Login troubles & other things

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Nov 19, 2012
Mysidian Dollar
So I recently started working on an adoptables site and my friend who is helping me test out stuff doesn't seem to be able to log into the site. We've tried password resets, deleting accounts, even reinstalling the website and nothing seems to be working. I know little to nothing about coding so I'm not sure if I have broken anything. Also when I try to access the login.php page there is nothing there?

Another thing is that when I tried to upload adoptable images, they wouldn't show up, and only seem to work if I use an outside hoster for them.

So is there any way to fix these problems?
Well first of all, what version of this script are you using? If you are using Mys v1.3.1, you shouldnt have problem with image uploading unless the file extension is not supported(yes, it must be jpg, png or gif).

Umm another case with login issues... Does your friend use some kind of special characters in the username or password? At this point the script only supports standard alphanumeric characters, so if your username contains greek or spanish characters these wont work out. Also if your friend is not from the same country as yours, your host may have blocked the IP.
I do believe that I am using the most recent version of the script. When I upload the images it tells me that the upload is successful and then when I check the images that I have, none show up. And all the images I upload are .pngs

And no he only uses regular characters with a regular name. He also lives in the same state as I do.
umm thats weird, these shouldnt happen... Did you change the CMD of your picuploads folder and its subfolders to 777? This may fix your problem, but I aint quite sure if this is the cause. Also did you consult with your host? Perhaps remote upload is disabled on your server?
Yes all of my uploads folders are CHMOD'd to 777 and when I check my files the images are all there they just aren't showing up.

I seem to be finding a ton of stuff thats wrong and honestly I do not know if I broke anything or if its the script itself.
Interesting, mind showing me exactly what goes wrong? Theres a chance you set up the wrong script path of your adoptables site so the images were being uploaded to somewhere else rather than the picsupload directory.
Another problem I have is that the profile page always breaks on the themes:

And here are the Images not showing up:

The image that one is supposed to be is
Well the profile page does break the theme, you aint the only one having the problem. Its a glitch we havent been able to fix, sorry about that. In fact even in the upcoming Mys v1.3.2 I have yet to find a solution to it.

The image not showing up means that you havent uploaded the images correctly. Like I told you, have you checked your domain and script path info in your config.php and make sure they work? If these two variables do not produce correct values, you end up with a wrong path for picuploads directory. This will prevent the image from being uploaded.

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