Mys 1.3.6 Higher/Lower Game with Prize: Playable Once a Day

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Jun 10, 2022
Mysidian Dollar
First, we need to add the following columns to the [prefix]_users table:
  • hiloday and hilomonth will be a two digit representation of the day and month a player last played the game. (I included both so if they go exactly a month without playing, it won't mess up on them. You can also add a hiloyear but I thought that to be overkill.....)
  • hiloguess should be a single digit integer. It's default value should be one less than you intend to give guesses. I give 3 guesses, so my default value is 2.
  • randomnum is going to be changing every time a player plays. My number guessing game goes from 1-10, so I only need a 2 digit integer. I set it at 5 for the default, but like I said, it's going to be changing
Next, go to controller/main and create a file called hilocontroller.php and paste the following code:

namespace Controller\Main;
use Resource\Core\AppController;
use Resource\Core\Registry;

class HiloController extends AppController {
    public function __construct() {
    public function index() {
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");

Finally, go to view/main and create a file called hiloview.php. Paste the following code:

namespace View\Main;

use Controller\Main;
use Model\DomainModel\Member;
use Model\DomainModel\OwnedItem;
use Model\DomainModel\Item;
use Resource\Core\Registry;
use Resource\Core\View;
use Resource\GUI\Document\Comment;
use Resource\GUI\Component\Link;

class HiloView extends View
    public function index()
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $document = $this->document;
        $thisMonth = date("m");
        $today = date("d");
        $number = $_POST['number_entered'];
        $submitbutton = $_POST['submit'];
        $randomnumber = rand(1,10);
        $guessesLeft = $mysidia->user->hiloguess;

        $document->setTitle("Higher or Lower??");
        //this only lets players play once per day. at the end of the code, it sets hiloday and hilomonth to today's date.
        if (($mysidia->user->hiloday) != $today || ($mysidia->user->hilomonth) != $thisMonth) {
            $document->add(new Comment("
                <form action='' method='POST'>
                    Guess a number between 1 and 10!
                    <input type='text' name='number_entered' value=''/><br><br>

            if (!empty($submitbutton) && !empty($number)) {
                if (($number > 0) && ($number < 11)) {
                    if (($number != ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) && ($guessesLeft == 0)) {
                        $document->add(new Comment('Incorrect guess. The correct number was ', FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(($mysidia->user->randomnum), FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment('. <br>Don\'t worry, you still get some a gold medal...'));
                                "hiloday" => $today,
                                "hilomonth" => $thisMonth,
                        //change the item name to an item in your database to award it as a prize.
                        $ownedItem = new OwnedItem("Medal", $mysidia->user->getID());
                        $trueItem = new OwnedItem($ownedItem->getItemID(), $mysidia->user->getID());
                        $trueItem->add(1, $mysidia->user->getID());
                        //if they're not out of guesses, it will tell them if they need to guess higher or lower.
                    } elseif (($number != ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) && ($guessesLeft != 0)) {
                        if ($number > ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) {
                            $document->add(new Comment('Incorrect. My number is lower. Try again.'));
                        } else {
                            $document->add(new Comment("Incorrect. My number is higher. Try again."));

                            ["hiloguess" => ($guessesLeft -= 1)],

                        $document->add(new Comment("You have ", FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment($guessesLeft, FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(" guess(es) left."));
                    } else {
                        $document->add(new Comment(($mysidia->user->randomnum), FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(' is correct! You got it right. You get the grand prize! Check your inventory!'));

                                "hiloday" => $today,
                                "hilomonth" => $thisMonth,
                        //again, update the item name to one in your site.
                        $ownedItem = new OwnedItem("Gem", $mysidia->user->getID());
                        $trueItem = new OwnedItem($ownedItem->getItemID(), $mysidia->user->getID());
                        $trueItem->add(1, $mysidia->user->getID());

            $document->add(new Comment('
                <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Guess"/><br><br>
        } else {
            //this resets their random number again, but still won't let them play until the next day
            $document->add(new Comment("You've already played today. Come back tomorrow!"));

This is my first time making a mod/addon so if you have any trouble with it or can think of a way to do it better, I'm here!!~
Is there a way to change this so it gives currency instead?

Change every instance of:

$ownedItem = new OwnedItem("Medal", $mysidia->user->getID());
                        $trueItem = new OwnedItem($ownedItem->getItemID(), $mysidia->user->getID());
                        $trueItem->add(1, $mysidia->user->getID());



Change $reward to the amount you want to give. If you want the number to be random, you can use:

$reward = mt_rand(100,500);

The 2 numbers are min and max so feel free to change to whatever you like.
Change every instance of:

$ownedItem = new OwnedItem("Medal", $mysidia->user->getID());
                        $trueItem = new OwnedItem($ownedItem->getItemID(), $mysidia->user->getID());
                        $trueItem->add(1, $mysidia->user->getID());



Change $reward to the amount you want to give. If you want the number to be random, you can use:

$reward = mt_rand(100,500);

The 2 numbers are min and max so feel free to change to whatever you like.
Ok so I think I edited it right... but how do you get to the game? is it [YOURSITE]/hiloview.php? Because if so it isn't working for me.

I think it's a syntax error that's throwing it off.
Last edited:
No, it would just be You don't need the .php or the view. Essentially the view and controller files join together to create 1 page. And the functions are essentially sub-pages, excluding index which is what you see when you just visit /hilo. So if you had a public function view in hiloview and hilocontroller you could then go to
No, it would just be You don't need the .php or the view. Essentially the view and controller files join together to create 1 page. And the functions are essentially sub-pages, excluding index which is what you see when you just visit /hilo. So if you had a public function view in hiloview and hilocontroller you could then go to
I can't get the view file to work with the edits.
Try these. I had to rework it a little but this should work.



namespace View\Main;

use Controller\Main;
use Model\DomainModel\Member;
use Model\DomainModel\OwnedItem;
use Model\DomainModel\Item;
use Resource\Core\Registry;
use Resource\Core\View;
use Resource\GUI\Document\Comment;
use Resource\GUI\Component\TextField;
use Resource\GUI\Container\Form;
use Resource\GUI\Component\Button;

class HiloView extends View {

    public function index() {
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $document = $this->document;
        $thisMonth = date("m");
        $today = date("d");
        $randomnumber = rand(1,10);
        $compReward = mt_rand(10,100);
        $grandReward = mt_rand(101,500);

        $document->setTitle("Higher or Lower??");
        //this only lets players play once per day. at the end of the code, it sets hiloday and hilomonth to today's date.
        if (($mysidia->user->hiloday) != $today || ($mysidia->user->hilomonth) != $thisMonth) {
            $document->add(new Comment("Guess a number between 1 and 10!"));
            $hiloForm = new Form("hiloform", "", "post");
            $hiloForm->add(new TextField("number_entered"));
            $hiloForm->add(new Comment("Result: ", FALSE));
            $hiloForm->add(new Button("Guess!", "submit", "submit"));


            if ($mysidia->input->post("submit")) {
                if (($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") > 0) && ($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") < 11)) {
                    if (($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") != ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) && ($mysidia->user->hiloguess == 0)) {
                        $document->add(new Comment('Incorrect guess. The correct number was ', FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(($mysidia->user->randomnum), FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment('. <br>Don\'t worry, here\s a compensation prize!'));
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloday" => $today,"hilomonth" => $thisMonth], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'");
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloguess" => 2,"randomnum" => $randomnumber], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'");
                    elseif (($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") != ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) && ($mysidia->user->hiloguess != 0)) {
                        if ($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") > ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) {
                            $document->add(new Comment('Incorrect. My number is lower. Try again.'));
                        elseif ($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") < ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) {
                            $document->add(new Comment("Incorrect. My number is higher. Try again."));
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloguess" => ($mysidia->user->hiloguess -= 1)], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'"
                        $document->add(new Comment("You have ", FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment($mysidia->user->hiloguess, FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(" guess(es) left."));
                    elseif ($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") == ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) {
                        $document->add(new Comment(($mysidia->user->randomnum), FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(' is correct! You got it right. You get the grand prize! Check your money!'));
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloday" => $today, "hilomonth" => $thisMonth], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'");
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloguess" => 2, "randomnum" => $randomnumber], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'");

            $document->add(new Comment("You've already played today! Come back tomorrow!"));



namespace Controller\Main;
use Resource\Core\AppController;
use Resource\Core\Registry;

class HiloController extends AppController {
    public function __construct() {
    public function index() {
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
Try these. I had to rework it a little but this should work.



namespace View\Main;

use Controller\Main;
use Model\DomainModel\Member;
use Model\DomainModel\OwnedItem;
use Model\DomainModel\Item;
use Resource\Core\Registry;
use Resource\Core\View;
use Resource\GUI\Document\Comment;
use Resource\GUI\Component\TextField;
use Resource\GUI\Container\Form;
use Resource\GUI\Component\Button;

class HiloView extends View {

    public function index() {
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $document = $this->document;
        $thisMonth = date("m");
        $today = date("d");
        $randomnumber = rand(1,10);
        $compReward = mt_rand(10,100);
        $grandReward = mt_rand(101,500);

        $document->setTitle("Higher or Lower??");
        //this only lets players play once per day. at the end of the code, it sets hiloday and hilomonth to today's date.
        if (($mysidia->user->hiloday) != $today || ($mysidia->user->hilomonth) != $thisMonth) {
            $document->add(new Comment("Guess a number between 1 and 10!"));
            $hiloForm = new Form("hiloform", "", "post");
            $hiloForm->add(new TextField("number_entered"));
            $hiloForm->add(new Comment("Result: ", FALSE));
            $hiloForm->add(new Button("Guess!", "submit", "submit"));


            if ($mysidia->input->post("submit")) {
                if (($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") > 0) && ($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") < 11)) {
                    if (($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") != ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) && ($mysidia->user->hiloguess == 0)) {
                        $document->add(new Comment('Incorrect guess. The correct number was ', FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(($mysidia->user->randomnum), FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment('. <br>Don\'t worry, here\s a compensation prize!'));
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloday" => $today,"hilomonth" => $thisMonth], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'");
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloguess" => 2,"randomnum" => $randomnumber], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'");
                    elseif (($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") != ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) && ($mysidia->user->hiloguess != 0)) {
                        if ($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") > ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) {
                            $document->add(new Comment('Incorrect. My number is lower. Try again.'));
                        elseif ($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") < ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) {
                            $document->add(new Comment("Incorrect. My number is higher. Try again."));
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloguess" => ($mysidia->user->hiloguess -= 1)], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'"
                        $document->add(new Comment("You have ", FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment($mysidia->user->hiloguess, FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(" guess(es) left."));
                    elseif ($mysidia->input->post("number_entered") == ($mysidia->user->randomnum)) {
                        $document->add(new Comment(($mysidia->user->randomnum), FALSE));
                        $document->add(new Comment(' is correct! You got it right. You get the grand prize! Check your money!'));
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloday" => $today, "hilomonth" => $thisMonth], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'");
                        $mysidia->db->update("users",["hiloguess" => 2, "randomnum" => $randomnumber], "uid='{$mysidia->user->getID()}'");

            $document->add(new Comment("You've already played today! Come back tomorrow!"));



namespace Controller\Main;
use Resource\Core\AppController;
use Resource\Core\Registry;

class HiloController extends AppController {
    public function __construct() {
    public function index() {
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
That worked, thank you!!

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