login in the cp but when I try to add an image/ a pet or something else I get the following error:

Fatal error: Class 'AppController' not found in /www/.../admincp/adopt.php on line 3

Is there a way to fix this?
umm this is weird, it works for everyone else... Can you first check if there is indeed a file called abstract_appcontroller.php in your /classes/abstract folder? If you have this file, then the inclusion of appcontroller may be the cause of the issue. Can you post the code in your adopt.php file from /admincp directory? I will see if there is an error in it.
The file 'abstract_appcontroller.php' is in the classes/abstract folder.

Here is the code from the adopt.php (I didn't change anything):


class ACPadopt extends AppController{

    public static $param = "type";
    private $actions = array("index", "add", "edit", "delete");
	private $flags;
	private $subController;
    public function __construct(){
		$mysidia = Registry::find("mysidia");
		if($mysidia->usergroup->getpermission("canmanageadopts") != "yes"){
		    throw new NoPermissionException("You do not have permission to manage adoptables.");
        elseif(!in_array($mysidia->input->action(), $this->actions)){
            throw new InvalidActionException("Invalid Action.");

    public function index(){
        // The default action for ACPadopt controller.
		$mysidia = Registry::find("mysidia");

    public function add(){
        // The action of creating a new adoptable!
	    $mysidia = Registry::find("mysidia");
		    // The form has been submitted, it's time to validate data and add a record to database.
			if($mysidia->session->fetch("acpAdopt") != "add"){
				return FALSE;
			if(!$mysidia->input->post("type")) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->type;
			elseif(!$mysidia->input->post("class")) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->class;
		    elseif(!$mysidia->input->post("imageurl") and $mysidia->input->post("existingimageurl") == "none") $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->image;
		    elseif($mysidia->input->post("imageurl") and $mysidia->input->post("existingimageurl") != "none") $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->image2;
		    elseif(!$mysidia->input->post("cba")) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->condition;
			if($mysidia->input->post("cba") == "conditions"){
			    if($mysidia->input->post("freqcond") == "enabled" and !is_numeric($mysidia->input->post("number"))) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->condition_freq;
		        if($mysidia->input->post("datecond") == "enabled" and !$mysidia->input->post("date")) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->condition_date;
			    if($mysidia->input->post("adoptscond") == "enabled"){
				   if(!$mysidia->input->post("moreless") or !is_numeric($mysidia->input->post("morelessnum")) or !$mysidia->input->post("levelgrle") or !is_numeric($mysidia->input->post("grlelevel"))) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->condition_moreandlevel;

			    if($mysidia->input->post("maxnumcond") == "enabled" and !is_numeric($mysidia->input->post("morethannum"))) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->maxnum;
			    if($mysidia->input->post("usergroupcond") == "enabled" and !is_numeric($mysidia->input->post("usergroups"))) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->group;

		    if($mysidia->input->post("alternates") == "enabled") {
				if(!is_numeric($mysidia->input->post("altoutlevel")) or !is_numeric($mysidia->input->post("altchance"))) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->alternate;
            $type_exist = $mysidia->db->select("adoptables", array("type"), "type = '{$name}'")->fetchColumn();
		    if($type_exist) $this->flags = $mysidia->lang->exist;
                header("Refresh:3; URL='index'");
			    return FALSE;
			$eggimage = ($mysidia->input->post("imageurl") and $mysidia->input->post("existingimageurl") == "none")?$mysidia->input->post("imageurl"):$mysidia->input->post("existingimageurl");
			// insert into table adoptables
			$mysidia->db->insert("adoptables", array("id" => NULL, "type" => $mysidia->input->post("type"), "class" => $mysidia->input->post("class"), "description" => $mysidia->input->post("description"), "eggimage" => $eggimage, "whenisavail" => $mysidia->input->post("cba"),
				                                     "alternates" => $mysidia->input->post("alternates"), "altoutlevel" => $mysidia->input->post("altoutlevel"), "altchance" => $mysidia->input->post("altchance"), "shop" => $mysidia->input->post("shop"), "cost" => $mysidia->input->post("cost")));
            // insert into table adoptables_conditions	
		    $mysidia->db->insert("adoptables_conditions", array("id" => NULL, "type" => $mysidia->input->post("type"), "whenisavail" => $mysidia->input->post("cba"), "freqcond" => $mysidia->input->post("freqcond"), "number" => $mysidia->input->post("numbwe"), "datecond" => $mysidia->input->post("datecond"),
				                                                "date" => $mysidia->input->post("date"), "adoptscond" => $mysidia->input->post("adoptscond"), "moreless" => $mysidia->input->post("maxnumcond"), "morelessnum" => $mysidia->input->post("morethannum"), "levelgrle" => $mysidia->input->post("usergroupcond"), "grlelevel" => $mysidia->input->post("usergroups")));
			// insert our level thing
			$mysidia->db->insert("levels", array("lvid" => NULL, "adoptiename" => $mysidia->input->post("type"), "thisislevel" => 0, "requiredclicks" => 0,
				                                 "primaryimage" => $eggimage, "alternateimage" => NULL, "rewarduser" => NULL, "promocode" => NULL));
		    return TRUE;
	    $mysidia->session->assign("acpAdopt", "add", TRUE);	
		$dynimages = getadmimages();
		$addform_basic = "<form name='form1' method='post' action='add'>
					      <p><u><strong>Create A New Adoptable:</strong></u></p>
                          <fieldset><legend>Basic Information</legend> 
					      <p>Adoptable Name: <input name='type' type='text' id='type'><br />
					      (This may contain only letters, numbers and spaces)
					      </p><p>Adoptable Class:<input name='class' type='text' id='class'>
					      <br />(The adoptable class is a category that determines if two adoptables can interbreed or not)</p>
					      <p>Adoptable Description:</p><p>
					      <textarea name='description' cols='45' rows='4' id='description'></textarea></p>					      
					      <p>Adoptable's Egg (First) Image: <input name='imageurl' type='text' id='imageurl'><br />
					      (Use a full image path, beginning with http://)</p>
					      <p>OR select an existing image: 
					      <select name='existingimageurl' id='existingimageurl'><option value='none' selected>No Existing Image</option>{$dynimages}</select></fieldset>";
        $addform_shop = "<fieldset><legend>Shop Settings</legend><p>Shop:
                         <select name='shop' id='shop'><option value='none' selected>No Shop Selected</option>";  
        $stmt = $mysidia->db->select("shops", array(), "shoptype = 'adoptshop'");
        while($shop = $stmt->fetchObject()){
		    $addform_shop .= "<option value='{$shop->shopname}'>{$shop->shopname}</option>";	
        $addform_shop .= "</select></p><p>Price: <input name='cost' type='text' id='cost' value='0'></p></fieldset>";
        $addform_condition = "</p><fieldset><legend>Adoption Conditions</legend> 
					          <p>When can this adoptable be adopted?</p><p>
					          <input name='cba' type='radio' value='always'>Always available<br />
					          <input name='cba' type='radio' value='promo'>Only when users use promo code: (Admins can create promocodes for users through ACP) <br />
					          <input name='cba' type='radio' value='conditions'>Only when the following conditions are met: (Check the check box next to a condition to enable it)</p>
					          <p><input name='freqcond' type='checkbox' id='freqcond' value='enabled'>The adoptable has not been adopted more than 
					          <input name='number' type='text' id='number' size='6' maxlength='6'>times.</p>
					          <p><input name='datecond' type='checkbox' id='datecond' value='enabled'>The date is: 
					          <input name='date' type='text' id='date'>(For the date, use this format: Year-Month-Day. So, as an example: 2009-06-28)</p>
					          <p><input name='maxnumcond' type='checkbox' id='maxnumcond' value='enabled'>The user does not have more than 
					          <input name='morethannum' type='text' id='morethannum' size='5' maxlength='5'>of this type of adoptable</p>
					          <p><input name='usergroupcond' type='checkbox' id='usergroupcond' value='enabled'>The user is a member of the following usergroup: 
					          <select name='usergroups' id='usergroups'><option value='none' selected>No Group Selected</option>";
		$stmt = $mysidia->db->select("groups", array());
        while($group = $stmt->fetchObject()){
		    $addform_condition .= "<option value='{$group->gid}'>{$group->groupname}</option>";	
        $addform_condition .= "</select></p></fieldset>";
        $addform_miscellaneous = "<fieldset><legend>Alternative Outcomes</legend>
							      <p>This section allows you to set if you want to enable alternate outcomes. 
								   This setting allows you to specify what the chances are of a user getting an alternate or special version of this adoptable. 
								   Check the checkbox below to enable this feature and then fill out the information below.. </p>
							       <p><strong><input name='alternates' type='checkbox' id='alternates' value='enabled'>
								   Enable Alternate Outcomes</strong></p>
							       <p> Alternate Outcomes Selection Information:</p><p>
								   Start using the alternate outcome at level number: <input name='altoutlevel' type='text' id='altoutlevel' size='6' maxlength='6'>
							       <br />(Use Level 0 to have the alternate outcome be used from birth. This will not affect the first / egg image.)</p>
							       <p>The alternate outcome has a chance of 1 in <input name='altchance' type='text' id='altchance' size='6' maxlength='6'>of being selected.<br />
								   (Here you can select the chance that the alternate images for this adoptable are used. 
								   So, for an equal chance of using say male or female images, put 2 in the box to have a 1 out of 2 or 50% chance of using the alternate image. 
								   If you want to have the alternate images be rare images, use a higher number, 
								   like 100 for a 1 out of 100 chance of using the alternates.)</p></fieldset>
							       <p><input name='page' type='hidden' id='page' value='adopt'>
								   <input name='action' type='hidden' id='action' value='add'>
							       <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Create This Adoptable'></p></form>";								   

    public function edit(){
        $mysidia = Registry::find("mysidia");
			$editform = "<form name='form1' method='post' action='edit'><p>
						 <select name='type' id='type'><option value='select' selected>Select an Adoptable...</option>";

			//Now we select from the database and get a list of all the adoptables we have created thus far...
			$stmt = $mysidia->db->select("adoptables", array());
			while($row = $stmt->fetchObject()){
				$editform .= "<option value='{$row->type}'>{$row->type}</option>";	

			$editform .= "</select></p><p><input name='page' type='hidden' id='page' value='adopt'>
			              <input name='action' type='hidden' id='action' value='edit'>
						  <input type='submit' name='choose' value='Choose'></p></form>";
		    // A form has been submitted, time to carry out out action.
			if($mysidia->session->fetch("acpAdopt") != "edit"){
				return FALSE;
			elseif($mysidia->input->post("delete") == "yes"){
				    case "freeze":
					    $mysidia->db->update("adoptables", array("whenisavail" => "promo"), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
					    $mysidia->db->update("adoptables_conditions", array("whenisavail" => "promo"), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
					case "soft":
 	                    $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => 1), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}' AND currentlevel='0'");
					    $mysidia->db->delete("adoptables", "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
                        $mysidia->db->delete("adoptables_conditions", "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");	
                    case "hard":
                        $mysidia->db->delete("owned_adoptables", "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
					    $mysidia->db->delete("levels", "adoptiename='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
					    $mysidia->db->delete("adoptables", "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
                        $mysidia->db->delete("adoptables_conditions", "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
					    throw new Exception("database error.");
				$contentvar = $mysidia->input->post("deltype");
				$titlevar = "{$contentvar}_title";
			    if($mysidia->input->post("select") != "" and $mysidia->input->post("select") != "nochange"){
					// We are updating the adoptable's image in the database...
					$mysidia->db->update("adoptables", array("eggimage" => $mysidia->input->post("select")), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
				if($mysidia->input->post("resetconds") == "yes"){
					// Let's remove all of the restrictions from this adoptable
					$mysidia->db->update("adoptables", array("whenisavail" => 'always'), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
                    $mysidia->db->update("adoptables_conditions", array("whenisavail" => 'always'), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
				if($mysidia->input->post("resetdate") == "yes" and $mysidia->input->post("date")){
					// We are resetting only the adoption based date restriction...
                    $mysidia->db->update("adoptables", array("whenisavail" => "conditions"), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
					$mysidia->db->update("adoptables_conditions", array("whenisavail" => "conditions", "datecond" => "enabled", "date" => $mysidia->input->post("date")), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");
		    $stmt = $mysidia->db->select("adoptables", array(), "type='{$mysidia->input->post("type")}'");						
		    if($row = $stmt->fetchObject()){
                $mysidia->session->assign("acpAdopt", "edit", TRUE);			
			    if($row->whenisavail != "always" and $row->whenisavail != "") $availtxt = "<b>This adoptable currently has adoption restrictions on it.</b>";
			    else $availtxt = "This adoptable currently does not have adoption restrictions on it.";
                $dynimages = getadmimages();

			    $editform = "<img src='{$row->eggimage}'><br />This page allows you to edit {$mysidia->input->post("type")}.  Use the form below to edit (or delete) {$more}.<br />
							 <form name='form1' method='post' action='edit'>
							 <p><u><strong>Egg Image: </strong></u></p>
							 <p>If you wish to change the egg image for this adoptable, you may do so below. </p>
							 <p>Select a New Egg Image: 
							 <select name='select'><option value='nochange' selected>Do Not Change</option>{$dynimages}</select></p>
							 <p><u><strong>Adoptable Freeze and Delete Settings: </strong></u></p>
							 <p><input name='delete' type='checkbox' id='delete' value='yes'>
							 <strong>I want to delete or freeze this adoptable </strong></p>
							 <p>What sort of delete do you wish to perform for this adoptable?</p>
							 <p><input name='deltype' type='radio' value='freeze'> 
									Freeze Deletion - This will not delete the adoptable, 
									but will freeze it to all new adoptions by members of your site. 
									You can undo this by checking the <em>Remove all adoption conditions from this adoptable</em> 
									checkbox the next time you edit this adoptable. </p>
							<p><input name='deltype' type='radio' value='soft'> 
									Soft Delete (Adoptable Retirement) - This option will do a 
									soft delete of this adoptable from your system. 
									Selecting this option will remove the egg image level for this adoptable from your system. 
									Any users who have this type of adoptable as an egg will have them automatically 
									leveled up to Level 1 for this adoptable type. 
									This option closes the adoptable to new adoptions, but will not affect 
									users who already adopted this creature. 
									Note that once you do a soft delete you will no longer be able to edit 
									the levels associated with that adoptable, 
									so think about this carefully. </p>
							<p><input name='deltype' type='radio' value='hard'>
									Hard Deletion (Purge) - This option will permanentally delete this adoptable from your site. 
									Any users currently using this adoptable will have it deleted by the system. 
									All levels for this adoptable will be purged. <strong>This cannot be undone! </strong></p>
							<p><u><strong>Adoptable Adoption Conditions: </strong></u></p><p>{$availtxt}</p>
							<p><input name='resetconds' type='checkbox' id='resetconds' value='yes'> 
								<strong>Remove all adoption conditions from this adoptable. </strong>
									- This will remove all restrictions on the adoption of this creature, including promo codes.</p>
							<p><input name='resetdate' type='checkbox' id='resetdate' value='yes'>Reset only the date condition for this adoptable to the following value:</p>
							<p><input name='date' type='text' id='date'>(Ex: 2009-06-28)</p>
							<p>This setting allows you to change the date that an adoptable is available to a new date. 
							This is handy if you only want the adoptable to be available certain times in a given year.
							<input name='page' type='hidden' id='page' value='adopt'><input name='action' type='hidden' id='action' value='edit'>
                            <input name='choose' type='hidden' value='Choose'><input name='type' type='hidden' id='type' value='{$row->type}'></p>
							<p><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit Changes'></p></form>";
			    // Adoptable doesn't exist...

    public function delete(){
        // leave blank for now.
umm yeah this is indeed weird, the script file does not look wrong. Are you sure this happened to you after moving host? You never had this same issue before? Anyway you can try out Mys v1.3.3 and see if the error goes away after you upgrade/re-install.
I don't move the site yet. I tried it with a clear copy of the script first.

I'll try it with Mys 1.3.3 again. Maybe it will help^^
Thanks for your help
No worries, I just wonder why you are getting an error nobody else has ever had before. If it is a fresh installation you shouldnt be having any issues, unless you are on a subdomain that does not allow url with 'www.'?
That might be possible. At the moment I test a hostingserver which need payment and they offer a testing account for seven days so everyone can test their service without creating an own account. It could be that the testing account don't allow the 'www' part.

Okay now I tried it now with Mys 1.3.3 and now nothing work anymore. When I try to enter the index.php I get this:

 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'unable to write file /www/htdocs/..../templates/compile/wrt5144b691582536.34222966' in /www/htdocs/..../inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php:44 Stack trace: #0 /www/htdocs/.../inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(201): Smarty_Internal_Write_File::writeFile('/www/htdocs/tes...', '<?php /* Smarty...', Object(Template)) #1 /www/htdocs/.../inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(155): Smarty_Internal_Template->compileTemplateSource() #2 /www/htdocs/.../inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(374): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('template.tpl', NULL, NULL, NULL, true) #3 /www/htdocs/.../classes/class_frame.php(226): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display('template.tpl') #4 /www/htdocs/.../classes/class_mysidia.php(449): Frame->render() #5 /www/htdocs/.../index.php(86): Mysidia->output() #6 /w in /www/htdocs/.../inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php on line 44
Well give a try changing the CMD of your folders cache, compile and config in the directory template to 777. It seems that it has no permission to compile your template.
That helped. The site works again, but now I can't login anymore. When I enter the password and the username it say login successfull but when I enter a new page it says that I'm not logged in.
umm I see, so try sticking to the url without www, this is now the standard of the script. I believe on most pages if you enter www in your url you will get automatically redirected to the url without www, though sometimes the index page does not do that(which can be a problem if you log in at index page).
I wrote that a bit misunderstandable.
normally the url is on all pages and the login doesn't work.
When I enter the 'www' part manually the login works for the current page until I click of a link.
I wrote that a bit misunderstandable.
normally the url is on all pages and the login doesn't work.
When I enter the 'www' part manually the login works for the current page until I click of a link.

umm I am kinda lost in what you are saying. Anyway, can you provide a link to your site? I want to see what errors are there exactly. It is completely different from what I see from my demo site...
I found my problem...
It's so stupid... I simply needed to clear my cookies and now it works. And the admincp works, too.

Sorry I should have thought of this earlier. Many thanks for your time and your help.
No worries, I am glad the script is working for you now. Lemme know if you find any bugs or errors, I'll see what I can do to fix them.
Hm, I'm having a similar error, and have no idea how to fix it...

I just finished installing my script, and went to my site to click the login. It gives me:

Fatal error: Class 'AppController' not found in /home/brook/public_html/adopt.php on line 3

And when I click on anything, it gives me "page cannot be found". The ACP seems to be working, I just can't access it :/

So...what do? I'm using webhost x10hosting with subdomain elementfx, if that's needed. Otherwise, the site appears to not be working. I'm using 1.3.3, too.

Gah, I have too many questions -.-;
If you are getting the AppController not found error, chances are url rewrite aint working properly. You may try reinstall the script, but I doubt it will help. Anyway x10hosting seems to have some trouble with url rewrite for a few people, there is a chance that you have to fix up the .htaccess file a bit to get it to work.

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