Mys 1.3.4 News System

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Threads / Messages
Ah, I see. I think the error is because the value is an integer and "None" was a string. Since the values can't be null, they don't need a default value, so I think it won't hurt to remove it
I hope it works! :)

edit: Added a step I forgot to the tutorial...
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Heya ^_^ I am using this Mod (everything works great!) but do you know how I would change the time zone? I am in the UK, see, and it is set in a time zone 5 hours back (so like at 9 my time, it says it was posted at 4, for example)

Thank you ^_^ (I just want it UK time because I am from the UK XD) Also, if there is a way for it to automatically detect a user's time zone and change the times for them that would be great as well! (But I know little about coding so I have no idea how that would be possible...)
Heya ^_^ I am using this Mod (everything works great!) but do you know how I would change the time zone? I am in the UK, see, and it is set in a time zone 5 hours back (so like at 9 my time, it says it was posted at 4, for example)

Thank you ^_^ (I just want it UK time because I am from the UK XD) Also, if there is a way for it to automatically detect a user's time zone and change the times for them that would be great as well! (But I know little about coding so I have no idea how that would be possible...)

Glad it's working for you!

You can set the DateTime thingy to your timezone, but I don't think it's possible to set it to the user's timezone. Perhaps with javascript, but I'm not really sure how

Check the file newsview.php inside admincp/view, and search for this part:

public function create(){
	$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
	$document = $this->document;
		$todayDate = new DateTime;

                //add the following line:
		$todayDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));

		$date = $todayDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//rest of the code here

I assumed London, but here's the list of available timezones you can use:

I just used it for my country and it's 1 hour behind lol
OK! Thank you! ^_^ (And yeah, mine is the London one, good guess :p)

EDIT: Yay! It worked! Thanks! :D
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Hi again! Sorry for the double post but I seem to have run into something... for some reason the CSS file part won't let me change it. And it is only working for one of my themes...

There aren't any errors popping up or anything, just the CSS of the news page doesn't work on my second theme (it's set to the default, blank one). I have put it into the same file I did to put it into my first theme, but it won't work.

I tried to change it as well (to better suit my first theme) but the images/colours won't change even when I remove the image link for the grey body image, and replace it with my own. Neither will the colours for the borders change when I add a different colour in... do you have any ideas as to what the problem could be? It's kinda confusing me... XD
Hi again! Sorry for the double post but I seem to have run into something... for some reason the CSS file part won't let me change it. And it is only working for one of my themes...

There aren't any errors popping up or anything, just the CSS of the news page doesn't work on my second theme (it's set to the default, blank one). I have put it into the same file I did to put it into my first theme, but it won't work.

I tried to change it as well (to better suit my first theme) but the images/colours won't change even when I remove the image link for the grey body image, and replace it with my own. Neither will the colours for the borders change when I add a different colour in... do you have any ideas as to what the problem could be? It's kinda confusing me... XD

You might be editing the wrong .css file? The templates/main/media/style-city.css file is just for the main theme, other themes might be in different folders like templates/(other_theme)/.../file.css. Inspect your site's source code (right click > inspect/view code/or similar) to check which .css files it's using with that theme. Might be that xD
I made the themes myself and each theme uses a different style-city.css XD Unless you're not supposed to do that..? I just had trouble getting the bleedin' thing to work so I used the same name XD (just added different pictures for like the background and changed the colours in each one)

EDIT: Grr... got it working XD Finally, I managed to make the theme work with a differently named style-city.css. I changed it to style-red.css and refreshed the page and all of a sudden it decided to work! XD Thanks though ^_^
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Hello, I know this hasn't been commented on for a while but do you know how to get the 'Send message to all users notifying about the existence of an update' button working? I think I recall you saying it doesn't work yet but I am thinking of trying to get it working..

Would it be possible to have it so that when that box is ticked it automatically updates the 'messages' database table? (Maybe not an email, just a PM on your site) As in, when you tick it every user on the site gets a PM from 'SYSTEM' or even just the admin...

Would that be possible? Sorry for bugging XD

Hello, I know this hasn't been commented on for a while but do you know how to get the 'Send message to all users notifying about the existence of an update' button working? I think I recall you saying it doesn't work yet but I am thinking of trying to get it working..

Would it be possible to have it so that when that box is ticked it automatically updates the 'messages' database table? (Maybe not an email, just a PM on your site) As in, when you tick it every user on the site gets a PM from 'SYSTEM' or even just the admin...

Would that be possible? Sorry for bugging XD


Sorry, I didn't get back to this mod because my host started having problems and the loading times were too crazy to get anything done.

My idea was to send a PM to everyone in the site. The condition to send PM's is already there:

            $mysidia->db->insert("news",array("title" => $mysidia->input->post("newstitle"), "content" => $this->format($mysidia->input->post("pagecontent")), "user" => $mysidia->user->uid, "date" => $date, "posted" => "yes","allowcomment" => $allow));

Next, inside the if, you'd need to retrieve all user ID's from the users table and use a loop to add the message to the messages table, one for each user (you might need the username instead of the userid, I don't remember which one the messages table uses x.x). This was my first idea, I wanted to do something prettier but I didn't come up with anything else lol
Well, I tried and failed :cfrown: I think your way would work but I can't make sense of putting it together... I have no idea what to put or where. I understand that you need to edit the database but I have no idea what to write into the code to update each field (I am a very novice coder....) I have been trying for a while now but I can't seem to get it right.. :mii: I have even been looking at other files from the script to see if there is similar coding that I could use and there probably is but I can't make sense from it.. ^_^''

...could you please help me when you have some spare moments? Thank you... >.<

Well, I tried and failed :cfrown: I think your way would work but I can't make sense of putting it together... I have no idea what to put or where. I understand that you need to edit the database but I have no idea what to write into the code to update each field (I am a very novice coder....) I have been trying for a while now but I can't seem to get it right.. :mii: I have even been looking at other files from the script to see if there is similar coding that I could use and there probably is but I can't make sense from it.. ^_^''

...could you please help me when you have some spare moments? Thank you... >.<


I will post it tomorrow asap! I'm sorry, I was going to code it after you answered, but it's the last week of the semester and I have 4 projects to deliver in a few days xD
Thank you! It's fine, to be honest I can't wait until I have learnt coding more and can code things myself XD I know it's a matter of time but I really want to be able to do things like this myself instead of relying on other people who may or may not be busy >.< But thanks all the same! XD

Sorry for the late

Adding a "send message to all users" option:

  1. Go to your database, and select your news table.
  2. At the top, if you are using phpMyAdmin, select to edit the table's structure.
  3. At the bottom you will see an "Add (1) columns..." click execute
  4. Create a new columns like this:
    • Name: allowmessage
    • Type: varchar
    • Size: 3
    • Predefined: As defined -> "no"
    • Select "Null" checkbox
  5. Go to your class_news.php file and change it to this: (new stuff is commented with "NEW!")
    use Resource\Native\Object;
    use Resource\Native\Arrays;
    class News extends Object {
    	private $id;
    	private $user;
    	private $title;
    	private $content;
    	private $date;
    	private $posted;
    	private $comments;
    	private $allowcomment;
    	private $allowmessage;//NEW!
    	 public function __construct($id){
    	 	$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    	 	$whereClause = "id = '{$id}'";
    	 	$row = $mysidia->db->select("news",array(),$whereClause)->fetchObject();
    	 	if(!is_object($row)) throw new NoPermissionException("News doesn't exist");
    	 	foreach($row as $key => $val){
               		 $this->$key = $val;     		 
            	$this->comments = $mysidia->db->select("newscomments",array("id"),"newsID = {$this->id} ORDER BY date,id");	
            public function getID(){
            	return $this->id;
    	public function getUser(){
    		return $this->user;
    	public function getUserObject(){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$user = new Member($this->user);
    		return $user;
    	public function getTitle(){
    		return $this->title;
    	public function getContent(){
    		return $this->content;
    	public function getDate(){
    		return $this->date;
    	public function getPosted(){
    		return $this->posted;
    	public function getAllowComment(){
    		return $this->allowcomment;
    	public function getAllowMessage(){
    		return $this->allowmessage;
    	public function changeAllowComment($allow){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		if($this->allowcomment != $allow){
    			$this->allowcomment = $allow;
    			$mysidia->db->update("news",array("allowcomment" => $this->allowcomment),"id = {$this->id}");
    	public function changeAllowMessage($allow){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		if($this->allowmessage != $allow){
    			$this->allowmessage = $allow;
    			$mysidia->db->update("news",array("allowmessage" => $this->allowmessage),"id = {$this->id}");
    	public function addComment($content,$date,$user){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$mysidia->db->insert("newscomments",array("comment" => $this->format($content), "date" => $date, "userID" => $user, "newsID" => $this->id));
    		$this->comments = $mysidia->db->select("newscomments",array("id"),"newsID = {$this->id} ORDER BY date,id");
    	private function format($text){
             	$text = html_entity_decode($text);
            	 $text = stripslashes($text);
            	 $text = str_replace("rn","",$text);
             	return $text;
    	public function saveDraft(){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$todayDate = $this->todayDate();
    		if($this->date != $todayDate) $this->newDate($todayDate);
    		$this->posted = "no";
    		$mysidia->db->update("news",array("posted" => $this->posted),"id = {$this->id}");
    	public function post(){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$todayDate = $this->todayDate();
    		if($this->date != $todayDate) $this->newDate($todayDate);
    		$this->posted = "yes";
    		$mysidia->db->update("news",array("posted" => $this->posted),"id = {$this->id}");
    		if($this->allowmessage == "yes")
            public function sendToAllUsers($dateToday) {
                    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$allusers = $mysidia->db->select("users", array("username"), "");		
    		$messageTitle = "Update";
    		$messagetext = "A new news was posted on the site! Click <a href='/news'>here</a> to view!<br>";
    		while($user = $allusers->fetchColumn()){
    			$mysidia->db->insert("messages", array("fromuser" => "SYSTEM", "touser" => $user, "status" => "unread", "datesent" => $dateToday, "messagetitle" => $messageTitle, "messagetext" => $messagetext), ""); 
            public function editContent($content){
            	$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
            	$this->content = $content;
            	$mysidia->db->update("news",array("content" => $this->content),"id = {$this->id}");
            public function editTitle($title){
            	 $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
            	$this->title = $title;
            	$mysidia->db->update("news",array("title" => $this->title),"id = {$this->id}");
            public function todayDate(){
            	$dateTime = new DateTime;
            	$date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            	return $date;
            public function newDate($date){
            	$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
            	$this->date = $date;
            	$mysidia->db->update("news",array("date" => $this->date),"id = {$this->id}");
            public function getCommentNumber(){
            	$count = $this->comments->rowCount();
            	return $count;
            public function getComments(){
            	return $this->comments;
  6. Go to your newsview.php file inside the admincp folder and change it to this: (new stuff is commented with "NEW!")
    use Resource\Native\String;
    use Resource\Collection\LinkedList;
    use Resource\Collection\LinkedHashMap;
    class ACPNewsView extends View{
    	private $editor;
    	public function index(){
    	    $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$document = $this->document;	
    		$document->setTitle("Manage News And Comments");
    		$pagesTable = new TableBuilder("news");
    		$pagesTable->setAlign(new Align("center", "middle"));
    		$pagesTable->buildHeaders("News Title", "Author", "Date", "Edit", "Publish/Save", "Delete", "View Comments", "View News");
    		$allnews = $this->getField("news")->get();
    			$id = $mysidia->input->post("submit");
    			$newsObj = new News($id);
    			$document->add(new Comment("<b>Successfully saved news as draft</b>",TRUE));			
    			$id = $mysidia->input->post("submit1");
    			$newsObj = new News($id);
    			$document->add(new Comment("<b>Successfully added and published news.</b>",TRUE));
    			$id = $mysidia->input->post("submit2");
    			$newsObj = new News($id);
    			$document->add(new Comment("Are you sure you wish to delete this news?",TRUE));
    			$form = new Form("title","","post");
    			$form->add(new Button("Yes","submit5",$id));
    			$id = $mysidia->input->post("submit5");
    			$mysidia->db->delete("news","id = {$id}");
    			$document->add(new Comment("Successfully deleted news",TRUE));
    			$allnews = $mysidia->db->select("news",array("id"),"");
    		while($news = $allnews->fetchColumn()){
    			$newsObj = new News($news);
    			$cells = new LinkedList;
    			($newsObj->getPosted() == "yes")? $draft = "":$draft = "(draft)";
    			$title = "{$newsObj->getTitle()} {$draft}";
    			$cells->add(new TCell($title));
    			$cells->add(new TCell($newsObj->getUserObject()->getUsername()));
    			$cells->add(new TCell($newsObj->getDate()));
    			$cells->add(new TCell(new Link("admincp/news/edit/{$news}","Edit")));
    			$form = new Form("title","","post");
    			$form->add(new Button("Save As Draft","submit",$news));
    			$form2 = new Form("title","","post");
    			$form2->add(new Button("Publish","submit1",$news));
    			$form3 = new Form("title","","post");
    			$form3->add(new Button("Delete","submit2",$news));
    			($newsObj->getPosted() == "yes")? $cells->add(new TCell($form)) : $cells->add(new TCell($form2));
    			$cells->add(new TCell($form3));
    			$cells->add(new TCell(new Link("admincp/news/viewcomments/{$news}","View Comments")));
    			$cells->add(new TCell(new Link("news/view/{$news}","View News On Site")));
    		$document->add(new Comment("<a href='/admincp/news/create'>Create</a>",TRUE));
    	public function viewcomments(){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$document = $this->document;
    		$document->setTitle("editing comments");
    		$news = $this->getField("news");
    		$newsComments = $news->getComments();
    		$pagesTable = new TableBuilder("news");
    		$pagesTable->setAlign(new Align("center", "middle"));
    		$pagesTable->buildHeaders("Author", "Date", "Content", "Edit", "Delete");
    			$document->add(new Comment("Are you sure you wish to delete this comment?",FALSE));
    			$id = $mysidia->input->post("submit");
    			$form = new Form("title","","post");
    			$form->add(new Button("Yes","submit2",$id));
    				$id = $mysidia->input->post("submit2");
    				//echo $id;
    				$mysidia->db->delete("newscomments","id = {$id}");
    				$document->add(new Comment("<b>Comment deleted successfully.</b>",FALSE));
    				$news = $this->getField("news2");
    				$newsComments = $news->getComments();
    		while($newsID = $newsComments->fetchColumn()){
    				$newsComment = new NewsComments($newsID);
    				$cells = new LinkedList;
    				$cells->add(new TCell($newsComment->getUserObject()->getUsername()));
    				$cells->add(new TCell($newsComment->getDate()));
    				$cells->add(new TCell($newsComment->getContent()));
    				$cells->add(new TCell(new Link("admincp/news/editcomment/{$newsComment->getID()}","Edit")));
    				$form = new Form("form","","post");
    				$form->add(new Button("Delete","submit",$newsID));
    				$cells->add(new TCell($form));
    			catch(NoPermissionException $e){
    	public function editcomment(){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$document = $this->document;
    		$document->setTitle("editing comments");
    		$newsComment = $this->getField("newscomments");
    		$editor = $this->getField("editor")->get();
    				$document->add(new Comment("<b>Edited news comment successfully. Text displayed is the old one.<br></b>",FALSE));
    				$newsComment = $this->getField("newscomments");
    				$editor = $this->getField("editor")->get();
    		$document->add(new Comment("Author: {$newsComment->getUserObject()->getUsername()} / Date: {$newsComment->getDate()}",FALSE));
    		$form = new Form("form","","post");
    		$form->add(new Comment($editor,FALSE));
    		$form->add(new Button("Submit","submit","submit"));
    	public function edit(){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    	    	//$this->editor = new CKEditor;	
    	    	//$this->editor->basePath = '../../../inc/ckeditor/';
    		$document = $this->document;
    			$news = $this->getField("news");
    			/*if(!$mysidia->input->post("newstitle")) throw new BlankFieldException("No title");
    			if(!$mysidia->input->post("newscontent")) throw new BlanKFieldException("No content");*/
    			($mysidia->input->post("allowcomments"))?$allow = "yes":$allow = "no";
    			($mysidia->input->post("allowmessage"))?$allowM = "yes":$allowM = "no";
    			if($mysidia->input->post("submit") == "submitDraft"){
    			$document->add(new Comment("<b>Successfully changed news.</b>"));
    		$editor = $this->getField("editor")->get()->editor("pagecontent", $this->format($news->getContent()));
    		$form = new Form("title","","post");
    		$form->add(new Comment("<b>Date</b>:{$news->getDate()} and <b>Author</b>: {$news->getUserObject()->getUsername()} and <b>Published</b>: {$news->getPosted()}"));
    		$form->add(new Comment("<b>Title</b>:"));
    		$form->add(new TextField("newstitle",$news->getTitle()));
    		$form->add(new Comment("<b>Contents</b>:"));
    		$form->add(new Comment($editor));
    		$comments = new CheckBox("Allow comments on this news", "allowcomments", 1, "array");
    		if($news->getAllowComment() == "yes")
    		$comments2 = new CheckBox("Send message to all users notifying about the existence of an update", "allowmessage", 2, "array");
    		$form->add(new Button("Save as draft","submit","submitDraft"));
    		$form->add(new Button("Publish","submit","submitPublish"));
    		//echo $mysidia->user->uid;
    	public function create(){
    		$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
    		$document = $this->document;
    			$todayDate = new DateTime;
    			$todayDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
    			$date = $todayDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    			/*if(!$mysidia->input->post("newstitle")) throw new BlankFieldException("No title");
    			if(!$mysidia->input->post("newscontent")) throw new BlanKFieldException("No content");*/
    			($mysidia->input->post("allowcomments"))?$allow = "yes":$allow = "no";
    			($mysidia->input->post("allowmessage"))?$allowM = "yes":$allowM = "no";
    			if($mysidia->input->post("submit") == "submitDraft"){
    			$mysidia->db->insert("news",array("title" => $mysidia->input->post("newstitle"), "content" => $this->format($mysidia->input->post("pagecontent")), "user" => $mysidia->user->uid, "date" => $date, "posted" => "no","allowcomment" => $allow, "allowmessage" => $allowM));
    			$mysidia->db->insert("news",array("title" => $mysidia->input->post("newstitle"), "content" => $this->format($mysidia->input->post("pagecontent")), "user" => $mysidia->user->uid, "date" => $date, "posted" => "yes","allowcomment" => $allow, "allowmessage" => $allowM));
    					$allusers = $mysidia->db->select("users", array("username"), "");
    					$today = new DateTime;
    					$dateToday = $today->format('Y-m-d');
    					$messageTitle = "Update";
    					$messagetext = "A new news was posted on the site! Click <a href='/news'>here</a> to view!<br>";
    					while($user = $allusers->fetchColumn()){
    						$mysidia->db->insert("messages", array("fromuser" => "SYSTEM", "touser" => $user, "status" => "unread", "datesent" => $dateToday, "messagetitle" => $messageTitle, "messagetext" => $messagetext), ""); 
    			$document->add(new Comment("<b>Successfully changed news. Fill this page again to create a new post. Click <a href='/news' target='_blank'>here</a> to see the news page.</b>"));
    		$todayDate = new DateTime;
    		$date = $todayDate->format('Y-m-d');
    		$editor = $this->getField("editor")->get();
    		$form = new Form("title","","post");
    		$form->add(new Comment("<b>Date</b>:{$date} and <b>Author</b>: {$mysidia->user->username} and <b>Published</b>: No"));
    		$form->add(new Comment("<b>Title</b>:"));
    		$form->add(new TextField("newstitle",""));
    		$form->add(new Comment("<b>Contents</b>:"));
    		$form->add(new Comment($editor));
    		$comments = new CheckBox("Allow comments on this news", "allowcomments", 1, "array");
    		$comments2 = new CheckBox("Send message to all users notifying about the existence of an update", "allowmessage", 2, "array");
    		$form->add(new Button("Save as draft","submit","submitDraft"));
    		$form->add(new Button("Publish","submit","submitPublish"));
    	    private function format($text){
             $text = html_entity_decode($text);
             $text = stripslashes($text);
             $text = str_replace("rn","",$text);
             return $text;
I really love your news script. Do you mind if I built on top of it?
I want to add more to it, like the ability to report comments for moderation.

I also have one concern, since the pagination just hides the other news, wouldn't it make the page heavy to load if you have like 100 news with images in each once? Or is it set to load when it's clicked. I don't know much about jQuery.

I also want to addon an archive system. So when a piece of news is a certain age, it will go into the archive, and can no longer be commented.

I also want to add a captcha to help prevent spam.
Nah, paginated stuff isn't even pulled to load. Your adopts page is also paginated, past 10 pets or so. I can confirm by right clicking to inspect the source that pets past that number aren't even loaded, so, I assume the same for the news?
I hope so. I can't tell on my local server @.@ Because it loads fast.

Edit: Just a heads up, html can be submitted to the comment form. I tested to see if PHP works, but I couldn't get it to.
This should be roughly tested to make sure no one can put malicious code. @.@
Last edited:

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