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  1. A

    EvoCrit, a collection of adoptable projects

    For the past few months, KatFennec and I have been working on a 100% custom site called EvoCrit ( which features my adoptable projects, allows for posting images, and is planned to have plenty of HTML5 content including interactive mini games and adoptable creation tools...
  2. A

    Working on some apps

    Not sure where to put this, but I'm planning to make some Android apps to either use with one of my Mysidia sites or to use on a different site. Just need to finish reading all the necessary documentation and come up with some ideas. I'll probably post updates here when I can.
  3. A

    Filtered dropdown of all of a user's adopts?

    I know there's a way to do it, since it's done for the Favpet selection and for breeding, but I need to know how. I also need to know how the dropdown can know the adoptable id, since I'm going to be using it for other things.
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    Charm Pets - In-Progress Adoptable Game!

    This site is currently live, since I have a lot of trouble working on projects that aren't live, but it's very, very unfinished. Charm Pets Charm Pets is an adoptable site I'm working on with my gf. It'll be a game where you get a partner creature (think Digimon) and are able to interact with...
  5. A

    Redirect on Sign-up

    I'm thinking my site needs a tutorial system, but I need a way to put users on the first page for it when they first create an account. How would I do this?
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    Fav pet edit?

    Is there any way for me to make it so the favpet list can be restricted by options such as being level 1 or above? Or where I could have more than one that are set independently and can never equal each other? Adopt dropdowns seem to be a function, but I don't know where to find it.
  7. A

    Data validation on Birthdate and username?

    Lately I've had some issues on my site with people either having malformed (as in, way too many slashes), improbable/impossible birth years (such as 1900 or 1003), and usernames with special characters (which probably won't validate against PMs and such properly). Is there any way to make sure...
  8. A

    Use Owned_Adoptable to call Adoptable?

    For my site, I'm tying a lot of traits to species (prefix_adoptable) rather than to individual pets (prefix_owned_adoptable). Problem is, for things like profiles and items, I need to be able to get those values for the pet's species, using the pet's information. How do I call the other table?
  9. A

    GD Question

    I know Mysidia uses GD to write the text on images and I'm planning to use it, but is there any way to change what text it writes? Where would I find that in the code? Right now my site's URL is too long to work with it so I'm planning to change some of the text around.
  10. A

    Permission Question

    What exactly are you allowed to do with Mysidia in terms of monetization? Are you able to, say, sell limited pets to people, or do you have to raise money for hosting/etc in other ways like ads, paid ad-free subscriptions, or what? This isn't really listed anywhere, and I was wondering...
  11. A

    Delay Level Up?

    I don't think this is going to be an easy mod, and I have no idea how to do it (Maybe a daily cron job that checks for clicks and another variable? Dunno), but I want to implement some way to delay growth of creatures for a day or two, simply so even when they get flooded with clicks, they don't...
  12. A

    Hide pound pets in daycare?

    I just checked the Daycare, with one pounded pet on my site, and they show up in there. Is there any way I can hide them? It doesn't seem like I should have them in there, just from a balance standpoint.
  13. A

    Editing adopt clicking?

    I would like to edit the page where you click a pet to instead show a profile and require a button to be clicked to actually count as a "click" although I have the item drop mod on my site, so I don't know how much extra work that would be. Maybe have everything link to a new profile page...
  14. A

    Pet personalities?

    Is there a way I could give pets a randomly generated personality on creation? And maybe have it display a bit of text related to that on the profile(assuming I can get one set up)/on the stats page?
  15. A

    Add Favorite Adopt to sidebar?

    I'm wanting to add the user's favorite adopt to a sidebar module with the following structure: (Image) Name the Species View | Change The view link would go to either their profile (if I can set that up) or to their "manage" page, while the "change" link would go to change the "active pet."...
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