help - changeing language

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Aug 6, 2010
Mysidian Dollar
hello ;-)

i'm from poland, so sorry for my mistakes in this post, but i can't speak english as well as you can ;|

i'm trying to install rusnak php adoptables for me.
but i have a problem -when i write oru polish font - ??ó?????? i have êó³?¹¿?æñ

what should i do, to change this scrpit's language?

please help ;-)

PS. i have polish fonts only on menu and sidebar but on index page or on my adopts page no:|
You have to edit the lang/lang.php to polish ^^
Good luck!
Thank you for help ;-)

It's working!
I change uft-8 for windows-1250 and i must make new bbconverter and it works!

Thank you :*

PS. I translate lang/lang.php to polish ;)

Now i'm working with sending money script.
Have you got it?
If you mean virtual currency donations, yes I do.
But it's in the premium forum.

If you mean a paypal IPN, I also have that.
But I can't give it to you as I commissioned it.
Ok, i understand ;|

I'm trying to make my own, but i always have a problem
Ok, but now i'm working with breeding system, that animals can breed 1time for 3 days ;D
I have breeding 1 time for 3 days, do you want?

what do you want to add on level up? and money? i have a currency system, but i can't send money, because i can't do it...

hello... i've got a problem...

my siggy are not shown
Image "" can't be shown, because it include an error(i translate this ;-))

my siggy.php

// **********************************************************************
// Rusnak PHP Adoptables Script
// Copyright 2009 Brandon Rusnak
// For help and support:
// Redistribution prohibited without written permission
// File ID: siggy.php
// Purpose: Show signature images for adoptables
// **********************************************************************

// Wake the sleeping giant

// **********************************************************************
// Basic Configuration Info
// **********************************************************************


$themeurl = grabanysetting("themeurl");

// **********************************************************************
// Define our top links by calling getlinks()
// **********************************************************************

$links = getlinks();

// **********************************************************************
// Define our ads by calling getads()
// **********************************************************************

$ads = getads("any");

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any dynamic article content from the content table
// **********************************************************************

$pagecontent = getsitecontent("index");
$article_title = $pagecontent[title];
$article_content = $pagecontent[content];
$article_content = nl2br($article_content);

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any settings that we will need for the current page from the DB
// **********************************************************************

$browsertitle = grabanysetting("browsertitle");
$sitename = grabanysetting("sitename");
$slogan = grabanysetting("slogan");

// **********************************************************************
// Check and see if the user is logged in to the site
// **********************************************************************

$loginstatus = logincheck();
$isloggedin = $loginstatus[loginstatus];
$loggedinname = $loginstatus[username];

// **********************************************************************
// End Prepwork - Output the page to the user
// **********************************************************************

// We need to grab an adoptable ID

$id = $_GET["id"];
$id = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $id);
$id = secure($id);

// Check that ID exists and is valid


// The ID appears to be valid, so double check...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


if($aid == $id){

// The adoptable exists, so let's try and show the image

$usingimage = "no";

$image = getcurrentimage($id);

	// Let's see if the server has support for GD or not
	// Also to use fancy images the image must be a gif and fancy images must be enabled...

	$usegd = grabanysetting("gdimages");
	$imageinfo = @getimagesize($image);
	$imagemime = $imageinfo["mime"]; // Mime type of the image file, should be a .gif file...

	if(function_exists('imagegif') and $usegd == "yes" and $imagemime == "image/gif")

	$usingimage = "yes"; //Turn the template system off


	list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image); // The size of the original adoptable image

	// Begin the fancy outputs...

	// Lets create the new target image, with a size big enough for the text for the adoptable

	$newheight = $height + 72;

	if($newwidth < 250){
	$newwidth = 250;
	$newwidth = $width;

      $img_temp = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); 

      $alphablending = true;  

    	// Lets create the image and save its transparency  
      $img_old = @imagecreatefromgif($image);  
      imagealphablending($img_old, true);  
      imagesavealpha($img_old, true);
     // Lets copy the old image into the new image with  
     // the given size  
         0, 0, 0, 0,  
	$textheight = $width + 2;

	$image = $img_temp;

	$bgi = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);

	$color = imagecolorallocate($bgi, 51, 51, 51);

	$str1 = "Imi?: ".$name;
	$str2 = "W?a?ciciel: ".$owner;
	$str3 = "Nakarm mnie!";
	$str4 = "More Adopts at:";
	$str5 = "www.".$domain;

	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight,  $str1, $color);
	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 13,  $str2, $color);
	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 26,  $str3, $color);
	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 42,  $str4, $color);
	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 55,  $str5, $color);

	$background = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);  
      ImageColorTransparent($image, $background);  
	header("Content-Type: image/GIF");
	ImageGif ($image);

	// We are going to try and get this image the old fashioned way...
	// Define a list of allowed file extentions...

	$extList = array();
	$extList['gif'] = 'image/gif';
	$extList['jpg'] = 'image/jpg';
	$extList['jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg';
	$extList['png'] = 'image/png';

	//Define the output file type
	$contentType = 'Content-type: '.$extList[ $imageinfo['extension'] ];

	if($imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/gif" and $imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/jpeg" and $imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/png"){

	// The file type is NOT ALLOWED
	die("Hacking Attempt!");


	// File type is allowed, so proceed
	// Try and read the file in

	$status = "";

	header ($contentType);
	$status = readfile($image);

	if($status == "" or $status == "false" or $status == "FALSE"){

	// Reading the file failed, so show an error...	
	header ("text/plain");
	die("Readfile appears to be disabled on your host.");





// Bogus ID

$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


// Bogus ID

$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


// **********************************************************************
// Begin Template Definition
// **********************************************************************

//Define our current theme
$file = $themeurl;

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template
$template = file_get_contents($file);

$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);

$template = replace(':BROWSERTITLE:',$browsertitle,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$sitename,$template);

//Define our links
$template = replace(':LINKSBAR:',$links,$template);

//Get the content for the side bar...

$sidebar = getsidebar();
$template = replace(':SIDEFEED:',$sidebar,$template);

//Get the ad content...
$template = replace(':ADS:',$ads,$template);

//Get the slogan info
$template = replace(':SLOGAN:',$slogan,$template);

if($usingimage != "yes"){
echo $template; // Only echo the template if we are not showing an image... 

// **********************************************************************
// End Template Definition
// **********************************************************************


ps picuploasdgif anf jpg have CHMOD 777
This is my siggy.php, take a look ;)

// **********************************************************************
// Rusnak PHP Adoptables Script
// Copyright 2009 Brandon Rusnak
// For help and support:
// Redistribution prohibited without written permission
// File ID: siggy.php
// Purpose: Show signature images for adoptables
// **********************************************************************

// Wake the sleeping giant

// **********************************************************************
// Basic Configuration Info
// **********************************************************************


$themeurl = grabanysetting("themeurl");

// **********************************************************************
// Define our top links by calling getlinks()
// **********************************************************************

$links = getlinks();

// **********************************************************************
// Define our ads by calling getads()
// **********************************************************************

$ads = getads("any");

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any dynamic article content from the content table
// **********************************************************************

$pagecontent = getsitecontent("index");
$article_title = $pagecontent[title];
$article_content = $pagecontent[content];
$article_content = nl2br($article_content);

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any settings that we will need for the current page from the DB
// **********************************************************************

$browsertitle = grabanysetting("browsertitle");
$sitename = grabanysetting("sitename");
$slogan = grabanysetting("slogan");

// **********************************************************************
// Check and see if the user is logged in to the site
// **********************************************************************

$loginstatus = logincheck();
$isloggedin = $loginstatus[loginstatus];
$loggedinname = $loginstatus[username];

// **********************************************************************
// End Prepwork - Output the page to the user
// **********************************************************************

// We need to grab an adoptable ID

$id = $_GET["id"];
$id = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $id);
$id = secure($id);

// Check that ID exists and is valid


// The ID appears to be valid, so double check...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


if($aid == $id){

// The adoptable exists, so let's try and show the image

$usingimage = "no";

$image = getcurrentimage($id);

	// Let's see if the server has support for GD or not
	// Also to use fancy images the image must be a gif and fancy images must be enabled...

	$usegd = grabanysetting("gdimages");
	$imageinfo = @getimagesize($image);
	$imagemime = $imageinfo["mime"]; // Mime type of the image file, should be a .gif file...

	if(function_exists('imagegif') and $usegd == "yes" and $imagemime == "image/gif")

	$usingimage = "yes"; //Turn the template system off


	list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image); // The size of the original adoptable image

	// Begin the fancy outputs...

	// Lets create the new target image, with a size big enough for the text for the adoptable

	$newheight = $height + 72;

	if($newwidth < 250){
	$newwidth = 250;
	$newwidth = $width;

      $img_temp = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); 

      $alphablending = true;  

    	// Lets create the image and save its transparency  
      $img_old = @imagecreatefromgif($image);  
      imagealphablending($img_old, true);  
      imagesavealpha($img_old, true);
     // Lets copy the old image into the new image with  
     // the given size  
         0, 0, 0, 0,  
	$textheight = $width + 2;

	$image = $img_temp;

	$bgi = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);

	$color = imagecolorallocate($bgi, 51, 51, 51);

	$str1 = "".$name;
	$str2 = "level ".$totalclicks;

	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight,  $str1, $color);
	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 13,  $str2, $color);
	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 26,  $str3, $color);
	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 42,  $str4, $color);
	imagestring ($image, 12, 0, $textheight + 55,  $str5, $color);

	$background = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);  
      ImageColorTransparent($image, $background);  
	header("Content-Type: image/GIF");
	ImageGif ($image);

	// We are going to try and get this image the old fashioned way...
	// Define a list of allowed file extentions...

	$extList = array();
	$extList['gif'] = 'image/gif';
	$extList['jpg'] = 'image/jpeg';
	$extList['jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg';
	$extList['png'] = 'image/png';

	//Define the output file type
	$contentType = 'Content-type: '.$extList[ $imageinfo['extension'] ];

	if($imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/gif" and $imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/jpeg" and $imageinfo['extension'] =! "image/png"){

	// The file type is NOT ALLOWED
	die("Hacking Attempt!");


	// File type is allowed, so proceed
	// Try and read the file in

	$status = "";

	header ($contentType);
	$status = readfile($image);

	if($status == "" or $status == "false" or $status == "FALSE"){

	// Reading the file failed, so show an error...	
	header ("text/plain");
	die("Readfile appears to be disabled on your host.");





// Bogus ID

$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


// Bogus ID

$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


// **********************************************************************
// Begin Template Definition
// **********************************************************************

//Define our current theme
$file = $themeurl;

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template
$template = file_get_contents($file);

$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);

$template = replace(':BROWSERTITLE:',$browsertitle,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$sitename,$template);

//Define our links
$template = replace(':LINKSBAR:',$links,$template);

//Get the content for the side bar...

$sidebar = getsidebar();
$template = replace(':SIDEFEED:',$sidebar,$template);

//Get the ad content...
$template = replace(':ADS:',$ads,$template);

//Get the slogan info
$template = replace(':SLOGAN:',$slogan,$template);

if($usingimage != "yes"){
echo $template; // Only echo the template if we are not showing an image... 

// **********************************************************************
// End Template Definition
// **********************************************************************

& that script is welcome :D, i have a slot machine script & a code that some adoptables only can have 1 gender.
Than you, but yoru siggy also doesn't work... why??:O

So if you want the adoptables can breed 1 time for 3 days:

add new pole - breed varchar(20) and be default yes - it must be in database abandon and owned_adoptables

in breeding.php find

//This will select all the female adoptables the user has
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '$loggedinname' AND gender = 'female'");
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

and repalce it with:

//This will select all the female adoptables the user has
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '$loggedinname' AND gender = 'female' AND breed = 'yes' AND isfrozen = 'no'");
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

and find a little down

//This will select all the female adoptables the user has
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '$loggedinname' AND gender = 'male'");
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

and replace it with:

//This will select all the female adoptables the user has
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '$loggedinname' AND gender = 'male' AND breed = 'yes' AND isfrozen = 'no'");
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

next also in breeding.php find

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender','$date')");

a replace it with:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender','$date','yes')");

and up paste it:
and down past it:

mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."owned_adoptables SET breed='".$breed."' WHERE aid='".$male_id."'");
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."owned_adoptables SET breed='".$breed."' WHERE aid='".$female_id."'");

breeding file ok ;-)

in doadopt.php find

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','notfortrade','no','$gender','$date')");

and replace it with

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','notfortrade','no','$gender','$date','yes')");

also in doadoptab.php find

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','notfortrade','no','$gender','$date')");

and replace it with

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','notfortrade','no','$gender','$date','yes')");

the last file is myadopts.php

else if($act == "manage"){

and down you have
$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID

and down past it:
$decay=time() - 3 * 24 * 60 * 60;
// here you can set how many days. now it's 3 days, but if you past
// $decay=time() - 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
// it will be 2 days ;-)

if($breed < $decay){ //check if the creature is too the abandoned database
//yes it is, time to remove it
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."owned_adoptables SET breed='yes' WHERE aid='".$aid."'");

and down find

else if($act == "manage"){

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."abandoned VALUES ('$aid', '$type', '$name','$owner', '$currentlevel', '$totalclicks', '$code', '', '$usealternates', '$tradestatus', '$isfrozen', '$gender', '$date')");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id' and owner='$loggedinname'");

replace with

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."abandoned VALUES ('$aid', '$type', '$name','$owner', '$currentlevel', '$totalclicks', '$code', '', '$usealternates', '$tradestatus', '$isfrozen', '$gender', '$date', 'yes')");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id' and owner='$loggedinname'");

Ok - it's the end ;-)
it's working for me ;-)

I thing you understand me ;-)

and please help me with siggy.php ;-)
where can i find a free hosting?
my polish hosting have readfile disabled :| ;)
I use it to.
Thanks for your scirpt, gone try it soon.
The solution to your trouble is that you should have admin rights for that purspose and with that admin panel you can change this scripts or so.

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