Password Protect?

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The Chamomile Tea Drinker
Aug 12, 2011
Mysidian Dollar
I want to know if someone could make me a password protect BBCode to protect our additional pages.

I don't mean the adopt.php page or such xD Our site is heavily quest-based, and they'd like it so you can collect passwords to unlock the other pages.

This box would come up...
And when the correct password is entered, this happens

I have no idea where to even begin with this. Tables and such.

I was thinking, having more columns on out adopts_users tables to save passwords, or maybe cookies.... you can see the complexity of what I'm asking already, can't you?

I made these two images to show how it would work on our pages.

One possibility

Another possibility
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It was what I thought was easier xD

If you can tell me how else, I'm happy to comprimise. It's just what my friends told me to ask.
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Well a simple way to do this is to do this is to create a new column in table prefix.content called 'password', and add an if...else statement to page.php to check whether the password exists. If yes, the script will ask users to enter a password and then check if the password matches with the very page from your database. Otherwise the actual page will show normally without requiring users to input password.
Wait... I'm a little confused.

So first is to add a column to adopts_content called password.. I got that bit.

Add an if-else statement.

I'm afraid I don't know PHP, so I have no idea how to even tackle the if-else statement.
I feel really cheeky asking, but could someone write the code for me? I don't know how to PHP ;-;
Thanks, Infernal, but I don't think this is compatible, and I have no idea where to start to make it compatible.

Thanks anyway.
I'm the one who asked about the password thing.

It's just 'cause we'd like to have these four planets, and you can't progress onto the next planet without a password?
I see, I will show you an example of how this can be done with Mys tomorrow. It is actually quite simple, but may require you to modify your database and then the script of page.php.
I can edit my database and all that easy enough :3 Thanks HOF
Will the script include a way to add a field in when you submit a page? I'm the only one of the administrators who can access the CPanel of my site.
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So I started making the code changes to allow passwords then I went to the dentist and had a tooth pulled. After I have been under pain pills hallucinating about evil
ducks :madO: taking over the world. Just not a state of mind to code in. ^.^;;

I am feeling better now so here is what I came up with. As for the allowing the Mys admin to set the password, I will see how much work it will take to edit those pages.

As with any Mod remember to Back Up Your Site And Database!

first sql command add a place for the password.
ALTER TABLE `adopts_content` ADD `content_password` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL

then open inc/functions.php find
function getsitecontent($page) {

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."content WHERE page = '$page'";

	$result = @runquery($query);

	$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);



		$title = stripslashes($title);

		$content = stripslashes($content);

	$value[content] = $content;

	$value[title] = $title;

	return $value;


replace it with
function getsitecontent($page) {
	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."content WHERE page = '$page'";

	$result = @runquery($query);

	$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);
	//first check if their is any results if yes then pull the data


		$title = stripslashes($title);

		$content = stripslashes($content);

	$value['content'] = $content;

	$value['title'] = $title;
	$value['password'] = $password;
	return $value;
	return FALSE;


then replace your pages.php with this



// Grab the page from the get parameter
if (isset($_GET['page'])){
$page = $_GET['page'];
$page = '';

//get the password if it has been sent
if (isset($_GET['password'])){
	$password = $_GET['password'];
	$password = secure($password); //secure has all ready ran on all of the get variables but I want to make sure it was called.
$password = '';
//check if their was sent a page if no then just set pagecontent to false
if($page !=''){	
	$pagecontent = getsitecontent($page);
	$pagecontent = FALSE;

if($pagecontent != FALSE){
	//now check if a password has been set for the page
	if ($pagecontent['password'] == ''){
		$article_title = $pagecontent['title'];
		$article_content = $pagecontent['content'];

		$article_content = bbconvert($article_content); // BBCODE conversion

		$article_content = nl2br($article_content); // New line breaks
	else if ($pagecontent['password'] != '' && $password !=''){
	//their is both a password set and a password sumited check if they match
		if($password == $pagecontent['password']){
			//display content
			$article_title = $pagecontent['title'];
			$article_content = $pagecontent['content'];

			$article_content = bbconvert($article_content); // BBCODE conversion

			$article_content = nl2br($article_content); // New line breaks
			$article_title = "Password incorrect";
			$article_content = "The password you have submitted is incorrect.";
		//their is a password set
		$article_title = "Password required";
		$article_content = '<form name="form" method="get" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
		<input name="page" type="hidden"	id="page" value="'.$page.'">
		<p><label for="password">Password:</label>
		<br /><input type="password" title="Enter your password" name="password" /></p>
		<p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Login" /></p>


	// Page does not exist...

	$article_title = "404 Page Not Found";
	$article_content = "The page you are looking for cannot be found on this site.  
	It is possible that it never existed or that the site admin deleted it.";



echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, '');//this page is not using the date so I removed it to stop Notice

It doesn't appear to be working :ohnoes:

This is my column structure - Here

These are my Functions and Pages files -


// File ID: functions.php

// Purpose: Provides basic sitewide functions


$GLOBALS['dbhost'] = $dbhost;      		//DB Hostname

$GLOBALS['dbuser'] = $dbuser;			//DB User

$GLOBALS['dbpass'] = $dbpass;			//DB Password

$GLOBALS['dbname'] = $dbname;    			//Your database name

$GLOBALS['domain'] = $domain;    			//Your domain name (No http, www or . )

$GLOBALS['scriptpath'] = $scriptpath;		//The folder you installed this script in

$GLOBALS['prefix'] = $prefix;


//Connect to the database first




// clean all our data

$_POST = array_map('secure',$_POST);

$_GET = array_map('secure',$_GET);

$session = session_id();

$time = time();

$time_check = $time - 300; // Time check, delete after 300 seconds (5 minutes)

$result = runquery("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['prefix']}online WHERE `session` = '{$session}'");

$count = mysql_num_rows($result);

$result2 = runquery("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['prefix']}online WHERE `username` = '{$loggedinname}'");

$count2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);

if($isloggedin != "yes")


	$loggedinname = "Visitor";


if($count == 0 and $count2 == 0)


	runquery("INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['prefix']}online VALUES('$loggedinname', '$session', '$time')");




      runquery("UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online SET time=".$time.", session ='".$session."', username='".$loggedinname."' WHERE session = '".$session."'");


// if over 5 minute, delete session

$sql4="DELETE FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online WHERE time < ".$time_check;


// Begin functions definition:

function runquery($query) {

	// next three lines may be commented out if debugging is unnessecary

	//$arr = debug_backtrace();

	//$GLOBALS['queries'] .= "<br /><strong>{$query}</strong> on line {$arr[0]["line"]} of {$arr[0]["file"]}.";


	$result = mysql_query($query);

	return $result;


function changecash($amount, $user, $startamount) {
	$newamount = $startamount + $amount;
	if ($newamount >= 0) {
		$GLOBALS['money'] = $newamount;
		runquery("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['prefix']}users SET `money` = '{$newamount}' WHERE `username` = '{$user}'");
		return true;
	return false;

function clickreward($amount, $user, $startamount) {

    $addamount = explode(",",$amount);

	$randamount = rand($addamount[0], $addamount[1]);

    return $randamount;


function connect() {

	//This function simply connects us to the database

	$conn = mysql_connect($GLOBALS['dbhost'], $GLOBALS['dbuser'], $GLOBALS['dbpass']) or die ('Error connecting to MySQL');



function secure($data) {

	//This function performs security checks on all incoming form data

	if(is_array($data)) {

		die("Hacking Attempt!");


	$data = htmlentities($data);

	$data = mysql_real_escape_string($data);

	$data = strip_tags($data, '');

	return $data;


function getsitecontent($page) { 
    $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."content WHERE page = '$page'"; 

    $result = @runquery($query); 

    $num = @mysql_num_rows($result); 
    //first check if their is any results if yes then pull the data 


        $title = stripslashes($title); 

        $content = stripslashes($content); 

    $value['content'] = $content; 

    $value['title'] = $title; 
    $value['password'] = $password; 
    return $value; 
    return FALSE; 


function replace($old, $new, $template) {

	//This function replaces template values

	$template = str_replace($old, $new, $template);

	return $template;


function uidtousername ($id) {

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE uid='$id'";

$result = mysql_query($query);


return $username;


function usernametouid ($name) {

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username='$name'";

$result = mysql_query($query);


return $uid;


// NOTE - make sure this is only run once in a whole page load - not multiple times!

function logincheck() {

	//Set up our login info...

	$uid = "";

	$password = "";

	//Check for cookie

	if (isset($_COOKIE['auid']) and isset($_COOKIE['apass'])) {

		$uid = $_COOKIE['auid'];

		$password = $_COOKIE['apass'];

		$uid = secure($uid);

		$password = secure($password);

		//Run login operation

		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users, ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."groups WHERE uid = '$uid' LIMIT 1";

		$result = runquery($query);


		$GLOBALS['usersettings'] = mysql_fetch_array($result);

		$luid=@mysql_result($result, 0, $GLOBALS['prefix']."users.uid");

		$lpass=@mysql_result($result, 0, $GLOBALS['prefix']."users.password");

		$usergroup=@mysql_result($result, 0, $GLOBALS['prefix']."users.usergroup");

		if($uid == $luid and $password == $lpass) {

			$isloggedin = "yes";



			if (isset($_COOKIE['auser'])) {

				$past = time() - 10; 

				setcookie("auid", $uid, $past);


			if (isset($_COOKIE['apass'])) {

				$past = time() - 10; 

				setcookie("apass", $password, $past);


			$isloggedin = "no";



	else {

		$isloggedin = "no";


	// return our user data

    $username = uidtousername($uid);

	$GLOBALS['isloggedin'] = $isloggedin;

	$GLOBALS['username'] = $username;

	$GLOBALS['loggedinname'] = $username; // MESSY - I'm unsure of which {username/loggedinname} is the correct one to use.

	$GLOBALS['money'] = $GLOBALS['usersettings']['money'];

	$GLOBALS['group'] = $usergroup;


function passencr($username, $password){

$pepper = '2/Fd4o42mMj*4P60s8N7';
$salt = grabanysetting("saltcode");

$password = md5($password);
$newpassword = sha1($username.$password);
$finalpassword = hash('sha512', $pepper.$newpassword.$salt);
return $finalpassword;

function updatepass($username, $password){

$pepper = '2/Fd4o42mMj*4P60s8N7';
$salt = grabanysetting("saltcode");

$newpassword = sha1($username.$password);
$finalpassword = hash('sha512', $pepper.$newpassword.$salt);

return $finalpassword;

function getcash($loggedinname){

//First we see if we are logged in or not

$isloggedin = $GLOBALS['isloggedin'];

$loggedinname = $GLOBALS['username'];

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username = '$loggedinname'";

$result = runquery($query);

$num = mysql_num_rows($result);


return $mycash;


function grabanysetting($where) {

	$value = stripslashes($GLOBALS['settings'][$where]);	

	return $value;


function getlinks() {

	$links = "";

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."links ORDER BY id ASC";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

	//Loop out code


	while ($i < $num) {

		$linktext=@mysql_result($result, $i,"linktext");

		$linkurl=@mysql_result($result, $i,"linkurl");

		$linktext = stripslashes($linktext);

		$links .= "<li><a href='".$linkurl."'>".$linktext."</a></li>";



	return $links;


function getsidebar() {

	//This function determines what shows in the side bar of the template

	$isloggedin = $GLOBALS['isloggedin'];

	$loggedinname = $GLOBALS['loggedinname'];

	if($isloggedin == "yes") {

		$msgctr = "<a href='messages.php'>Messages</a>";

		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."messages WHERE touser='".$loggedinname."' and status='unread'";

		$result = runquery($query);

		$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

		if($num > 0) {

		$msgctr = "<a href='messages.php'>Messages <b>(".$num.")</b></a>";


		$sidebar = "You have {$GLOBALS['money']} {$GLOBALS['settings']['cost']}.<br />

		<a href='donate.php'>Donate some money to friends</a><br />

		<br /><strong>Your links:</strong><br />

		<li><a href='pound.php'>Pound</a></li>

		<li><a href='myadopts.php'>Your Adopts</a></li>

		<li><a href='account.php'>Account</a></li>


		<li><a href='logout.php'>Log Out</a></li>";

           $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username='".$loggedinname."' and usergroup='1'";

		   $result = runquery($query);

           $usercancp = mysql_num_rows($result);

		if($usercancp  != 0) {

			$sidebar .= "<li><a href='pages.php?page=admincheck'>Admin Home</a></li>
                                     <li><a href='admin.php'>Admin Center</a></li><br />";


        $query1 = runquery("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online WHERE username != 'Visitor'");

        $total1 = mysql_num_rows($query1);

        $query2 = runquery("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online WHERE username = 'Visitor'");

        $total2 = mysql_num_rows($query2);

		$sidebar .= "<a href='online.php'>This site has ".$total1." members and ".$total2." guests online.</a>";


		$sidebar .= "</ul>";


	else {

		$sidebar = "<b><u>Member Login:</u></b><br />

		<form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>


			<input name='username' type='text' id='username'>



			<input name='password' type='password' id='password'>



			<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Log In'>


		</form>Don't have an account?<br /><a href='register.php'>Register Free</a><br /><a href='forgotpass.php'>Forgot Password?</a>";

        $query1 = runquery("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online WHERE username != 'Visitor'");

        $total1 = mysql_num_rows($query1);

        $query2 = runquery("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online WHERE username = 'Visitor'");

        $total2 = mysql_num_rows($query2);

		$sidebar .= "<br />This site currently has ".$total1." members and ".$total2." guests.";


	return $sidebar;


function dologin($username, $password) {

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username = '$username'";

	$result = @runquery($query);

	$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);

	$luser=@mysql_result($result, 0,"username");

	$lpass=@mysql_result($result, 0,"password");

    $uid = usernametouid ($username);

	if($username == $luser and $password == $lpass) {

		$status = "success";

		//If the cookie already exists for some reason, delete it

		if (isset($_COOKIE['auid']) and isset($_COOKIE['apass'])) {

			$past = time() - 10; 

			setcookie("auid", $uid, $past);

			setcookie("apass", $password, $past);


		// Set the cookie

		$Month = 2592000 + time();

		setcookie("auid", $uid, $Month);

		setcookie("apass", $password, $Month);



		$status = "error";


	return $status;


function getgroup() {

	$isloggedin = $GLOBALS['isloggedin'];

	$loggedinname = $GLOBALS['username'];

	if($isloggedin == "yes") {

    $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username = '$loggedinname'";

    $result = @mysql_query($query);

    $num = @mysql_num_rows($result);


		return $group;


	else {

		return 0;



function cancp($usergroup) {

	//This function determines if a usergroup is allowed to access the Admin CP

    $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."groups WHERE gid = '$usergroup'";

    $result = @mysql_query($query);

    $num = @mysql_num_rows($result);


	if($cancp == "" or $usergroup == 0) {

		$cancp = "no";



	return $cancp;


function getadmlinks() {

	//This function shows special links to the site admin

	$links = "<li><a href='index.php'>Calinmu</a></li>

	<li><a href='admin.php?set=adopts'>Change Adoptables</a></li>

	<li><a href='admin.php?set=content'>Change Content</a></li>

	<li><a href='admin.php?set=users'>Change Users</a></li>

	<li><a href='admin.php?set=settings'>Site Settings</a></li>

	<li><a href='admin.php?set=ads'>Manage Ads</a></li>";

	return $links;


function cando($usergroup, $do) {

	//This function determines if a usergroup is allowed to do a specific task

	$cando = $GLOBALS['usersettings'][$do];

	if($cando == "" or $usergroup == 0) {

		$cando = "no";


	return $cando;



function canadopt($aid, $cond, $promocode, $row) {

	// This function determines if a user can adopt a specific adoptable...

	$isloggedin = $GLOBALS['isloggedin'];

	$loggedinname = $GLOBALS['username'];

	if($isloggedin != "yes" and $cond != "showing") {

		return "no";


	// Now we check if our usergroup has permission to adopt the adoptable...

	$group = getgroup();

	$dbcanadpt = cando($group, "canadopt");

	if($dbcanadpt != "yes" and $cond != "showing") {

		return "no";


	// Now we check if the adoptable requires a promo code and if the promo code submitted is correct...

	if($row['whenisavail'] == "promo" and $promocode != $row['promocode']) {

		return "no";


	// Now we check those three conditions we have in the Admin CP

	if($row['whenisavail'] == "conditions") {

		// If we have a restriction on the number of times this can be adopted...

		if($row['freqcond'] == "enabled") {

			// Select from the database and determine how many times this adoptable type has been adopted

			$num = 0;

			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."owned_adoptables WHERE type='$type'"; // QUERYPROBLEM

			$result = runquery($query);

			$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

			if($num > $number) {

				return "no";



		// Begin the date restriction check

		$today = date('Y-m-d');

		if($row['datecond'] == "enabled" and $row['date'] != $today) {

			return "no";


		// We are checking to see how many of this adoptable a user owns

		// If they own more than the specifed number, they cannot adopt...

		if($row['moreless'] == "enabled") {

			$num = 0;

			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' and type='$type'";

			$result = runquery($query);

			$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

			if($num > $row['morelessnum']) {

				return "no";



		// Check if the user is of a specified usergroup...

		if($row['levelgrle'] == "enabled") {

			$ourgid = getgroup();

			// If the two numbers do not match, do not allow the adoption...

			if($ourgid != $row['grlelevel']) {

				return "no";



	} // end conditions

	return "yes";



function getaltstatus($parentid, $childid, $childlevel) {

	// This function determines if we will use alternate images...

	$altstatus = "no";

	$run = "no";

	// First we need to see if this adoptable type has alternate images enabled...

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."adoptables WHERE id='$parentid'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

	$alternates=@mysql_result($result, 0,"alternates"); 

	$altoutlevel=@mysql_result($result, 0,"altoutlevel");

	$altchance=@mysql_result($result, 0,"altchance");


	// Let's see if the level we are on is the level that requires alternates

	if($alternates == "enabled") {

		if($childlevel == $altoutlevel) {

			$run = "yes";



	if($run == "yes") {

		$randnum = rand(1, $altchance);

		if( $randnum == 1) {

			$altstatus = "yes"; // If we pull a 1 as the random number, we use the alternate images :)



	return $altstatus;



function getcurrentimage($id) {

	// This function determines which image we should use for a given adoptable...

	$image = "";

	// First we select the adoptable from the database and get some basic information...

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

	$type=@mysql_result($result, 0,"type"); 

	$currentlevel=@mysql_result($result, 0,"currentlevel"); 

	$imageurl=@mysql_result($result, 0,"imageurl");

	$usealternates=@mysql_result($result, 0,"usealternates");

	if($imageurl != "") {

		// If we are using a custom image for this adoptable, use that

		$image = $imageurl;


	else {

		// There is no custom image, so we must see if we are using an egg or a level image.

		if($currentlevel == 0 or $currentlevel == "0") {

			// Let's see what the egg image is...	

			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."adoptables WHERE type='$type'";

			$result = runquery($query);

			$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

			$eggimage=@mysql_result($result, 0, "eggimage"); 

			$image = $eggimage; // Set the image URL equal to the egg image...


		else {

			// We don't know the level or the image - we must find both.

			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."levels WHERE adoptiename='$type' and thisislevel='$currentlevel'";

			$result = runquery($query);

			$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

			$primaryimage=@mysql_result($result, 0,"primaryimage"); 

			$alternateimage=@mysql_result($result, 0,"alternateimage");

			// If alternate images are enabled and an alternate image exists, use it

			if($usealternates == "yes" and $alternateimage != "") {

				$image = $alternateimage; // Use the alternate image



				$image = $primaryimage; // Set the image equal to the primary image for the level




	if($type == "" or $image == "") {

		// We did not settle on an image, so we show an error image...

		$image = "http://www.".$GLOBALS['domain']."".$GLOBALS['scriptpath']."/templates/icons/delete.gif";


	return $image;


// QUERYPROBLEM - when is getcurrentlevel() actually used?

function getcurrentlevel($id) {

	// This function gets the current level of an adoptable...

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

	$currentlevel=@mysql_result($result, 0,"currentlevel"); 

	if($currentlevel == "") {

		$currentlevel = "error"; // If the adoptable does not have a current level or does not exist, we return an error...



	// Return the level

	return $currentlevel;


function getnextlevelexists($type, $currentlevel) {

	// This function determines if a higher level exists for an adopt, or if it is at max level.

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."levels WHERE adoptiename='$type' and thisislevel > '$currentlevel'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

	if($num > 0) {

		return "true";


	return "false";


function convertidtotype($id) {

	// This function takes in an adoptable's ID and returns the type of adoptable it is...

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);


	$type=@mysql_result($result, 0,"type"); 

	if($type == "") {

		return "error";



	return $type;


// MESSY - I have no idea what this function is supposed to do.

function converttypetoparentid($type) {

	// This function takes in an adoptable type and returns the ID of the parent


	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."adoptables WHERE type='$type'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

	$id=@mysql_result($result, 0, "id"); 

	if($id == "") {

		$id = "error";


	return $id;


// QUERYPROBLEM - this is being called (I believe) on every click page, and uses many too many queries.

function reward($id, $type, $currentlevel, $owner) {

	// This function determines if we are giving the user a reward or not...

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."levels WHERE adoptiename='$type' and thisislevel='$currentlevel'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);


	$rewarduser=@mysql_result($result, 0,"rewarduser"); 

	$promocode=@mysql_result($result, 0,"promocode");

	if($rewarduser == "yes" and $promocode != "") {

		// We are sending out a reward...

		$mtitle = "You have received a reward!";

		$mtext = "Congratulations!  You have received a reward because one of your adoptables leveled up and the site admin has chosen to reward you for this.<br /><br />

		<b><u>Your reward is the following promo code:</u></b> ".$promocode."<br /><br />

		You may use this promo code on the <a href='promo.php?promocode=".$promocode."'>Promo Code Page</a> to receive a special exclusive or limited edition adoptable!<br /><br />

		Congratulations on your reward!";

		$mtext = mysql_real_escape_string($mtext);

		$date = date('Y-m-d');

		$query = "INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."messages VALUES ('', 'SYSTEM', '$owner','unread','$date','$mtitle', '$mtext')";


		// Now we check if we are sending out an email to the user alerting them of the message...

		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username='".$owner."'";

		$result = runquery($query);

		$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

		$newmessagenotify=@mysql_result($result, 0,"newmessagenotify");

		$email=@mysql_result($result, 0,"email");

		if($newmessagenotify == 1) {

			// We are sending this user an email about the new message...

			$systememail = grabanysetting("systememail"); // QUERYPROBLEM - we should get the settings at the beginning so we never need to call for them after that.


			$headers = "From: ".$systememail."";

			$site_name = grabanysetting("sitename"); // QUERYPROBLEM - see, two queries for this message alone.

			$message = "Hello ".$owner.";\n\nYou have received a new Private Message from SYSTEM at ".$site_name." with the title ".$mtitle.".\n

			You can read this message at: http://www.".$GLOBALS['domain']."".$GLOBALS['scriptpath']."/messages.php\n

			Thank You.  The ".$site_name." team.";

			mail($email, $site_name." - You Have Received a Reward", $message, $headers);



	return $rewardstatus; // MESSY - where is the variable $rewardstatus used before this?


// MESSY - what is this function for?

function getadmimages() {

	$formcontent = "";

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."filesmap";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);


	while ($i < $num) {

		$wwwpath=@mysql_result($result, $i,"wwwpath");

		$friendlyname=@mysql_result($result, $i,"friendlyname");

		$formcontent = $formcontent."<option value='".$wwwpath."'>".$friendlyname."</option>";



	return $formcontent;


function deleteuser($user) {

	//This function deletes a user from the system...

	$user = secure($user);

	$query = "DELETE FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username = '".$user."'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$query = "DELETE FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '".$user."'";

	$result = runquery($query);


// MESSY - I believe this still runs if there are no ads. There should be an option to turn it off.

function getads($page) {

	// Function to display site advertisements


	if($page == "any") {

		$page = "";


	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."ads WHERE page = '".$page."' and status = 'active' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";

	$result = @runquery($query);

	$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);

	if($num > 0) {

		$value=@mysql_result($result, 0,"text");

		$value = stripslashes($value);

		$aid=@mysql_result($result, 0,"id");

		$actualimpressions=@mysql_result($result, 0,"actualimpressions");

		$impressions=@mysql_result($result, 0,"impressions");

		if($impressions == "") {

			$impressions = 0;


		$actualimpressions = $actualimpressions + 1;

		//Update the impressions count

		$query = "UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."ads SET actualimpressions='".$actualimpressions."' WHERE id='".$aid."'";


		//Check that ad is not over max impressions...

		if ($actualimpressions >= $impressions and $impressions != 0) {

			$query = "UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."ads SET status='inactive' WHERE id='".$aid."'";





		$value = "";


	return $value;


// NEW - mainly by Hall of Famer

function getabandonedimage($id) {

	// This function determines which image we should use for a given adoptable (which has been abandoned).

	$image = "";

	// First we select the adoptable from the database and get some basic information...

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."abandoned WHERE aid='$id'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

	$type=@mysql_result($result, 0,"type"); 

	$currentlevel=@mysql_result($result, 0,"currentlevel"); 

	$imageurl=@mysql_result($result, 0,"imageurl");

	$usealternates=@mysql_result($result, 0,"usealternates");

	if($imageurl != "") {

		// If we are using a custom image for this adoptable, use that

		$image = $imageurl;


	else {

		// There is no custom image, so we must see if we are using an egg or a level image.

		if($currentlevel == 0 or $currentlevel == "0") {

			// Let's see what the egg image is...	

			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."adoptables WHERE type='$type'";

			$result = runquery($query);

			$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

			$eggimage=@mysql_result($result, 0, "eggimage"); 

			$image = $eggimage; // Set the image URL equal to the egg image...


		else {

			// We don't know the level or the image - we must find both.

			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."levels WHERE adoptiename='$type' and thisislevel='$currentlevel'";

			$result = runquery($query);

			$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

			$primaryimage=@mysql_result($result, 0,"primaryimage"); 

			$alternateimage=@mysql_result($result, 0,"alternateimage");

			// If alternate images are enabled and an alternate image exists, use it

			if($usealternates == "yes" and $alternateimage != "") {

				$image = $alternateimage; // Use the alternate image



				$image = $primaryimage; // Set the image equal to the primary image for the level




	if($type == "" or $image == "") {

		// We did not settle on an image, so we show an error image...

		$image = "http://www.".$GLOBALS['domain']."".$GLOBALS['scriptpath']."/templates/icons/delete.gif";


	return $image;


// NEW - again, I think by Hall of Famer

function canadoptab($aid, $cond, $promocode){

	$canadopt = "yes"; // The default status is that we CAN adopt, unless proven false...

	$isloggedin = $GLOBALS['isloggedin'];

	$loggedinname = $GLOBALS['username'];

	if($isloggedin != "yes" and $cond != "showing"){

		$canadopt = "no";


	// Now we check if our usergroup has permission to adopt the adoptable...

	$group = getgroup();

	$dbcanadopt = cando($group, "canadopt");

	if($dbcanadopt != "yes" and $cond != "showing"){

		$canadopt = "no";



	return $canadopt;


// NEW - a function to set everything up on start so we don't need to keep using queries to get stuff

function startup() {

	// get all of our default settings, like title and stuff

	$result = runquery("SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."settings");

	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

		$GLOBALS['settings'][$row['name']] = $row['value'];


	// set up our log in stuff so we always have it



// NEW - a function to get a page from the database

function getpage($name) {

	$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."content WHERE page='{$name}' LIMIT 1";	

	$result = runquery($query);

	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

	$GLOBALS['article_content'] = $row['content'];

	$GLOBALS['article_title'] = $row['title'];

	$GLOBALS['date'] = $row['date'];



// NEW - a function to show the page

function showpage($title, $content, $date) {

	$theme = $GLOBALS['usersettings']['theme'];

	if ($theme == '') {

		$theme = grabanysetting("theme");


	$themeurl = "templates/{$theme}/template.html";

	$patterns = array("/:ARTICLETITLE:/","/:ARTICLECONTENT:/", "/:ARTICLEDATE:/", "/:BROWSERTITLE:/", "/:SITENAME:/", "/:SLOGAN:/", "/:LINKSBAR:/", "/:SIDEFEED:/", "/:ADS:/");

	// if we have said we are in an admin area, don't show ads and show admin links

	if ($GLOBALS['admin']==true) {

		$replacements = array($title, $content, $date, grabanysetting("browsertitle")." ".$title, grabanysetting("sitename"), grabanysetting("slogan"), getadmlinks(), getsidebar(), "");


	else {

		$replacements = array($title, $content, $date, grabanysetting("browsertitle")." ".$title, grabanysetting("sitename"), grabanysetting("slogan"), getlinks(), getsidebar(), getads("any"));


	// now that we have our stuff, let's start making it all into a webpage

	$template = file_get_contents($themeurl);

	$template =  preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $template);

	$template .= "<div style='position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; color: white; font-size: 10px; width: 380px; '>A total of {$GLOBALS['numberofqueries']} queries were used in this page. They were: {$GLOBALS['queries']}</div>";

	return $template;


function getpostbar ($name) {

      $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username='$name'";

	$result = runquery($query);

	$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

	$membersince=@mysql_result($result, 0,"membersince"); 

	$dollar=@mysql_result($result, 0,"money"); 

	$avatar=@mysql_result($result, 0,"avatar");

	$bio=@mysql_result($result, 0,"profile");

	$gender=@mysql_result($result, 0,"gender");

	$nickname=@mysql_result($result, 0,"nickname");

$postbar = " 


<span class='smalltext'> 



<img src='{$avatar}'>



<b>Member Since: </b><br>{$membersince}<br> 




<b>Nickname:</b> {$nickname}<br> 

<b>Gender:</b> {$gender}<br>

<b>Cash:</b> <a href='forum.php?do=donate&from={$uid}&am={$dollar}'>{$dollar}</a><br> 





return $postbar; 


function getonlinestatus($name) {

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."online WHERE username='$name'";

$result = mysql_query($query);

$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($num == 0){

$onlinestatus = "<img src='templates/icons/user_offline.gif'>";



$onlinestatus = "<img src='templates/icons/user_online.gif'>";


return $onlinestatus;


function getfriendgender($name) {

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username='$name'";

$result = mysql_query($query);


if($gender == "Male"){

$friendgender = "<img src='picuploads/m.png'>";


else if($gender == "Female"){

$friendgender = "<img src='picuploads/f.png'>";



$friendgender = "";


return $friendgender;


function getfriendid ($name) {

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username='$name'";

$result = mysql_query($query);

$friendid=@mysql_result($result,0,"friends"); //friendlist

$friendidlist = explode(",",$friendid);

return $friendidlist; 


function getfriendnum ($name) {

$friendidlist = getfriendid ($name);

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix']."users WHERE username='$name'";

$result = mysql_query($query);

$friendid=@mysql_result($result,0,"friends"); //friendlist

if($friendid == ""){

$friendnum = "0";



$friendnum = count($friendidlist);


return $friendnum; 


function deletefriend($id){

$friendidlist = getfriendid ($loggedinname);

foreach($friendidlist as $friend){

  if($friend != $id){

  $newfriendidlist[] = $friend; 



$newfriendid = implode(",", $newfriendidlist);

return $newfriendid;






// Grab the page from the get parameter 
if (isset($_GET['page'])){ 
$page = $_GET['page']; 
$page = ''; 

//get the password if it has been sent 
if (isset($_GET['password'])){ 
    $password = $_GET['password']; 
    $password = secure($password); //secure has all ready ran on all of the get variables but I want to make sure it was called. 
$password = ''; 
//check if their was sent a page if no then just set pagecontent to false 
if($page !=''){     
    $pagecontent = getsitecontent($page); 
    $pagecontent = FALSE; 

if($pagecontent != FALSE){ 
    //now check if a password has been set for the page 
    if ($pagecontent['password'] == ''){ 
        $article_title = $pagecontent['title']; 
        $article_content = $pagecontent['content']; 

        $article_content = bbconvert($article_content); // BBCODE conversion 

        $article_content = nl2br($article_content); // New line breaks 
    else if ($pagecontent['password'] != '' && $password !=''){ 
    //their is both a password set and a password sumited check if they match 
        if($password == $pagecontent['password']){ 
            //display content 
            $article_title = $pagecontent['title']; 
            $article_content = $pagecontent['content']; 

            $article_content = bbconvert($article_content); // BBCODE conversion 

            $article_content = nl2br($article_content); // New line breaks 
            $article_title = "Password incorrect"; 
            $article_content = "The password you have submitted is incorrect."; 
        //their is a password set 
        $article_title = "Password required"; 
        $article_content = '<form name="form" method="get" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'"> 
        <input name="page" type="hidden"    id="page" value="'.$page.'"> 
        <p><label for="password">Password:</label> 
        <br /><input type="password" title="Enter your password" name="password" /></p> 
        <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Login" /></p> 


    // Page does not exist... 

    $article_title = "404 Page Not Found"; 
    $article_content = "The page you are looking for cannot be found on this site.   
    It is possible that it never existed or that the site admin deleted it."; 


//  OUTPUT PAGE  // 

echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, '');//this page is not using the date so I removed it to stop Notice 


Have I done something wrong?
:madO: Never mind, I found the problem xD I put the password on the wrong page. Thankyou! Aside from that, it works perfectly <3
Ok, that is good that it is working; I was going to ask how was it not working.

Now as for the admin page I have made the changes to the edit page and make a new page. The limitations are the password is not encrypted and when you edit a page it displays the password that is all ready set for the page.

Does that sound like it will work for your needs?
I can post the page edits in the next day or so.
Here are the changes for the admin page.

Ok before making any changes the first step is to make backups.

now open admin.php

find starts around line 837
				elseif($do == "new")

					$article_title = "Create a new page";
					$article_content = "Here you can create a new page for your site.  You can use the buttons above the textarea below to insert BBCODE into the form.
										<br />
										<form name='form1' method='post' action='admpost.php'>
												Page URL: 
												<input name='pageurl' type='text' id='pageurl'><br />
												<br /><u>Pages will appear at:</u><br /> http://www.{$domain}{$scriptpath}/<b>pages.php?page=pageurl</b>  
												<br />The page url may contain letters and numbers only and may not include spaces.
												Page Title: 
												<input name='pagetitle' type='text' id='pagetitle'>
											<p>Page Content: </p>
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Bold\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[b]Bold Text Here[/b]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Italics\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[i]Italic Text Here[/i]'\"> 
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Underline\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[u]Underlined Text Here[/u]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"URL / Link\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[url=]Link text goes here[/url]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Image\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[img][/img]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Links a Text\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[urlsame=]Linked Text Here[/urlsame]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Striking Format\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[s]Strike Text Here[/s]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Youtube Video\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[youtube][/youtube]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"User Profile\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[profile]Username[/profile]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Image Maps\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[imgmap][/imgmap]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Map Locations\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[map][where=#,#,#,#=][wherecirc=#,#,#=][/map]'\">

												<br /><textarea name='pagecontent' cols='45' rows='10' id='pagecontent'></textarea> 
												<input name='page' type='hidden' id='page' value='pages'>
												<input name='type' type='hidden' id='type' value='newpage'>
												<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Create New Page'>

				elseif($do == "delete")

					// Delete a page...

					if($more != "index" and $more != "tos")

						$query = "DELETE FROM {$prefix}content WHERE page='{$more}'";

						$article_title = "Page Deleted Successfully";
						$article_content = "The page with the name <b>{$more}</b> has been deleted.<br /><br /><a href='admin.php'>ACP Home</a>";
						$article_title = "Error";
						$article_content = "The page you tried to delete is a special page and cannot be deleted. 
											<br /><br /> <a href='admin.php?set=content'>Return to the Pages Editor</a>";

				elseif($do == "edit")

					$article_title = "Edit a Page";

					if($more != "")

						$article_content = "Here you can edit an existing page:<br />";

						//Select the page info from the database...

						$pageinfo = getsitecontent($more);
						$pagetitle = stripslashes($pageinfo[title]);
						$pagecontent = stripslashes($pageinfo[content]);

						if($pagetitle != "" or $pagecontent != "")

							$article_content .= "Here you can edit an existing page.  Use the text editor below to change the page title or content.
												You may use some limited BBCodes in the box below.<br />
												<form name='form1' method='post' action='admpost.php'>
														<b><u>Currently Editing Page:</u> {$more}</b>
														<input name='pageurl' type='hidden' id='pageurl' value='{$more}'>
														Page Title: 
														<input name='pagetitle' type='text' id='pagetitle' value='{$pagetitle}'>
													<p>Page Content: </p>
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Bold\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[b]Bold Text Here[/b]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Italics\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[i]Italic Text Here[/i]'\"> 
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Underline\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[u]Underlined Text Here[/u]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"URL / Link\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[url=]Link text goes here[/url]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Image\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[img][/img]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Links a Text\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[urlsame=]Linked Text Here[/urlsame]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Striking Format\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[s]Strike Text Here[/s]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Youtube Video\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[youtube][/youtube]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"User Profile\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[profile]Username[/profile]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Image Maps\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[imgmap][/imgmap]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Map Locations\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[map][where=#,#,#,#=][wherecirc=#,#,#=][/map]'\">

														<br /><textarea name='pagecontent' cols='45' rows='10' id='pagecontent'>{$pagecontent}</textarea> 
														<input name='page' type='hidden' id='page' value='pages'>
														<input name='type' type='hidden' id='type' value='editpage'>
														<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Edit Page Content'>
							$article_title = "Page does not exist";
							$article_content = "<p>Page does not exist!</p>";

						$article_title = "Page does not exist";
						$article_content = "<p>Page does not exist!</p>";



				$article_title = "Access Denied";
				$article_content = "Your usergroup does not seem to have the permission to edit the site content settings...";


		} // End the set=content block ... start a new setting here...

and replace it with
				elseif($do == "new")

					$article_title = "Create a new page";
					$article_content = "Here you can create a new page for your site.  You can use the buttons above the textarea below to insert BBCODE into the form.
										<br />
										<form name='form1' method='post' action='admpost.php'>
												Page URL: 
												<input name='pageurl' type='text' id='pageurl'><br />
												<br /><u>Pages will appear at:</u><br /> http://www.{$domain}{$scriptpath}/<b>pages.php?page=pageurl</b>  
												<br />The page url may contain letters and numbers only and may not include spaces.
												Page Title: 
												<input name='pagetitle' type='text' id='pagetitle'>
												Page Password[ Leave blank for non passworded pages.]: 
												<input name='pagepassword' type='text' id='pagepassword'>
											<p>Page Content: </p>
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Bold\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[b]Bold Text Here[/b]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Italics\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[i]Italic Text Here[/i]'\"> 
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Underline\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[u]Underlined Text Here[/u]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"URL / Link\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[url=]Link text goes here[/url]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Image\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[img][/img]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Links a Text\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[urlsame=]Linked Text Here[/urlsame]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Striking Format\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[s]Strike Text Here[/s]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Youtube Video\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[youtube][/youtube]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"User Profile\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[profile]Username[/profile]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Image Maps\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[imgmap][/imgmap]'\">
												<input type=\"button\" value=\"Map Locations\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[map][where=#,#,#,#=][wherecirc=#,#,#=][/map]'\">

												<br /><textarea name='pagecontent' cols='45' rows='10' id='pagecontent'></textarea> 
												<input name='page' type='hidden' id='page' value='pages'>
												<input name='type' type='hidden' id='type' value='newpage'>
												<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Create New Page'>

				elseif($do == "delete")

					// Delete a page...

					if($more != "index" and $more != "tos")

						$query = "DELETE FROM {$prefix}content WHERE page='{$more}'";

						$article_title = "Page Deleted Successfully";
						$article_content = "The page with the name <b>{$more}</b> has been deleted.<br /><br /><a href='admin.php'>ACP Home</a>";
						$article_title = "Error";
						$article_content = "The page you tried to delete is a special page and cannot be deleted. 
											<br /><br /> <a href='admin.php?set=content'>Return to the Pages Editor</a>";

				elseif($do == "edit")

					$article_title = "Edit a Page";

					if($more != "")

						$article_content = "Here you can edit an existing page:<br />";

						//Select the page info from the database...

						$pageinfo = getsitecontent($more);
						$pagetitle = stripslashes($pageinfo[title]);
						$pagecontent = stripslashes($pageinfo[content]);
						$pagepassword = $pageinfo['password'];

						if($pagetitle != "" or $pagecontent != "")

							$article_content .= "Here you can edit an existing page.  Use the text editor below to change the page title or content.
												You may use some limited BBCodes in the box below.<br />
												<form name='form1' method='post' action='admpost.php'>
														<b><u>Currently Editing Page:</u> {$more}</b>
														<input name='pageurl' type='hidden' id='pageurl' value='{$more}'>
														Page Title: 
														<input name='pagetitle' type='text' id='pagetitle' value='{$pagetitle}'>
														Page Password[ Leave blank for non passworded pages.]: 
														<input name='pagepassword' type='text' id='pagepassword' value='$pagepassword'>
													<p>Page Content: </p>
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Bold\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[b]Bold Text Here[/b]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Italics\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[i]Italic Text Here[/i]'\"> 
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Underline\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[u]Underlined Text Here[/u]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"URL / Link\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[url=]Link text goes here[/url]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Image\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[img][/img]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Links a Text\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[urlsame=]Linked Text Here[/urlsame]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Striking Format\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[s]Strike Text Here[/s]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Youtube Video\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[youtube][/youtube]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"User Profile\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[profile]Username[/profile]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Image Maps\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[imgmap][/imgmap]'\">
														<input type=\"button\" value=\"Map Locations\" onClick=\"document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value=document.forms['form1']. elements['pagecontent'].value+'[map][where=#,#,#,#=][wherecirc=#,#,#=][/map]'\">

														<br /><textarea name='pagecontent' cols='45' rows='10' id='pagecontent'>{$pagecontent}</textarea> 
														<input name='page' type='hidden' id='page' value='pages'>
														<input name='type' type='hidden' id='type' value='editpage'>
														<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Edit Page Content'>
							$article_title = "Page does not exist";
							$article_content = "<p>Page does not exist!</p>";

						$article_title = "Page does not exist";
						$article_content = "<p>Page does not exist!</p>";



				$article_title = "Access Denied";
				$article_content = "Your usergroup does not seem to have the permission to edit the site content settings...";


		} // End the set=content block ... start a new setting here...

save that then open admpost.php

$pagename = $_POST["pageurl"];
after that add
			if (isset($_POST['pagepassword'])){
				$pagepassword = $_POST['pagepassword'];
				$pagepassword = secure($pagepassword); //secure has allerady ran on all of the get varables but I want to make sure it was called.
			$pagepassword = '';

next find
$query = "UPDATE {$prefix}content SET content='{$content}', title='{$title}' WHERE page='{$pagename}'";

replace it with
$query = "UPDATE {$prefix}content SET content='{$content}', title='{$title}', content_password='$pagepassword' WHERE page='{$pagename}'";

next find
runquery("INSERT INTO {$prefix}content VALUES ('$pagename', '$title', '', '$content','')");

and replace it with.
runquery("INSERT INTO {$prefix}content VALUES ('$pagename', '$title', '', '$content','','$pagepassword')");

That will then allow you to make the password changes to the page just using the admin page.
Let me know how that works out for you.

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