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  1. Q

    Limit clicks/day to 10, for each pet?

    I want to do this a) to stop Yarolds people buying 100pets and lvling them all to max that day and b) to add a sense of realism (so they dont grow old in a day). My idea was to add two columns to the "owned_adoptables" table: "date" and "clickstoday" or to that effect.Then I would edit the...
  2. Q

    User login dependant on if there's a "www." in the url

    I've noticed that if you're logged in (on my site and other adoptable sites using this script) that if you log in on "" and then switch over to just "" they are logged out. Is there any way around this? Such as automatic redirection to "" or something else...
  3. Q

    PHP: Have a 1/2 chance to add or subtract 1 ..?

    I'm trying to create a code that will take an existing number (from a table) and have a one-in-two chance of adding or subtracting one from it. This is what I have at the moment: // $numnew = new number // $curnum = current number // $max = upper limit (5 in this case) if (rand(1,2) == 1) {...
  4. Q

    Arvyre: Beta 2 - out now!

    Arvyre: Beta version 2 in now live! I'm still looking for people to review the site, look for glitches and try to break the store (rather you than someone I can't track, eh). Please also adopt and raise our pets. They (and their random color script) is what makes Arvyre so unique in my opinion...
  5. Q

    Outputting dates in a format other than "yyyy-mm-dd"?

    How can I export a column of dates in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" (e.g. 2010-01-27) in a format such as "27 Jan, 2010"? Thanks again in advance :)
  6. Q

    Answered | Installing CAPTCHA - Where to put these two PHP codes?

    Hey guys, [Please see next post. You can download my register.php from this one, i fit will help] Thanks VERY much in advance, - Quillink
  7. Q

    Answered | Radio lists: default selection?

    I've been googling the topic for hours but I can't seem to get my radio list to have a default selection. Here's the section of the code, can someone show me how to have "Undisclosed" selected when the page loads? Gender: <input type='radio' value='Male' name='gender'>Male   <input...
  8. Q

    Confirmation window when adopting?

    I've had a number of users find it very annoying when they refresh the adoption page and accidentally adopt a duplicate. Is there a way to add a confirmation pop up before the page runs any php? That way if the user refreshes they will realize it's about to create another adoptable and opt out...
  9. Q

    Buying 'cash' with cash?

    This isn't so much an adoptables question as a php general question, but does anyone know how to make an automated buy-currency-with-cash system? I have the dual-currency system and store running A-ok, but I'm clueless as to how I can make a means for users to buy 'cash', as I call it, with real...
  10. Q

    MySQL queries ..?

    I've recently constructed my own store and currency system from scratch, with the help from a few tutorials and careful examination of Brandon's script of course. I've gotten as far as the currency, store and store adoption process - heck, everything's working except one tiny simple thing...
  11. Q

    Where to edit content and side-menu? [Answered]

    A real noob question, I know, but I've been looking everywhere to no avail. :(
  12. Q

    A 2-column table?

    Does anyone know how to display the user's adoptables in a two-column table? What I was after was something like this: [Name and image][Stats/manage link] [Name and image][Stats/manage link] [Name and image][Stats/manage link] [Name and image][Stats/manage link] ...And so on Could anyone write...
  13. Q

    Friends list and Message alerts?

    I'm not sure if these are set to be released any time soon, but then again there isn't really a list... is there? Anyway, they're both pretty self-explanatory. The Friends List would grants users the ability to add profiles to a list, kind of like bookmarking them. This would maybe fir nicely...
  14. Q

    Multiple multiple outcomes..?

    As in more than one alternate outcome? Perhaps as a donator's mod yeah? Maybe a tree-like system, so at level 2 there are 2 outcomes, and level three there are 2 for each outcomes - a total of four final outcomes? Of course I'd be happy with several final outcomes without the in-between ones...
  15. Q

    Failed Login..?

    I know that the new release will fix this up with the password reset coming to play, but I thought I'd mention this anyway. I've had a consistent stream of users who could not log in, even when their browser auto-filled the password form and even when they tried every password they have. I have...
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