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  1. PTGigi

    A BLOG

    Wow, it's been awhile since I made a blog here...A long time o-o Sadly, I've spent all day and can't think of a single epic thing to post in this blog D': SO I SHALL go play Minecraft :p And hope I don't spontaneously explode again D; (Creepers creeping while I try to dig an escape tunnel to...
  2. PTGigi

    A blog

    I don't think I've ever had a blog :O Well...what to say? Um....O.o Doing an art project right now. Been working on it since 4PM my time and it's about 6:40PM my time now so about 3 hours and I still have to finish 50+% of the background. I'll post it when I finish :3 EDIT: Done! 3-4 hours...
  3. PTGigi

    Gigi's Spazztasticalish Blog

    The random blog for PTGigi, formerly known as PokemonTrainerGigi.
  4. PTGigi

    Editing Images with PHP

    Hi, so there's no "save draft" option that I can find sooooooooo I'm posting this unfinished tutorial here. Sorry about that, but feel free to post on the little bit I've got thrown up here. Thanks~ Right, first note, anything I type is not going to be related to the MysidiaScript but might be...
  5. PTGigi

    Making an RSS Feed!

    I was wondering how to make these. Then I made one. It was epic. So I'm sharing this new-found knowledge with all of you now XD For those that don't know what an RSS Feed is, it stands for Really Simple Syndication. Really Simple. They're those little orange boxes people post on their sites...
  6. PTGigi

    Saw Avengers

    It. Was. Awesome. Wish I'd seen it in 3D though D: Actually, I will go see it in 3D D:<
  7. PTGigi

    So what's Gigi been up to?

    Hey. It's been awhile since I've been here so I thought I'd post some stuff :P Since I'm lazy I may just link the thread on MyAdopts (if it's a long thread that I don't feel like copying :P) Anyway, my most recent obsession has been Webcomics. I have several going, all of which are linked and...
  8. PTGigi

    Log-in/Main Site issues

    Ohey, Gigi here. Took me longer than expected to get back in here. Anyway (finally remembered my password OTL), the "Forgotten Password" doesn't work. I forget what error I got, as I tried the password reset Friday or so to no avail, but I believe I was redirected to Roadrunner's Search...
  9. PTGigi

    MySQL + Arrays?

    Right, so having an issue here >.> I have two arrays I'm trying to make (one of which is working fine :3) but the second one seems to be running into an issue with the fact I'm trying to call an array from a MySQL cell. So basically this MySQL cell has the phrase "3,4,5,6" (no quotes). It is...
  10. PTGigi

    Gigi teh Dragon

    Gigi made a pixel of Gigi :happycbig: For those who don't know this is my dragon OC Gigi. :meow: She's a Flash Dragon. Ironically I often think of her as my fursona but she's nearly the exact opposite of me so IDK :colonu: But yeah. Pixels. :meow: I love the feathers :smile: Took about 2-3...
  11. PTGigi


    Ohai. Gigi appears after a long hiatus :U Since I'm lazy I'm going to copy and paste this over from MA :3
  12. PTGigi

    Mr Furry

    Okay so somehow my Mewtwo Sprite got named Mr Furry XD Basically I haven't done pixel for awhile now, a couple months at least (September 2010?). So I figured I'd try it again and people on chat were telling me to so I hope this is okay XD I tried some new stuff here too: -Dithering/Stripling...
  13. PTGigi

    Rusnak copy anywhere?

    Gah so I have to go to dinner so this will be quick. My alternates are not working because it is not being added to the owned_adoptables table. This is the Mys version of the function for alts: function getaltstatus($parentid, $childid, $childlevel){ include("config.php"); // This function...
  14. PTGigi

    Birthday!!! (you'll never guess who!)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEWTWO!!! Now for those of you who have been living under a rock (well...more like going about your normal lives) you might not have known today--February 6th--is Mewtwo's Birthday 8D Now you may have a couple questions! How do I know this? (Wikipedia/the video games...
  15. PTGigi

    Multi-cash integration

    So for my site I have 6 different cash types. And the Mysidia base only has 1. So when I went to merge my site with the new Mysidia release (or one of those releases which had cash) everything worked fine except for adopting pets. It goes through the whole "here's you pet, name it, and oh look...
  16. PTGigi

    Flash Links Tip

    Yeah this is just a REALLY quick tip that'll save your site. I found this out when only one of my links was working properly. I know not a lot of people use Flash, but for those who do or are planning to keep this in mind! Okay, so if you are using Flash ActionScript 2 the code for a url is: on...
  17. PTGigi

    GIFs not working?

    Okay, so I had about 250 images to upload and I was not in the mood to individually upload each one via the Admin CP. So using my FTP client I uploaded all of these images to their correct folders (PNGs to the PNG folder and GIFs to the GIF folder). Later I went back through and made entries for...
  18. PTGigi

    Prevent Refresh

    Okay so I wasn't sure if this was a question or a suggestion so I'll throw it out. I'm in the middle of coding something and REALLY need a way to disable refreshing, basically I don't want cheaters. (because I have a page that gives you an adoptable but I do not want you to get it twice...
  19. PTGigi

    Exploring System

    EDIT (5/23/12) I am no longer updating this (seeing as I no longer am working on MM2+). But please note this tutorial is apparently outdated and may not work properly with the main script without lots of extra work. Alright, so since MM2+ is heavily explore based I have to do this a lot XD So...
  20. PTGigi

    Token Expired?

    Why do I get all the weird ones XD So I was making a new thread and got this message when I clicked "Preview Message": So what'd I do? Hit back *cross my fingers my work was saved* copy the text I'd written, refresh the page, notice my text was still there, then hit preview again. Same...
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