Bean Pets

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Quick behind the scenes update lol. We ended up having a power cut last night and I was bored with no internet so I spent time making the admin cp theme match the main site theme :ROFLMAO: Wasn't sure if I'd do it but I'm glad I did! Uses a custom nav menu though as I didn't want the accordion buttons. So I rebuilt it using the bootstrap navbar. Good thing about when 1.4 comes out is that I can just use {$sidebar} to make the default links appear so I can check for new or updated ones lol.

2022-01-02 07_38_22-Greenshot.png

2022-01-02 09_04_26-Bean Pets and 12 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png

At the moment everything is the same as the main theme I've so far designed but I will most likely change the colour scheme, background, etc. as I have noticed it's a little jarring going between the two when they're the same. It feels like I need to double check it's worked almost lol. So eventually I'll probably tweak it to use it's own theme not present on the main site.

For now I really like it, though!
Finished a bunch more beans lol. I made a new year's resolution to try and do 1 arty thing for Bean Pets a day and one week into the new year I failed :ROFLMAO: I had completely forgotten, so I have been playing catch up. Almost there though which is good! I have 1 more to go, so tomorrow I will make sure to complete 2 lol.

Sparkle Cats

Sparkle Cat Stages.png

I have 2 more to finish in this collection, the blue and purple lol.

Siamese Cats

Siamese Cat Stages.png
The blue point was the new one I designed, the bottom one is the default I made before the new year. I have a few more to do for the siamese cats as I plan for this to be a big collection.

Tuxedo Cats

Tuxedo Stages.png

The tuxedo cats have 5 variants! Some are more common than others.

And that's it for today... :LOL:


  • Sparkle Cat Stages.png
    Sparkle Cat Stages.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 1
Absolutely fantastic.

Keep up the good work, these are gorgeous, cute, stunning.

Thank you for all the updates and sharing! <3

Update to Bean Pets finally!​

Hello! It's been a while since I last updated in here. It's been a fairly busy 2 months and I had covid a few weeks ago which made doing anything art related very hard... but I am here with an update!

First of all... introducing the new and improved Pony Bean!​

I finally finished the pony lines, and have completed the short, medium, and long, 'normal style' manes and tails. I'll show the short and long styles off another day.

Pony Bean Stages.png
Pony Bean stages showing off the medium mane and tail.

Next, I have finished recreating the Dun Pony adoptable! This has 2 alt forms. I have tweaked it from the previous design. The colours are more realistic and they have stripes on the legs!

Dun Stages.png

Next: Items!​

I have started working on some items for the site. These were a nice little break from just working on adoptable related art. First we have feathers. These have a chance of dropping from adoptables that have wings or are bird themed when you interact with them. You can sell them for quick cash or use them for a currently undisclosed feature hehe.


I have also started working on cupcakes. The cupcakes are a food item you can feed to all adopts that are baby, child, or adult. Adopts still in the egg or just hatching can't eat food.

Cupcakes will add clicks to your adoptable, and helps them to grow faster. They might also be used for other purposes in the future.

Still WIP. You'll be able to buy a variety of cupcakes with different flavours, topping, and icing options!

And that's all for now, thanks for reading!​

Hello! I've been working on a ton of items lately so I'm here to show them off a little. :)


Feathers are a junk item that can drop from adoptables that have wings or are bird themed. You can sell them for quick cash, collect them, or use them for other purposes.

  Spoiler: Feathers 

Clumps of Fur

The same as above, clumps of fur are a junk item that can drop from adoptables when interacting with them.

  Spoiler: Clumps of Fur 

Crystal Shards

These pretty crystals can mainly be found while exploring, though there may be other methods of obtaining them...

  Spoiler: Crystal Shards 


Cupcakes are one method of adding 'clicks' to your adoptable. This can help you to speed up their growth so you don't need to rely on members of the public helping to grow your pets. Food can only be fed to baby, child, or adult, adoptables. Eggs and just hatching adopts cannot eat food!

  Spoiler: Cupcakes 


Doughnuts are like cupcakes and help you grow your adopts! Don't worry, sweets on Bean Pets are made from ingredients safe for both Beans and their gardeners to eat!


Notebooks, Storybooks, and Journals

There are a few different types of book on Bean Pets. The most notable are 'Storybooks'. You'll be able to use these items for a special feature that is currently secret. ;)

  Spoiler: Books 


Licenses are very important on Bean Pets! Certain features will be locked until you obtain the right license. Level your licenses up to unlock new things and progress!



Potions can be used to do all sorts of things, such as change your adopts in mysterious ways!

  Spoiler: Potions 

Breeding Dust

This item will be very special and fairly expensive! It can be used to reset an adopt's breed counter, when they have been bred the max number of times.

Breeding Dust.png

Custard Pudding

Like other food items, this can be used to affect the clicks of your adopts. Made from Bean-safe ingredients, as usual!

Custard Pudding.png

I also have a few more but there is a file attachment limit haha :ROFLMAO:
New Species!

I finished a new species! This is the Mothling Bean!
Mothling Bean Stages.png

I also finished the first adopt, based on the Luna Moth lol

Luna Moth Stages.png
These species look really cute, you draw these yourself? You are very talented.

Yes I did, thank you! :D


On Bean Pets there will be many NPCs you can interact with. You'll be able to do quests for them, talk to them and learn a bit about the world, etc.

There are a few species for the NPCs, the first is the Zey-ala. They have 3 eyes, horns, tails, pointed ears, and their skin can come in pretty much any colour (natural and unnatural alike!). Currently their outfits are WIP because I'm not too sure on the style or theme I want for Bean Pets yet. To be honest I'll probably make more of those decisions when actually working on the site and building the world. So for now their outfits can be considered temporary until a later date when a decision is made lol.

Images in spoilers because they're big..

  Spoiler: Mona 

Mona is the head of the research institute on Bean Pets. She helps to show you the ropes in the beginning and teaches you all you need to know about the various things you can do around the site.

  Spoiler: Alexis 

Alexis is the youngest member working at the Institute at only 15 years old. She's eager to learn all she can and hopes to help discover new species and adopts one day!

  Spoiler: Orelianax 

Orelianax is a scientist working at the Institute, helping to classify and categorise new species and adoptables as they're discovered. Perhaps you need to help him with his research?

  Spoiler: Wynter (still WIP!) 

Wynter is a local baker you'll be able to buy sweet treats from. She's a very kind woman who loves to help anyone who asks for it. She has a sister called Summer, and a husband named Florian. She's still a WIP as I still need to finish her outfit lol.
Hello! Been a few months since I updated. Bean Pets is still being worked on, but as I really want to use 1.4 for it I'm trying not to go crazy adding things as it would all need to be moved over when I use 1.4 anyway lol... but there is an update!

I got Imagick working with Dino's tutorial so now pets will be able to be customised! I do still plan on having pre-made adopts available, if users don't want a custom, but they'll use the new system so should work seamlessly with the breeding system.

Talking about the breeding system, things haven't been integrated with Imagick yet (and won't until I get it set up for 1.4 anyway) and I'm thinking I might start getting some money together and see if I can commission someone to integrate it for me. Mainly as the ideas I have (with as much AdminCP integration as possible as well) will be way outside of my abilities at this time lol.

Anyway here's a peek at the custom page! So far users can build their own adopts and choose colours. There are still a few more things to add, but the Cat Bean is almost feature complete (for now)

  Spoiler: Image 

All 3 current species have their own sub-page and the database will remember your choices if you wanted to generate the same adopts more than once. Currently you cannot actually generate an adopt but the plan is to eventually allow that.

Some adopts generated:

  Spoiler: Images 

The site will have a colour palette to choose from, current colours are WIP. I plan to have a lot more shades of whatever colours are offered!

2023-07-05 16_30_46-Bean Pets and 7 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png

Also using the Bootstrap addon called Bootstrap Select I'm able to display the colours inside the select box, as well as thumbnails for the mutations and markings! (Also hoping I'll be able to use the Imagick image of adopts to display them when allowing users to select their pets! I haven't tried this yet as I haven't added Imagick to owned adopts, and won't until I feel the customs are as feature complete as I can get them)

2023-07-04 23_11_46-Bean Pets and 6 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png

So yeah! Nice update! Excited for whenever 1.4 comes :D
Hello! Been a few months since I updated. Bean Pets is still being worked on, but as I really want to use 1.4 for it I'm trying not to go crazy adding things as it would all need to be moved over when I use 1.4 anyway lol... but there is an update!

I got Imagick working with Dino's tutorial so now pets will be able to be customised! I do still plan on having pre-made adopts available, if users don't want a custom, but they'll use the new system so should work seamlessly with the breeding system.

Talking about the breeding system, things haven't been integrated with Imagick yet (and won't until I get it set up for 1.4 anyway) and I'm thinking I might start getting some money together and see if I can commission someone to integrate it for me. Mainly as the ideas I have (with as much AdminCP integration as possible as well) will be way outside of my abilities at this time lol.

Anyway here's a peek at the custom page! So far users can build their own adopts and choose colours. There are still a few more things to add, but the Cat Bean is almost feature complete (for now)

  Spoiler: Image 

All 3 current species have their own sub-page and the database will remember your choices if you wanted to generate the same adopts more than once. Currently you cannot actually generate an adopt but the plan is to eventually allow that.

Some adopts generated:

The site will have a colour palette to choose from, current colours are WIP. I plan to have a lot more shades of whatever colours are offered!

View attachment 524

Also using the Bootstrap addon called Bootstrap Select I'm able to display the colours inside the select box, as well as thumbnails for the mutations and markings! (Also hoping I'll be able to use the Imagick image of adopts to display them when allowing users to select their pets! I haven't tried this yet as I haven't added Imagick to owned adopts, and won't until I feel the customs are as feature complete as I can get them)

View attachment 525

So yeah! Nice update! Excited for whenever 1.4 comes :D
this custom system reminds me of FR and im living for it! these all look great so far and im excited for when your site releases! i do have a question, you mentioned there will be an explore function, ive been wanting that in my own site, is that something you had to hire someone for or perhaps is already built into mysidia?
this custom system reminds me of FR and im living for it! these all look great so far and im excited for when your site releases! i do have a question, you mentioned there will be an explore function, ive been wanting that in my own site, is that something you had to hire someone for or perhaps is already built into mysidia?
Hello, welcome to Mysidia~ An explore system isn't built into the vanilla script but there are a few tutorials in the tutorial section of the forum that I am planning on following/adapting to my own purposes. These are just a few of them on offer:

Dialogue Branch System
Twine 2
Explore System

However bear in mind that depending on which version of the script the tutorial uses, things might be slightly different. For example 1.3.6 (the latest version) is quite different from 1.3.4 (which I'd say is arguably the most popular 1.3 version of the script as it was around for longer and therefore more people used it). It's not impossible to adapt things across versions, though. The code and files are just slightly different. If you have a Discord there is a small Mysidia channel that some of us use to get help and chat about the script. :) It's not too busy over there but there are a few who can help with stuff if you need it

Hi! Been like 9 months since my last update lol. But things have been steadily being worked on (still waiting for 1.4 though but ah it's too tempting to do a few things here and there :LOL:). The customs have been vastly improved and now use a colour picker for each colour slot! I also built the custom page with Javascript so you can immediately see the custom you're building. Also once you scroll down past the image, it moves so you can still see what you're building. Mobile friendly, too! The buttons are also sticky so you can't lose them if you want to save before you're finished. At the bottom, you can choose a name and gender for your adopt and generate them. But this update is about the customs feature lol. :sneaky:


I've made it so you can now save your customs. I will be neatening up the options but currently you can save the custom to the DB or save it as a new design. Once you 'Save as new' you can view them from your saved customs page. (I plan to eventually allow you to choose a custom to overwrite as well, especially as custom slots will eventually be limited)

2024-07-29 12_46_53-Bean Pets _ Saved Customs - Opera.png

From here you can click their image to view the custom's profile, or use the icons underneath to edit/delete them!

Currently each custom can have a name and description set. As well as be made to be publicly viewable or kept private. They're private by default. This part is still WIP as I haven't added the user form to do this just yet.

2024-07-29 12_48_39-Bean Pets _ Viewing Custom_ Unnamed - Opera.png
(page still WIP as well)

If the custom is private and you don't own them, you'll get an error message.

Once a custom is marked as public they can be seen on the gallery page!

2024-07-29 12_52_22-Bean Pets _ Customs Gallery - Opera.png

And that's it for now! I'm still working on this feature as there are a few things I want to add. For now the plans are:

  • AdminCP support so mods/admins can edit custom info if they need to
  • User ability to edit the name, description, and change privacy status
  • User ability to delete their own to free up a slot (should also delete the img that was saved to the site)
  • Limited user customs with acp support to choose a max limit + a way for users to purchase more slots if they haven't reached the limit yet
  • Ability to load your own customs to continue working on them + a way to overwrite saved customs
  • Ability to sort/search the user customs page + public gallery in various ways (probably search by user, mutation/marking, species, etc)
  • Ability for owners to generate a custom based on their saved designs, still costs whatever generating a custom costs though

Still deciding on:

  • A way to like customs + remove the like if a user changes their mind (+ a way to see who's liked the custom)
  • A way to comment on custom designs, viewable from their profile
  • Ability to generate a public custom if the owner sets that permission (will add that separate from whether they're public)

I also want a report system for things that might be offensive but I will probably wait until 1.4 for that as I'll want to add the report feature to a bunch of other things lol. I think 1.4 is supposed to come with one so I'll wait to see how that works before making my own :ROFLMAO:

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