We so badly need a simple way to sell Pets and Items and get our currency from that sale, a way to list them on a page, lets say, in a shop would work too.
A simple way, that anyone can understand and use.
I want to sell a pet or item .. I list it, for the price in my currency .. someone sees it and likes its image and details . buys it ... I get the money and they get the pet or item ..
The Trade System is complex and while its good for trading, I feel we badly need a simple across the board way to list and sell and buy
Something like the way we can set up our sites to offer these adoptshops and itemshops - but private, so there's a members buy and sell.
A simple way, that anyone can understand and use.
I want to sell a pet or item .. I list it, for the price in my currency .. someone sees it and likes its image and details . buys it ... I get the money and they get the pet or item ..
The Trade System is complex and while its good for trading, I feel we badly need a simple across the board way to list and sell and buy
Something like the way we can set up our sites to offer these adoptshops and itemshops - but private, so there's a members buy and sell.