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The Codfin Keeper
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  • I am sorry this I dont really know. I am a coder of Pokemansion, but I do not make themes. Elec was the one who designed drop down menu.
    You may have to be a premium member to create a shop. Or maybe you have to be staff. I'm not sure. I know those who can open stores can hire people though. XD
    Go to vBCommerce in the main menu and on the left under your name you should see some control options for creating a shop. :)
    You know how in PMD2 you can find those boxes and xatu sees what is inside of them? In your site on certain explore pages you would see a box/treasure chest and you can go to some kind of creature to appraise it. (It would be free to appraise and when you appraise you would get ether some site currency, items (when the item mod is made), and maybe some other prize?) The boxes wouldn't reappear in those places for a week and they would have a different reward. (Though certain boxes could be special and you can only get them once/always have the same reward in them and appear at the end of a place or something)
    Oh that's nice. BTW, Brandon is going to be more active on myadopts, he's already assigned Kae and I a few sections. (He's assigning us more sections later but he got caught up with a few things on the forum)
    I'm also thinking of an idea for the creatures that can fly. It has something to do with ether roosting on trees or flying around.
    Also, I thought of a cool creature idea relating to my idea. What if there was this special corrupt toxic creature that when you send it to find an egg, it gets an egg of this common creature. But when it gets it there is a 50% chance of that egg turning into a corrupt version of that common creature. (The special corrupt toxic creature would only be able to get that 1 adopt)
    I was thinking a few creatures could be only obtainable through that. (and most rare eggs would probably not be able to gotten through that) I'm thinking 5 days-1 week would be better.
    I made up an idea for your new site! What if some creatures could steal an egg from somewhere and you'd get a certain egg depending on which creature you send to steal an egg. (Not all creatures would be able to do this, and they'd also have to be an adult. You'd also have a limit of doing this once a day)
    I see... Do you mind if I think of some ideas for the site? (When I say ideas, I mean themes/cool ideas for the base of the site)
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